When soon after her death, two European reverend sisters whom she had visited shortly before were found murdered at Djoum, it was alleged that they had been killed because they must have known the truth surrounding the circumstances of her death. À part le maréchal Mobutu Sese Seko qui avait assassiné son épouse Marie Antoinette, aucun autre chef d’État africain n’avait fait le déplacement pour venir assister à l’inhumation de celle que tout le monde appellait affectueusement ” maman “.
Comments are moderated and will not appear until approved by the author. In connection with the death of officially died after a short illness, First Lady of Cameroon and the simultaneous absence of Paul Biya's at a conference in Dakar, arrived in Cameroon rumors that the death of Jeanne- Irène Biya was arrangierterweise come in an unnatural way into being and the President
It will answer our worries as we declare our desires to heaven in Jesus name.
mama irene u will forever remain in our hearts...RIPI heard he was a woman of valor, full of light. but then a day shall for retribution. She was a good woman. Africa is a good place but president like Paul Biya makes it look bad in the eyes of the world.
To be accurate, Motaze is from President Paul Biya’s home constituency and he is also a nephew to late Jeanne-Irène Biya… The marriage of the born as Jeanne- Irène Biya Atyam first wife with the later Cameroonian President was on September 2, 1961 in Antony, a southern suburbs of Paris, instead. this is an extract of a song composed by one time president of FATRADANCA Buea, Pa Samuel N. Molua, for the fallen first lady.I know for sure she was murdered and her husband, president Paul Biya, planned for her to be killed. An excerpt from Dibussi Tande, Reform and Repression: A Chronicle of the Smoldering Years, 1990-1992. Jeanne-Irène Biya. I was in Yaounde when this unfortunate news broke out. The truth shall still be known even in heaven. This brief posting beautifully captures the national mood at the time. This happy day has not come as a surprise, it is the result of hard struggle. He studied at the Lycée General Leclerc, Yaoundé, and in France at the Lycée Louis-le-Grand, Paris, going on to the Institut des hautes études d’Outre-Mer, where he graduated in1961 with a Higher Education Diploma in Public Law. Paul Biya will never see peace in his life and I had a dream he will be blind and suffer till his dead. Go and look at Matthew 18:18in the Bible. We thank God for all what happened because it was let go because it was His will. This is one of the most simple and effective Cameroon Tribune Frontpages ever; not "the mother of the nation is dead" or "the nation mourns the special one", etc., just a simple "madam is dead." Elle s'appellait Jeanne Irene Biya née Monengono Atcham. This weblog is based on DIBUSSI TANDE's personal views on people, places, issues and events in Cameroon, Africa and the world!Mr. God bless Africa!! After Jeanne-Irène Biya died on 29 July 1992, Paul Biya married Chantal Biya (37 years his junior) on 23 April 1994, and had two more children with her. Aucune Première dame amie à Jeanne Irène Biya n’était venue assister à l’enterrement . Error type: Paul Biya was born in the village of Mvomeka’athe South Region of Cameroon.
How can light leave with darkness? You are currently signed in as She was succeeded by Chantal Biya as first lady of Cameroon. !i think the editor in chief pof caùmerron tribune at that time was a great man.The words are clear,sincere,honest and carry the weight of the event:Mme is dead.Its really sad; we just hope the truth shall out some day about the sudden death of this woman...This post actually refreshed my mind. Congratulations to the architects of this resounding victory and masses of the population who have in their various ways contributed to the success.I wish to say how happy we of the Southern Cameroons are... We look forward to seeing you enter courageously among the sovereign nations of the world.