As a result, there are multiple ways to write a single French sound. But contrary to a popular myth, you don’t need to live in France to reap the benefits of immersion and successfully learn French. Oh, how I tried. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself! Un peu plus loin, à droite, c'est la chambre de Lucie. Quelques instants plus tard, elle arrive en gare de Versailles. Ton premier jour en France ? Learning to read French will help you learn more about sentence and paragraph structure and put words you know vocally into a visual context.

Mais elle se dit que Versailles n'est qu'à quelques minutes en train de la grande ville de Paris, et qu'il y a aussi plusieurs attractions à Versailles. Lucie lui propose d'aller voir le château de Versailles, qui n'est qu'à quelques pas de chez elles. C'est la plus grande collection d'antiquités au monde hors musée. It's not just learners of Spanish who struggle here.

Each one includes a story or article, study guide, and test. The Taj Mahal 7. Une fois arrivée, elle cherche le quai du train pour Versailles. Elle continue, et à gauche, il y a la salle de bain avec la chambre de Joséphine juste en face. One of the tricky things about French is that the written and spoken languages are quite different. Le Hameau était un cadeau de Louis XVI à sa reine quand c'était à la mode d'imiter les paysans. She rings the yellow doorbell next to "Joséphine Gérard." A [...] Elle le trouve juste en face du poste de police, dans une petite maison en brique. These news sites, which post updates frequently because, well…they’re news sites, will keep you supplied with a steady stream of easy-to-read French content! Solar System 4. THIS is how I learn a language in 3 months. Below you will find a three-part story about Lucie that was written in French by Melissa Marshall and is published here with permission. A little farther, to the right, is Lucie's room. Following your review of each text, answer the questions of comprehension in our online exercises, and we'll evaluate it immediately. En silence, Lucie la suit. There are websites out there that let you search for people to talk with, but with these websites the actual conversation happens [...] She puts all of her things in the corner, jumps onto the bed, and stretches her arms and legs. Elles se promènent dans les jardins, où se trouvent plus de 300 statues, de vases et d'autres antiquités. This page on provides you with several excerpts in French that you can read and then do a quiz to check your comprehension.For each excerpt, first click “Lire” to read the text, then click “Étudier” to see a list of key vocabulary from the excerpt along with the English translations. Enfin. This post is about my summer spent in Istanbul some summary points of the Turkish language for you! The goal of this lesson is for you to figure out the story for yourself, not to compare English and French translations.

French texts for beginners (A1/A2) and intermediates (B1/B2) to practice your French reading and comprehension skills. is a superb website that provides a simple, condensed way to learn the basics of vocabulary and grammar for many languages.The French section features several reading samples, each accompanied by a spoken recording. It covers virtually every French sound, including those not found in English, and teaches you not only how to read them and use them in real words, but also how to pronounce them.This is handy for beginners, because although the French alphabet is identical to the English alphabet, many of the letters sound very different. Elle prend le RER qui la mène directement à la Gare St. Lazare, en centre-ville. « Je suis enfin arrivée chez moi », se dit-elle.

Leur projet c'est d'aller voir les Jardins, le Grand Trianon et le Petit Trianon.

You wouldn’t believe the variety of genres that are available today, for every taste imaginable: horror, romance, drama, parody…you name it! Amilova is a huge online community for graphic novel enthusiasts, containing almost a thousand high-quality stories in their entirety, available to read free online.The big advantage of using graphic novels to help improve your French is that many of them are strongly dialogue-orientated. You can do this with individual novels of course, but bilingual books are ideal, as their side-by-side translations make it easy to compare equivalent words and phrases in the two languages.
If you want pure reading practice without the audio, just click the pause button any time to pause the recording and focus on reading.If you want to expand your knowledge of classic French literature, this is one of the best places to start. Lucie a entendu parler du fait que le café est très fort en France, du genre qui te réveille vite. Use the arrow keys to jump backwards and forward within the audio. Don't they both mean “we eat”? And finally... One of the best ways to learn a new language is with podcasts. Girls give each other two kisses, guys give two kisses to girls, and guys shake each other's hands. We do all this to say hello." Click on any word, and the audio will jump to that location.

Most of our French stories have a hide/reveal the English translation button in the bottom right corner of the page.
With just one click, ImTranslator speaks any text aloud in a natural sounding human voice. Joséphine rit quand elle entend cette histoire. Elle met toutes ses affaires dans un coin, s'allonge sur le lit, étend les jambes et les bras. You’ll also get valuable insight into an essential aspect of French history and culture, Instead of just reading in French, why not test yourself to see how well you understand what you’re reading?

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