With just 1.7in over 7 days, rain may be scarce during your stay. What is the average humidity in November in Belgrade? The climate is relatively cool in that locality in the month of november, but it is liveable by dressing hot. The climate is quite cool there in november, but it is bearable by dressing warm. How sunny is it in Belgrade in November? The climate is quite cold here in the month of november, but it is livable when dressing hot. With just 1.7in over 7 days, rain may be scarce during your stay.In the month of november, the mean temperature in Novi Sad is 50°F (maximum temperature is 56°F and minimum temperature is 45°F). Select a month to view Serbia sunrise & sunset times for the next twelve months.
The percentage indicates the possibility of having the weather indicated.In november, the mean temperature in Belgrade is 50°F (maximum temperature is 56°F and minimum temperature is 43°F). The weather in Serbia can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. How are weather conditions in Serbia in november? With just 1.4in over 7 days, the rain will not be a problem during your vacations.In the month of november, maximum temperature is 50°F and minimum temperature is 41°F (for an average temperature of 47°F). Look at weather averages and our opinion here.In this section, you have access to the weather forecast for november for most popular cities in Serbia. The country can be affected by cold air masses of Siberian origin as well as by warm air masses from the Mediterranean Sea or even from Africa, so the temperature can vary greatly depending on weather situation.