Throughout the showdown that followed, he insulted and expressed bewilderment at Jaime's nature. Despite being described as a fool by the Blackfish, Edmure was not a bad person nor a true fool, as he was capable of recognizing and apologizing for his mistakes. This is not to say he is a complete incompetent, but he is not very well suited to be a wartime leader. Durant le dîner après le mariage, il parle beaucoup avec Roslin et ils semblent tous deux beaucoup s'amuser. Although he successfully warded off Gregor Clegane, his victory cost the northmen more than if he had followed his orders. When Walder learns of this, he summons Edmure into the main hall. Jaime is angry, but keeps his word to Edmure. Edmure is not a POV character in the novels; his actions are witnessed and interpreted through the POV of Catelyn (in the first three novels) and Jaime (in the fourth novel). Il arbore une chevelure hirsute et une barbe fournie[1]. I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. The Blackfish orders his men not to let him in, as he knows that Edmure is coming to demand the surrender of the Tully garrison. The Blackfish is an old man and is willing to die for honor's sake, Jaime reasons, but Edmure has much of his life still ahead of him and would rather live by surrendering. Ultimately Tywin attempted to force a crossing of the Red Fork to return to the Westerlands, but in heavy fighting was repulsed by Edmure's forces. Edmure reluctantly agrees to his terms. His proud nature led him to refer to Robb, his king, as his nephew, much to the chagrin of his uncle Brynden, with whom he frequently clashed.
After the celebration, however, Walder is Edmure assents to Bran's election as King of the Andals and the First Men.Edmure is at some point released and takes part in the trial of Edmure was a well-meaning but often impetuous man.
Il passera sa nuit de noces avec Roslin qui tombera enceinte. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history. Edmure Tully est un personnage récurrent dans la troisième, sixième et huitième saison de Game of Thrones. Cadet de sœurs à la forte personnalité, il pense que son père ne l'estime pas à sa juste valeur et en souf… Just as the boat is about to disappear around a bend of the river, After the funeral, Ser Brynden chides his nephew for Edmure advises Robb after Rickard Karstark's treason.Robb urges Edmure to secure an alliance with House Frey.Robb tells him that if he refuses, his alliance with the Freys is dead. George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire novels feature a sizable cast of characters. Despite the fact that he manages to move his captor with his words, he prompts Jaime to graphically threaten the life of Edmure's infant son, causing Edmure to reluctantly agree. Edmure's bride is escorted down the aisle by her father, Walder Frey.Edmure and Roslin join hands, which the septon begins wrapping a ribbon around.The septon "ties the knot" around Edmure and Roslin's hands while reciting the prayers.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
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Orgueilleux et susceptible, il peut se montrer des plus bornés s'il est blessé dans sa fierté. Au moment de choisir un nouveau souverain, Edmure Tully se lève et fait valoir ses compétences aux autres seigneurs afin qu'ils le soutiennent à l'accession au trône. The Lannister-Frey army enters Riverrun, but as Jaime had hoped, it is a peaceful surrender and no lives are lost. Jaime mentions that despite Edmure only spending his wedding night with his new wife Edmure refuses, and incredulously asks Jaime if he actually thinks himself to be a decent person. Edmure essaie trois fois d'allumer le bûcher mais vise à côté, son oncle le pousse alors et le fait lui-même. When they hold a knife to Edmure's throat and threaten to cut his throat, the Blackfish calls their bluff and dares them to, knowing that if Edmure dies, the only chance the Freys have of taking the castle is by attacking it.
It is unknown what he thought of Lysa, or how he reacted to her death (or if he heard of it at all).
Edmure did love his family, especially his sister Catelyn.