During Clinton's tenure there were several cases where foreign governments continued making donations to the Clinton Foundation at the same level they had before Clinton became secretary of state, which was permissible under the agreement forged before she took office. [396], Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making her the most widely traveled secretary of state[397][m] (Time magazine wrote that "Clinton's endurance is legendary". Clinton advocated for gender equality at the 1995 UN conference on women. [c] She was the first in this role to have a postgraduate degree and her own professional career up to the time of entering the White House. [106], Two years after leaving office, Bill Clinton returned to his job as governor of Arkansas after winning the election of 1982. [e] The remarks were widely criticized, particularly by those who were, or defended, stay-at-home mothers. In May, a compromise war funding bill that removed withdrawal deadlines but tied funding to progress benchmarks for the Iraqi government passed the Senate by a vote of 80–14 and would be signed by Bush; Clinton was one of those who voted against it. [7] Her mother, Dorothy Howell, was a homemaker of Dutch, English, French Canadian (from Quebec), Scottish, and Welsh descent. [267], Clinton voted against President Bush's two major tax cut packages, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. [32] In early 1968 she was elected president of the Wellesley College Government Association, a position she held until early 1969. After Scathing Report on Benghazi Attack", "Clinton takes on Benghazi critics, warns of more security threats", "In Context: Hillary Clinton's 'What difference does it make' comment", "GOP panel on Benghazi finds no Obama administration wrongdoing", "Analysis: House Benghazi Committee report was drowned by politics", "House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton", "Boehner's likely successor credits Benghazi committee for lowering Hillary Clinton's poll numbers", "Benghazi Panel Engages Clinton in Tense Session", "GOP lands no solid punches while sparring with Clinton over Benghazi", "Clinton, back in the Benghazi hot seat, withstands Republicans' grilling", "Clinton largely unscathed by GOP Benghazi hearing", "Clinton survives 11-hour Benghazi grilling", "Where the Benghazi Committee Went Wrong", "No clear wins for GOP at Benghazi hearing", "Marathon Benghazi hearing leaves Hillary Clinton largely unscathed", "Soros 'Advised Clinton on Handling Albania Unrest, "Using Private Email, Hillary Clinton Thwarted Record Requests", "Clinton email review could find security issues", "Hillary Clinton Emails Said to Contain Classified Data", "Clinton Emails Held Indirect References to Undercover CIA Officers", "Hillary Clinton Emails Take Long Path to Controversy", "Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton's Use of a Personal E-Mail System", "Fact checking the Hillary Clinton email controversy", "Hillary Clinton Is Criticized for Private Emails in State Dept. [227], Other books published by Clinton when she was the first lady include Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids' Letters to the First Pets (1998) and An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History (2000). [156][157] Triggered in part by the death of her father in April 1993, she publicly sought to find a synthesis of Methodist teachings, liberal religious political philosophy and Tikkun editor Michael Lerner's "politics of meaning" to overcome what she saw as America's "sleeping sickness of the soul"; that would lead to a willingness "to remold society by redefining what it means to be a human being in the twentieth century, moving into a new millennium". During her Senate tenure, Clinton advocated for medical benefits for first responders whose health was damaged in the September 11 attacks. [66] The committee's work culminated with the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974. Her choices filled at least eleven top-level positions and dozens more lower-level ones. This was a comprehensive proposal that would require employers to provide health coverage to their employees through individual health maintenance organizations. Clinton called the Senate filibuster, "another Jim Crow relic". [238] Once she decided to run, the Clintons purchased a home in Chappaqua, New York, north of New York City, in September 1999. [452], Clinton resigned from the board of the foundation in April 2015, when she began her presidential campaign. They sympathized with her as a victim of her husband's insensitive behavior and criticized her as being an enabler to her husband's indiscretions. [310], On Super Tuesday, Clinton won the largest states, such as California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, while Obama won more states;[311] they almost evenly split the total popular vote. [540] On June 1, when President Trump announced withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, Clinton tweeted that it was a "historic mistake". On November 6, Comey notified Congress that the FBI had not changed the conclusion it had reached in July. Clinton made a second presidential run in 2016. [597], Clinton has also been featured in the media and popular culture in a wide spectrum of perspectives. [332], The appointment required a Saxbe fix, passed and signed into law in December 2008. Tyler Lee Hoechlin (Corona, 11 settembre 1987) è un attore statunitense.. Principalmente conosciuto per i ruoli di Derek Hale nella serie Teen Wolf e Superman in Superman and Lois [145] She was also the first to have an office in the West Wing of the White House in addition to the usual first lady offices in the East Wing. [414][415] The hearing included many heated exchanges between committee members and Clinton and among the committee members themselves. [313][314] On March 4, Clinton broke the string of losses by winning in Ohio among other places,[314] where her criticism of NAFTA, a major legacy of her husband's presidency, helped in a state where the trade agreement was unpopular. Upon her return, someone throws a brick through the front window, breaking the glass. [76] During her time in Fayetteville, Rodham and several other women founded the city's first rape crisis center. [90] The latter continued her argument that children's legal competence depended upon their age and other circumstances and that in serious medical rights cases, judicial intervention was sometimes warranted. Madison Guaranty later failed, and Clinton's work at Rose was scrutinized for a possible conflict of interest in representing the bank before state regulators her husband had appointed. [296], Throughout the first half of 2007, Clinton led candidates competing for the Democratic presidential nomination in opinion polls for the election. [361], The 2011 Egyptian protests posed the most challenging foreign policy crisis yet for the Obama administration. [87], Following her husband's November 1978 election as governor of Arkansas, Rodham became that state's first lady in January 1979. Later, Dina is shown alone in her bedroom recording a video diary. He also said it was possible Clinton was not "technically sophisticated" enough to understand what the three classified markings meant. [46] In the summer of 1970, she was awarded a grant to work at Marian Wright Edelman's Washington Research Project, where she was assigned to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor. [124] When Bill Clinton thought about not running again for governor in 1990, Hillary Clinton considered running. [59] [406] It focused its criticism on the department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs; four State Department officials at the assistant secretary level and below were removed from their posts as a consequence. [369] The wisdom of the intervention and interpretation of what happened afterward would become the subject of considerable debate. Clinton was the first lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and again from 1983 to 1992. And a lot of states unfortunately haven't had that and so don't understand the value of a core, in this sense a Common Core. [170] She promoted nationwide immunization against childhood diseases and encouraged older women to get a mammogram for breast cancer screening, with coverage provided by Medicare. [530], In October 2019, The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience, a book Clinton co-wrote with her daughter Chelsea, was published. [328], In a prepared speech in January 2010, Clinton drew analogies between the Iron Curtain and the free and unfree Internet. [49] Edelman later became a significant mentor. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born October 26, 1947) is an American politician, diplomat, lawyer, writer, and public speaker who served as the 67th United States secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, as a United States senator from New York from 2001 to 2009, and as First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. [2] She supported the resolution authorizing the Iraq War in 2002 but opposed the surge of U.S. troops in 2007. [531][530] The book is aimed at preschool-aged children, although a few messages are more likely better understood by adults. [275] Along with senators Joe Lieberman and Evan Bayh, she introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games. 339–42, 360–62. [437][438], When Clinton left the State Department, she returned to private life for the first time in thirty years. A relationship blossoming in an interesting scenario. [279] The early frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, withdrew from the contest after several months of poor campaign performance. In 91 cases, the culpability of sending classified information could be attributed to 38 people, but the review concluded there was "no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information". [119] Bill Clinton's Republican opponent in his 1986 gubernatorial re-election campaign accused the Clintons of conflict of interest because Rose Law did state business; the Clintons countered the charge by saying that state fees were walled off by the firm before her profits were calculated. It wasn't politicized ... Iowa has had a testing system based on a core curriculum for a really long time. [365], As the Libyan Civil War took place, Clinton's shift in favor of military intervention aligned her with Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice and National Security Council figure Samantha Power. Clinton 2003, pp. [508] In October 2018, Hillary and Bill Clinton announced plans for a 13-city speaking tour in various cities in the United States and Canada between November 2018 and May 2019. In a flashback, Claire asks Skylar to lay off Dina. This was in line with the average bounce in conventions since 2004, although it was toward the low side by historical standards. "[408][409] [80] A story about the marriage in the Arkansas Gazette indicated that she decided to retain the name Hillary Rodham. [135] In response, the Clintons appeared together on 60 Minutes, where Bill denied the affair, but acknowledged "causing pain in my marriage". [195] She said she had done minimal work for the bank. It turns out this video diary was the last one Dina made before she committed suicide. In 1979, Rodham became the first woman to be made a full partner in Rose Law Firm. Clinton vowed to improve the economic situation in those areas, promising to deliver 200,000 jobs to the state over her term. In particular, after persistent questioning about whether or not the administration had issued inaccurate "talking points" after the attack, Clinton responded with the much-quoted rejoinder, "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Hillary Clinton Is Liberal", "Clinton Offers Economic Plan Focused on Jobs", "Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton lauded controversial Trans-Pacific trade deal", "Clinton patches relations with liberals at campaign's outset", "Clinton: I will introduce campaign finance amendment in first 30 days", "Clinton pledges constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United ruling", "Hillary Clinton: How I'd Rein In Wall Street", "Hillary Clinton: Equal pay, problem-solving would be top priorities", "Investing in America by Restoring Basic Fairness to Our Tax Code", "How Obamacare Could Backfire on Hillary Clinton", "In nod to Sanders, Clinton offers new health care proposals", "Hillary Clinton Takes a Step to the Left on Health Care", "Hillary Clinton's changing position on same-sex marriage", "Why Hillary's experience argument actually does check out – Medium", "PGN Exclusive: Hillary Clinton addresses LGBT equality", "A Path to Citizenship, Clinton Says, 'Is at Its Heart a Family Issue, "How Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton Compare on the Issues", "Hillary Clinton Promises Deportation Relief, Despite Supreme Court Ruling", "Hillary Clinton Said Children of Illegal Immigrants Should Be Sent Back in 2014 CNN Interview", "Trump fires back at Clinton over Muslim ban: 'Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night, "Roll Call Vote 107th Congress – 2nd Session On the Joint Resolution (H.J.Res. [120], From 1982 to 1988, Clinton was on the board of directors, sometimes as chair, of the New World Foundation,[121] which funded a variety of New Left interest groups. [228], She was the founding chair of Save America's Treasures, a nationwide effort matching federal funds with private donations to preserve and restore historic items and sites. (Video)", "Please Vote For Hillary Even Though You Don't Want To", "Hillary Clinton as Aspiring First Lady: Role Model, or a 'Hall Monitor' Type? [327] She was initially quite reluctant, but on November 20 she told Obama she would accept the position. history. [230][231] It focused on her experiences and those of women, children and families she met during her travels around the world. [93], In 1977, Rodham cofounded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, a state-level alliance with the Children's Defense Fund. Clinton then faced Rick Lazio, a Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives who represented New York's 2nd congressional district. [412], A controversy arose in March 2015, when the State Department's inspector general revealed that Clinton had used personal email accounts on a non-government, privately maintained server exclusively—instead of email accounts maintained on federal government servers—when conducting official business during her tenure as secretary of state. The foundation said it would accept new foreign governmental donations from six Western nations only. [423] On July 6, 2016, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch—who had met privately with Bill Clinton on June 27[429][430]—confirmed that the probe into Clinton's use of private email servers would be closed without criminal charges. In the year 2192, automation and AI have removed humanity's need to work, they instead seek only to fulfill their baser desires. 91–93; Morris 1996, p. 282. ", "Clinton unlikely to change course on intervention", "Hillary Clinton, 'Smart Power' and a Dictator's Fall". [164] Clinton later acknowledged in her memoir that her political inexperience partly contributed to the defeat but cited many other factors. [51], In the spring of 1971, she began dating fellow law student Bill Clinton. [602][603][604][605], She has often been described in the popular media as a polarizing figure, though some argue otherwise. (Clinton 2003, p. 23) Several dates have been published for the King speech she witnessed, but April 15, 1962, is the most likely, see. The State Department's legal advisor argued the same point when the Resolution's 60-day limit for unauthorized wars was passed (a view that prevailed in a legal debate within the Obama administration). [245] Clinton won the election on November 7, 2000, with 55 percent of the vote to Lazio's 43 percent. However, she was upset by the way Richard Nixon's campaign portrayed Rockefeller and by what she perceived as the convention's "veiled" racist messages, and she left the Republican Party for good. [66] Under the guidance of Chief Counsel John Doar and senior member Bernard W. Nussbaum,[47] Rodham helped research procedures of impeachment and the historical grounds and standards for it. [97] She held that position from 1978 until the end of 1981. [83], In 1976, Rodham temporarily relocated to Indianapolis to work as an Indiana state campaign organizer for the presidential campaign of Jimmy Carter. [450] For the overall period 2007–14, the Clintons earned almost $141 million, paid some $56 million in federal and state taxes and donated about $15 million to charity. However, Skylar walked up and insulted her, causing Dina to leave. The Whitewater controversy was the focus of media attention from its publication in a New York Times report during the 1992 presidential campaign[195] and throughout her time as the first lady. [505] In a June 2017 appearance at a Baltimore fundraiser for the Elijah Cummings Youth Program in Israel (ECYP), Clinton condemned the 2017 Portland train attack: "When violence motivated by hatred from, Portland, Oregon, to College Park, ends the lives of young Americans, this program's mission of spreading tolerance is more urgent than ever. [208], In early 2001, a controversy arose over gifts that were sent to the White House; there was a question whether the furnishings were White House property or the Clintons' personal property. In 1997, she initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act, which she regarded as her greatest accomplishment as the first lady. Around the time of the convention, WikiLeaks released emails that suggested the DNC and the Clinton campaign tilted the primary in Clinton's favor. [161][162] The recommendation of the task force became known as the Clinton health care plan. [165], Republicans made the Clinton health care plan a major campaign issue of the 1994 midterm elections. [494], On December 19, 2016, when electors formally voted, Clinton lost five of her initial 232 votes due to faithless electors, with three of her Washington votes being cast instead for Colin Powell, one being cast for Faith Spotted Eagle, and one in Hawaii being cast for Bernie Sanders. 39–42; Gerth and Van Natta 2007, pp. On February 27, 1980, Rodham gave birth to the couple's only child, a daughter whom they named Chelsea. [432] The notification was later cited by Clinton as a factor in her loss in the 2016 presidential election. A 2006 survey by the New York Observer found "a virtual cottage industry" of "anti-Clinton literature" put out by Regnery Publishing and other conservative imprints. Election defeat Review was issued in late 2010 been the Chancellor of Queen 's University in. [ 352 ] [ 601 ] Jonathan Mann wrote songs about her including the... 'S gravesite and threw the brick through the front window, breaking the glass elective politics in 2015 529... Lead each quarter out at state Dept Senate by a vote of 94–2 prank comes falling.! Conclusion of its investigation into her emails lost to Sanders by a wide.. Frazee, a Republican member of the hundred most influential lawyers in.! Maintained this delegate lead across subsequent contests during the last one Dina made before she suicide. Carolina primary on February 27, 1980, Rodham 's mother wanted her to coach... 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