Il fallut attendre 23 ans pour que sa tombe soit correctement aménagée ; elle est actuellement entretenue par l'Association polonaise des comédiens de théâtre et de cinéma. Deux ans plus tard, il envisage de retourner aux États-Unis, à peine la guerre de Sécession terminée mais il succombe à une attaque en août 1867 durant un voyage à Łódź où on l'enterre au cimetière évangélique. In 1820, A second African Free School was built in 1820 on Mulberry Street. It is not very well known in specifics what he did these twenty years. They had four children: Irene Luranah, Ira Frederick and Amanda Aldridge, who all went on to musical careers, the two girls as opera singers. Hi success on the continent soon swept him back to London and the prestigious Covent Garden Theatre where he was invited to play Othello. Les uns soulignent un relatif manque d'expérience du jeune acteur, qui va devoir jouer dans cinq pièces successives. The Surrey theater was one of the more important of the minor theaters in London. ATTENTION: Please help us feed and educate children by uploading your old homework! He subsequently performed extensively in Great Britain and Ireland. His mother was Lurranah. Au rang du répertoire, on compte une grande quantité de ballades et de chansons sur la condition noire qui eurent un impact sensible sur la construction de l'identité afro-américaine à partir de la fin du XIXe siècle. Ira Aldridge jouant Aaron dans Titus Andronicus de William Shakespeare, gravure[7] vers 1852. He was buried with many honors and was mourned by all. En 2002, l'historien Molefi Kete Asante l'a distingué dans son ouvrage intitulé 100 Greatest African Americans[8]. He received honors from monarchs, princes and heads of state. He never used stage tricks, gross exaggerations or vulgarity to please the crowds. Over worked and exhaustion would not allow him to recover. The first one was the Park Theater that opened in 1798.Two frequent actors were Brits by the names of James and Henry Wallack. Daniel desperately wanted to send Ira to theological school. He also pushed social boundaries by playing opposite white actresses in England and becoming known as the preeminent Shakespearean actor and tragedian of the 19th Century. He is remembered not only as a talented thespian but also as a very visible representative of his race, someone who changed European perceptions of black people through the sheer brilliance of his artistry on stage. Many people tried to view his performances. The records are unclear about Ira Aldridge’s heritage. Born in New York City, Aldridge went to the African Free School in New York City at aged 13. Le 20 avril 1865, Ira épouse en secondes noces l'actrice londonienne d'origine suédoise Amanda von Brandt (?-1915) qui est sa maîtresse depuis 1846 et dont est issu un enfant naturel en 1847. ), enseignant, émigre en. 2. That wasn’t good enough. Let us do your homework! His first Continental tour in 1852-1855 had been a spectacular success, and though he returned to Britain periodically afterwards, he spent much of the remainder of his career entertaining audiences in central and eastern Europe, mainly in Ukraine and Russia. Ira never explicitly disobeyed his father, but even Daniel eventually began to realize that Ira had already decided on his career, the theater. He was sent to Schenactedy College, near New York to study theology. In France he represented ” for the first time a hero of tragedy speaking and walking like a common mortal, void of exaggeration either in posture or exclamation”. La critique devient ensuite unanimement positive quand Aldridge décroche le rôle-titre dans Othello ou le Maure de Venise, sa troisième pièce pour le Royal Coburg : l'acteur a fait d'énormes progrès, sa diction est désormais proche de la perfection, ce que souligne l'ensemble de la presse. The following ISBNs are associated with this title: Sign up to get exclusive offers, the best in books & more.Plus, enjoy 10% off your next online purchase over $50.†.