Effie Melody White
apologizes for his role in handicapping her career, and Effie records C.C.
One of "The James Early Band"
Little Albert and the Tru-Tones
Curtis Taylor, Jr., C.C. I Miss You Old Friend
Faith in Myself
1988 Nominee
Dreamgirls (Revival, Musical, Broadway) opened in New York City Sep 24, 2001 and played through Sep 24, 2001. Though Jimmy Early and the Dreamettes' first performance together is successful ("Fake Your Way to the Top"), Jimmy is desperate for new material. Film Executive
Lorrell Robinson
Deena Jones, Dreams and Company
James Thunder Early and Dreamettes
C.C. 1988 Nominee
One of "The James Early Band"
to meet and reconcile with Effie at a recording studio ("I Miss You, Old Friend").
One of "The James Early Band"
Deena Jones, Lorrell Robinson, C.C. Theatre Owned / Operated by
While waiting backstage to go on, Jimmy finds himself in another argument with Lorrell as to the nature of their relationship and when, or if, Jimmy will tell his wife about their affair ("Ain't No Party"). One of "The Five Tuxedoes"
Dreamgirls es un musical de Broadway de 1981.
The early sixties through the early seventies.
One of "Les Style"
Musical Supervisor:
Fake Your Way to the Top
James Thunder Early and Dreamettes
Curtis attempts to transform Jimmy Early into a In 1967, the group – now known as "Deena Jones and the Dreams" – is set to make their By 1972, Deena Jones and the Dreams have become the most successful girl group in the country ("Act II Opening"Deena Jones and the Dreams and Jimmy Early perform at a National Democratic fundraiser, on a bill featuring such groups as The Five Tuxedos ("Got to Be Good Times").
Takin' the Long Way Home
As Jimmy pleads to Lorrell through his music ("I Meant You No Harm"), Deena tries to help Lorrell successfully resolve her situation, and Jackie convinces the artistically frustrated C.C. Ensemble