Find out if you’re eligible to apply for a prioritised test and/or appointment. Instructions. Now it’s time to upgrade your licence by passing the Hazard Perception Test. Behaviour Change Program approved provider requirements instead, that's up to driving instructors and parents to set the example. For, Hazard Perception Test For some of the other states, if you book online you must pay using a MasterCard or Visa credit card. There are generally three options for booking a test:The payment requirement (you have to pay to take the HPT) for each booking method may differ so check before you start the booking process. Click here to be taken to the Practice Test 1 for the Hazard Perception Test (HPT) Driving Test VIC provides information on each question and the appropriate response. It aims to ensure you have enough hazard perception skills to prepare you for solo driving and progress to a P1 licence. The HPT is a computer-based touch screen test. Please avoid visiting a Customer Service Centre unless your matter is urgent. You will be contacted within 5 business days of submitting your application (excludes weekends and public holidays). We may request further information to support your application if required.If we accept your application for a prioritised test and/or appointment, you’ll receive a confirmation email and a phone call to book the relevant appointment(s).Please tell us why (but don't leave your personal details here - Find resources and information about Victorian transport on the following websites.Beginning of dialog window. Established in 2019, we've brought our years of experience in driving and online tech to give you a platform designed to help you ace your New South Wales driver tests. You have a year on your learners under your belt. So, keep using our free online tests until you’re confident you are ready for the real test. Sign up to a myVicRoads account to choose three or six monthly regoYour credit card/bank account details have now been updated. 'No thanks' will close this window.Beginning of dialog window. Making it easier to move around on Melbournes roads This section will give you a taste of the skills needed to pass the hazard perception test. The Vicroads Hazard Perception Test was introduced to the licensing process in 1996 to add an extra level of assessment to new drivers. Hazard Perception Test Demo. When driving, make sure to scan for hazards around you. Beginning of dialog window. Practise the Hazard Perception Test. So, start learning how to spot hazards and how to react in these situations and get ready to pass the actual test.The practice questions are structured just like the actual test. Tests are taken at a VicRoads Customer Service Centre. But you’ll also need to practice before sitting the test.Often considered the hardest part of the theory test, the Hazard Perception Test can throw you off. But when you practice with us, you can pass on your first try.Ready to tackle the NSW hazard perception test? There are five (5) different sections, each with seven (7) questions.
If you would experience undue hardship as a result of not being able to access VicRoads’ services, you may be eligible to apply to VicRoads to undertake a: Light vehicle drive tests; Hazard perception tests; Learners tests It is a promotion for MyLearners. learn that from the get go. So, you want to maximise when you move from the learner licence to the P1.If your community is over 100 kilometres from the nearest hazard perception test centre, then you can seek a waiver of the HPT requirement to upgrade to a P1 licence. Then you’ll have to select the correct response to each situation.Good hazard perception skills can help to prevent road accidents. But no matter which state you’re in, you must take the hazard perception test at least once in your lifetime as a driver.The hazard perception test is generally 15 questions that focus on identifying hazards and how to avoid them. Or, you can make it much easier to pass if you practice the questions online.Then, once you’re ready to take the real test, you just need to book the hazard perception test at the exam centre closest to you.Once you’re ready to sit the test, it’s a simple process to book in your state.