Percentage of the total population living in households in which a given language is spoken at home. Quechua is spoken throughout the South American Andes Mountains region; the Quechua speakers in Argentina are … Portuguese is the official language as well as the most widely spoken language in Brazil. Many individuals learn a foreign language as part of their primary and secondary education. Talking about the languages spoken in Brazil, the most spoken language is Portuguese, which is spoken by an estimated 204 million speakers, the largest that can be seen in any nation on earth.

But what about Catalan, German, Japanese and Tikuna?

However, it is hardly spoken well by individuals who have not taken specific education in the language, due to the substantial differences in The 21st century has seen the growth of a trend of co-official languages in cities populated by immigrants (such as Italian and German) or indigenous in the north, both with support from the The first municipality to adopt a co-official language in Brazil was Officialization of languages as a linguistic or cultural heritageBrazilian states with linguistic heritages officially approved statewideBrazilian municipalities that have some language as intangible cultural heritageMunicipalities that have co-official indigenous languagesMunicipalities that have co-official allochthonous languagesMunicipalities that have co-official Talian language (Municipalities that have co-official East Pomeranian languageMunicipalities that have co-official Plattdüütsch (Low German) languageMunicipalities that have co-official language HunsrikMunicipalities in which the teaching of the German language is mandatoryMunicipalities in which the teaching of the Italian language is mandatoryOfficialization of languages as a linguistic or cultural heritageBrazilian states with linguistic heritages officially approved statewideBrazilian municipalities that have some language as intangible cultural heritageMunicipalities that have co-official indigenous languagesMunicipalities that have co-official allochthonous languagesMunicipalities that have co-official Talian language (Municipalities that have co-official East Pomeranian languageMunicipalities that have co-official Plattdüütsch (Low German) languageMunicipalities that have co-official language HunsrikMunicipalities in which the teaching of the German language is mandatoryMunicipalities in which the teaching of the Italian language is mandatoryAccording to the Brazilian Constitution, article 13: "German" here meaning varied Germanic dialects spoken in Germany and other countries, not standard German.

This is especially true in areas of the country that are close to its English is often taught as a second language in schools in Brazil, and many Brazilians also partake in private English classes.
The rest live in Argentina (27,000).The penultimate language on our list is Japanese, spoken by about 412,000 people in South America. Most of them live in Brazil (1.5 million), but others live in Argentina (400,000), Ecuador (112,000), Paraguay (58,000), Uruguay (27,000) and Chile (20,000).The fifth most spoken language in South America is Italian, with about 1.5 million speakers. The country's official language is Portuguese, a relic of Portuguese colonialism.

The Brazilian Sign Language also has official status at the federal level. 380,000 Japanese speakers live in Brazil, while Argentina is home to the other 32,000.Dutch just barely beat out French for tenth most spoken language.

Nearly 210 million South Americans speak Spanish, with the largest number living in Colombia — about 47.2 million.
We decided to dig a little deeper and explore the most spoken languages in South America.

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