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Stretch Reflex Stretching the muscle activates the muscle spindle Excited motor neurons of the spindle cause the stretched muscle to contract
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Human body is made up of tissues and cells. Here is the list of 4 types of tissues, their role and functions in the body.
Muscles express giant polypeptides with kinase domains, but the in vivo significance of their catalytic activity has been unknown.
control of gene expression an overview of gene expression how transcriptional switches work the molecular mechanisms that create specialized cell types
What Is a Sleep Cycle? A sleep cycle refers to the period of time it takes for an individual to progress through the stages of sleep outlined above.
Submissions from 2014. Amoroso, Jon William (2014) Reactive Probes for Manipulating Polyketide Synthases, and Photoreactive Probes for Strained Alkyne Click Chemistry
Figure 5.3 Midsagittal cross-section of cerebellum showing the three primary lobes of the cerebellum.
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