In 1776 the Anglo-American Thirteen Colonies and the American Revolution successfully gained their independence in 1783, with the help of both the Spanish Empire and Louis XVI's French monarchy. "All branches of the government service will remain without alteration, and that all those presently employed in politics, the church, civilian business, or the military will retain the same positions held at present." Mexico, Biography of Power. The violence of Hidalgo's and Morelos's unorganised army mob was not liked. Despite its having only a vague ideology, Hidalgo's movement demonstrated the massive discontent and power of Mexico's plebeians as an existential threat to the imperial regime. Allende, Jiménez, and Aldama were executed on 26 June 1811, shot in the back as a sign of dishonor. This video is about Mexican Independence, the Grito de Dolores, Father Hidalgo, Iturbide, and the separation from Spain. During the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars Spain fought both as an ally and as an enemy of France and suffered frequent interruptions in its commerce with its American colonies. The "Conspiracy of Querétaro" began forming cells in other Spanish cities in the north, including Celaya, Guanajuato, San Miguel el Grande, now named after Allende. The rioters attacked key symbols of Spanish power and shouted political slogans. This page was last modified on 29 January 2021, at 05:40. Delegates in Spain and overseas territories met in Cádiz, Spain, still under Spanish control, as the Cortes of Cádiz, which drafted the Spanish Constitution of 1812. A few militia men in uniform joined Hidalgo's movement and attempted to create some military order and discipline, but they were few in number. It started on 16 September 1810. Former royalists and old insurgents formed an alliance under the Plan of Iguala and forged the Army of the Three Guarantees. A favorite of the Mexican church hierarchy, Iturbide symbolized conservative creole values; he was devoutly religious and committed to the defense of property rights and social privileges. The Mexican War of Independence (1810–1821) was a war between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial government. His retreat is considered Hidalgo's greatest tactical error[36] and his failure to act "was the beginning of his downfall. Royalist military officer, Antonio López de Santa Anna led amnestied former insurgents, pursuing insurgent leader Guadalupe Victoria. O'Donojú then resigned as viceroy. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, was a Mexican priest and member of a group of educated Criollos in Querétaro. To avert that strategic disaster, which would have left the capital cut off from its main port, viceroy Venegas transferred Calleja from the Bajío to deal with Morelos's forces. The Mexican War of Independence, which lasted from 1810 to 1821, was Mexico's struggle for independence against Spanish colonial rule.It started as an idealistic peasants' rebellion against their colonial masters but finally ended as an unlikely alliance between liberales and conservadores (conservatives) fighting together for Mexico's independence as a sovereign nation. [6] Despite that, there were relatively few challenges to Spanish imperial power before the insurgency for independence in the early nineteenth century, following the French invasion of the Iberian peninsula in 1808. Mexican War of Independence Facts for Kids, Part of the Spanish American wars of independence, Signing of the Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire, Mexico would be an independent kingdom. The "dark virgin" was seen as a protector of dark-skinned Mexicans, and now seen as well as a liberator. The eighteenth and early nineteenth-century Age of Revolution was already underway when the 1808 Napoleonic invasion of the Iberian Peninsula destabilized not only Spain but also Spain's overseas possessions. Unlike the earlier riot in 1624 in which elites were involved and the viceroy ousted, with no repercussions against the instigators, the 1692 riot was by plebeians alone and racially charged. Von Wobeser, Gisela. [7] Another challenge occurred in 1624 when elites ousted the reformist viceroy who sought to break up rackets from which they profited and curtail opulent displays of clerical power. In the 1760s, the colonies had, for the most part, been left alone in their internal affairs. In point 1, he clearly and flatly states that "America is free and independent of Spain." The importance of Catholicism is further emphasized to mandate December 12, the feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, as a day to honor her. When news of the liberal charter reached New Spain, Iturbide perceived it both as a threat to the status quo and a catalyst to rouse the creole elites to gain control of Mexico. Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 10, no 1. The question of equality for all races was a key matter for Guerrero and other insurgents, many of whom were had African ancestry. Charles IV . The Hidalgo revolt touched off the armed insurgency for independence, lasting until 1821. Anna, Timonty E. "The Army of New Spain and the Wars of Independence, 1790–1821". The idea of a Mexican independence goes back to the years after the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. Independence was achieved when conservative Royalist forces in the colonies chose to rise up against the liberal regime in Spain; it was an about-face compared to their previous opposition to the peasant insurgency. On more practical grounds, Morelos built an organized and disciplined military force, while Hidalgo's followers lacked arms, training, or discipline, an effective force that the royal army took seriously. By the time of the first insurrection of the formal War of Mexican Independence in 1810, Gertrudis Bocanegra was already 45 years old. The Haitian Revolution obliterated the slavocracy and gained independence for Haiti in 1804. Love live Christ! Andrews, Catherine. The war of Independence of Mexico was an armed conflict that ended with the aim of dominion of the Spanish Empire on the territory of New Spain in 1821. ", Guedea, Virginia. [55], Iturbide had to persuade royalist officers to change sides and support independence as well as the mixed-race old insurgent forces. [33], They were not organized in any formal fashion, more of a mass movement than an army. Krauze, Enrique. Morelos's troops held out and broke out of the siege, going on to take Antequera, (now Oaxaca). Two of their main leaders were executed, and the rebels found it hard to fight the well-organized Spanish military. In the early 1500s, Spain took … His short-lived reign from 1821 to 1822 ended when he was forced by the military to abdicate. On October 30, Miguel Hidalgo's army fought the Spanish resistance at the Battle of Monte de las Cruces. After the dissolution of the Congress of Chilpancingo, Morelos was captured 5 November 1815, interrogated, was tried and executed by firing squad. Upon hearing the news of the Napoleonic invasion some elites suspected that Iturrigaray intended to declare the viceroyalty a sovereign state and perhaps establish himself as head of a new state. [27][28] Hidalgo was friends with Ignacio Allende, a captain in the regiment of Dragoons in New Spain, who was also among the conspirators. Guedea, Virginia. Hidalgo's early victories gave the movement momentum, but "the lack of weapons, trained soldiers, and good officers meant that except in unusual circumstances the rebels could not field armies capable of fighting conventional battles against the royalists."[34]. The Mexican War of Independence (1810–1821) was a war between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial government. The Mexican American War Facts & Worksheets The Mexican American War facts and information activity worksheet pack and fact file. The Mexican army was ill-prepared to fight against the Americans. In January 1811, Spanish forces fought the Battle of the Bridge of Calderón and the peasant army lost. They are known as the Plan of Iguala. Rayón articulated Elementos constitucionales, which states that "Sovereignty arises directly from the people, resides in the person of Ferdinand VII, and is exercised by the Suprema Junta Gubernativa de América. Instead the members discussed the possibility of a popular rising, similar to one that already had recently been quashed in Valladolid (now Morelia) in 1809 in the name of Ferdinand VII. The movement for independence was inspired by the Age of Enlightenment and the liberal revolutions of the last part of the 18th century. 298–99. In addition to declaring independence from Spain, the Morelos called for the establishment of Catholicism as the only religion (but with certain restrictions), the abolition of slavery and racial distinctions between and of all other nations," going on in point 5 to say, "sovereignty springs directly from the People." The Mexican Empire, 1821–23 The first Mexican Empire spanned only a short transitional period during which Mexico became an independent republic. The Fourth of July. They generally believe that Hidalgo wanted to spare the numerous Mexican citizens in Mexico City from the inevitable sacking and plunder that would have ensued. There was, instead, an American War for Independence in which Americans threw off British authority in order to retain their liberties and self-government. Their proposal would have created a legitimate, representative, and autonomous government in New Spain, but not necessarily breaking from the Spanish Empire. The government focused its resources on defeating Hidalgo's insurgents militarily and in tracking down and publicly executing its leadership. [35] Hidalgo's forces continued to fight and achieved victory. With Napoleon's defeat, Ferdinand VII succeeded to the throne of the Spanish Empire in 1814, and promptly repudiated the constitution and returned to absolutist rule. Death to bad government! Also, many of the most influential criollos did not care any more. Elections were set to send delegates to Spain to participate in the Supreme Central Junta. "[37] Hidalgo moved west and set up headquarters in Guadalajara, where one of the worst incidents of violence against Spanish civilians occurred, a month of massacres from December 12, 1810 (the Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe) to January 13, 1811. Calleja restructured the royal army in an attempt to crush the insurgency, creating commands in Puebla, Valladolid (now Morelia), Guanajuato, and Nueva Galicia, with experienced peninsular military officers to lead them. From 1815 to 1821 most of the fighting for independence from Spain was by guerrilla forces in the tierra caliente (hot country) of southern Mexico and to a certain extent in northern New Spain. The crown imposed new regulations to boost their revenues from their overseas territories, particularly the consolidation of loans held by the Catholic Church. The relationship between Morelos and the Junta soured, with Morelos complaining, "Your disagreements have been of service to the enemy. "Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla" in, Quoted in Isabel Fernández Tejedo and Carmen Nava Nava, “Images of Independence in the Nineteenth Century: The Grito de Dolores, History and Myth,” in, Peterson, Jeanette Favrot. Word of the conspiracy got to crown officials, and the corregidor Domínguez cracked down, but his wife Josefa was able to warn Allende who then alerted Hidalgo. In, Rodríguez O., Jaime E. "The Nature of Representation in New Spain." [49] The formal statement by the Congress of Chilpancingo, the Solemn Act of the Declaration of Independence, is an important formal document in Mexican history, since it declares Mexico an independent nation and lays out its powers as a sovereign state to make war and peace, to appoint ambassadors, and to have standing with the Papacy, rather than indirectly through the Spanish monarch. On Sunday, September 16, 1810 with his parishioners gathered for mass, Hidalgo issued his call to arms, the Grito de Dolores. Father Hidalgo, who initiated the … Hidalgo worked closely with Ignacio de Allende, a nobleman with military training, the plan was for a battle in December 1810. It was a shrewd political move, but none accepted the invitation. For that reason, his reaching an accommodation with the royalist army became a pragmatic move. The captured rebel leaders were found guilty of treason and sentenced to death, except for Mariano Abasolo, who was sent to Spain to serve a life sentence in prison. Since he was not a crown appointee, but rather the leader of a rebel faction, creoles viewed him as an illegitimate representative of the crown. After some Spanish reconquest attempts, including the expedition of Isidro Barradas in 1829, Spain under the rule of Isabella II recognized the independence of Mexico in 1836.[5]. They demanded that their commander-in-chief Iturbide accept the throne. In 1808 viceroy José de Iturrigaray (1803–1808) was in office when Napoleon's forces invaded Iberia and deposed the Spanish monarch Charles IV and Napoleon's brother Joseph was declared the monarch. Following the death of his brother Joaquín in 1803, Hidalgo, who was having money problems due to debts on landed estates he owned, became curate of the poor parish of Dolores. Also important for Morelos's vision of the new nation was equality before the law (point 13), rather than maintaining special courts and privileges (fueros) to particular groups, such as churchmen, miners, merchants, and the military.[48]. They were not a broad independence movement as such. A significant number of white Americans remained loyal to the British crown. A painting by Cristóbal de Villalpando shows the damage of the 1692 tumulto. 2) Describe Spanish rule in Mexico. Although Mexico gained its independence in September 1821, the marking of this historical event did not take hold immediately. [50], With the execution of Morelos in 1815, Vicente Guerrero emerged as the most important leader of the insurgency. There were many causes of the mexican war of independence but some obviously did more changes than others . "[38] In Guadalajara, the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe suddenly disappeared from insurgents' hats and there were many desertions.[39]. [51], In what was supposed to be the final government campaign against the insurgents, in December 1820, Viceroy Juan Ruiz de Apodaca sent a force led by a royalist Colonel Agustín de Iturbide, to defeat Guerrero's army in Oaxaca. Iturrigaray attempted to find a compromise between the two factions, but failed. Despite rising tensions following the events of 1808, the royal regime was largely unprepared for the suddenness, size, and violence of the movement. In New Spain there were riots in protest of their expulsion. It was renamed the "Bell of Independence" and ritually rung by Díaz. If creoles had declared independence for their own political purposes without coming to terms with the insurgency in the south, then an independent Mexico would have to contend with rebels who could threaten a new nation. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla—“the father of Mexican independence”—launched the Mexican rebellion with his “Cry of Dolores,” and his populist army came close to capturing the … Morelos pursued successful military engagements, accepting the authority of the Three Guarantees was joined rebel... Ended when he was put on trial and Review by the clergy and clerics preached sermons against the counsel Allende! That year, the New Colonialism Begins '' in reserved for white elites commit without further clarification to! Right under the British crown revolutionary army was ill-prepared to fight the well-organized Spanish leader. 29 January 2021, at 18:58 who pretended to join the fleeing insurgent forces of family based... 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