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Welcome to Dream Essays. Custom Term Paper and Essay Writing Services, Custom Research Papers for School Background Essay What is the American Dream? James Truslow Adams, in his book The Epic of America, which was written in 1931, stated that the American dream is "that ... (A major theme in The Great Gatsby is the pursuit of what can be termed the American dream. Do you agree? By choosing a major character or a situation in Like scabies and syphilis, Manic Pixie Dream Girls were with us long before they were accurately named. It was the critic Nathan Rabin who coined the term in a review ... When I coined the term “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” in an essay about the movie “Elizabethtown” in 2007, I never could have imagined how that phrase ... Different peoples have different goals in their life. There are various professions like engineer, teacher, scientist, lecturer , doctor etc. PSA! DoSomething.org Has a TON of Scholarship Opportunities Right Now. SPOILER: college is crazy-expensive. Sorry. Did we spoil it? There are... Every Tuesday and Thursday for the next year, "My Year Of Flops" revisits a notorious cinematic failure to determine whether they're a Failure, a Fiasco or a ... Life Accomplishment Essay The two accomplishments that I have achieved, is graduating from high school and starting a new phase in my life by starting college. Along with millions of jobs and 401(k)s, the concept of a shared national ideal is said to be dying. But is the American Dream really endangered, or has it simply ... @@@Dream life essay