The sci-fi series follows spacecraft pilot and rookie cop Ash (Steyn), who’s rising career gets cut short when she is imprisoned for a false crime. Already follow sternsavannah? 1,424 Followers, 2,066 Following, 590 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Savannah Stein (@savannah.stein) This page has details on her comedy-related work. Savannah Steyn is an actor. Log In Sign Up View the profiles of people named Savanna Steyn. Intergalactic is set in the future where the population of Earth is governed by a global authority, the Commonworld. 157 Followers, 368 Following, 145 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Savannah Steyn (@sugargrungeprincess) Log in to see their photos and videos.. Search. Ash will be at the centre of a high-security breakout that will see a gang of female prisoners pursue freedom across the stars. The sci-fi series follows spacecraft pilot and rookie cop Ash (Steyn), who’s rising career gets cut short when she is imprisoned for a false crime.