6 See iv, 3,2: ἐξ ὅσων ἀπεδείχθη ὅτι ὁ κόσμος ὡσανεὶ πόλις; elliptical arguments for this in iv, 4. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus was born to an upper-class Roman family in A.D. 121 and was later adopted by the future emperor Antoninus Pius, whom he succeeded in 161. ii, 3 and 5. 64 διὰ δελίαν ἢ δοξοκοπίαν, xi, 18,4: ‘sensitiveness to public opinion’, F. Cf. 12 If the ὑπομνημάτια of iii, 14 are his Meditations (and why not? But I feel little confidence in Philostratus and none in the HA. suggests that the wicked are sent to give good men the chance to exercise their virtue. ii, 148 (non-Stoic) Cic. 16. 37 In 23 chapters given by Schenkl s.v. 110 Dio lxxi, 30,2 connects his ‘piety’ with his clemency and constancy to his principles. 32,2; i, 5); it is useless, and wrong, to attempt what Providence does not allow. Learn more about Marcus Aurelius’s life, including his rise to power, his reign, and his legacy. When Aurelius became a father himself, he endured the deaths of eight children. (On M. and the Christians, of which Beaujeu makes much, see Barnes, T. D., JRS lviii, 1968, 32 ffGoogle Scholar. 42 i, 14; iii, 6,1; 11,2; v, 33; vi, 47; x, 8,1; 13; xi, 1,2; xii, 15. “Marcus Aurelius in His Meditations.” Journal of Roman Studies 64 (1974): 1–20. also ix, 30; xii, 24; 27 etc. How are they improving upon my life? 9a i, 11; iv, 28; 31; 48; v, 11; vi, 34; xi, 18,11. SVF iv, s.v. In the life of Hadrian (18,1) the distinction between amici principis and jurists is obviously false (cf. e.g. 103 Contra, Beaujeu (n. 88) 366. 102 vi, 43; viii, 19; ix, 35; immortal, vii, 70; heavenly bodies as gods, vi, 43; xii, 28; other gods (besides Zeus) named: v, 8; vi, 4 3; viii, 19; xi, 18, 11 (much rarer than in Epictetus, cf. 90 Bonhöffer, A., Die Ethik des Stoikers Epictet, 1894, 78–85Google Scholar; the full index also covers his Epictet u. die Stoa, 1890—together the best works ever written on late Stoicism. Cf. perhaps v, 36; epit. i, 18, 11 ff. Harrison, Simon Cf. The abundance of coins commemorating her deification is hardly proof that M. did not accept the gossip (so H. Mattingly, HThR 1948, 147 ff. vGoogle Scholar; Gould, J. Beaujeu 333 cites letters to Fronto, which belong to his youth, and express formal gratitude to the gods etc. M. is content to thank the gods that his body ‘holds out so long in such a life’ and that dreams had supplied him with antidotes against spitting blood and dizziness (i, 17,6 and 8). Dig. 456 F; 457 D. 72 For tact, cf. 2 The Acts of Felicitas and her seven sons is fairly generally regarded as authentic, and the martyrdoms described in it are believed to have taken place during the first years of Marcus Aurelius: Le Blant, E., Sur l'authenticité du martyre de Sainte Félicité et de ses sept fils, Comptes Rend, de l'Acad. 78 His rescript in Dig. Past courts, iv, 32; viii, 31; x, 27, and rulers, iv, 33; vii, 49; viii, 3; 5; 25; 37; ix, 29; x, 31. I find the following selection of observances to be particularly inspiring when I see them through the lens of modernity: Note: I have paraphrased the translation of Book 1 that I have in my possession, in order to compile a list of guidances as opposed to personal observations as originally chronicled by Aurelius. Recently reprinted in Brunt’s Studies in Stoicism, pp. xxxvii, 14,17, pr. i, 15; ii, 5; 14; iii, 10; 12; vi, 2; 23; 26; 32; vii, s; 8; 68; viii, 2; 32; 36; ix, 6; x, 1; 9; 11 f.; 31; xii, 1,1; 3; 26; one can only act justly etc. ἀτυφία, τῦφος: the old ideal of civilitas; cf. iii, 13; vii, 2; viii, 49; x, 8,1; xi, 16; xii, 18. esp. On piety cf. 112 E. R. Dodds, Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety 8, citing vi, 36; iv, 3,3; ix, 32; x, 17; xii, 32. Marcus Aurelius, one of the "Five Good Emperors of Rome" wrote a series of journals throughout his reign. 98 Also ‘godlike’ (ii, 5) or ‘divine’ (vii, 67). i, 7; 11; 17,4; iii, 5 (μήτε κομψεία τὴν διάνοιάν σου καλλωπιζέτω); vi, 30,1, perhaps iv, 51. From what we can gather, he would jot down notes about what he was likely to face in the day ahead. That Nature provides for the good of the Whole is more often stated (e.g. Cf. A classic overview of the Meditations. iii, 20,9 ff. "metricsAbstractViews": false, Marc. 18 See Schenkl's Index; the imperative alone is used 22 times. By journaling, Aurelius was able to extract the information restlessly roaming around in his mind and organize it into concrete principles he could strive towards. iii, 7: μὴ παραβῆναι πίστιν; Dio lxxi, 24, 2; 26,2 (‘speech’ of M.). The chapter in its entirety is dense with astute observations that exhibit the Philosopher-Emperor’s acute attention to detail, not to mention a sincere interest in consistent self-development. 96 e.g. From there, we can hone in on the particular individuals we are currently sharing our life with: What characteristics do you admire in these individuals? i, 18, 14, cf. Feature Flags: { Develop self-mastery, immunize yourself against passing whims, 11. u. Papyri’, Arch. Hdn. i, 9, 22 etc. 88 J. Beaujeu, La Religion rom. 12,3; Plut. Over a year later, I find myself returning more frequently to this practice of semi-formal contemplation, and have often found myself in unexpected—yet rewarding—territory. Meditations is a timeless work, in every sense of the word. 73 xi, 18,9. See Sen., o.c. iv, 1) is the same as M.'s, and has nothing to do with legal status. 100 xii, 14, giving chaos as a third possibility (cf. 7 F. 290 on ii, 11 suggests that ‘in the later Books Marcus prefers generally to preserve an open mind between belief in the gods and the Epicurean atomism’, but when he puts the alternatives ‘atoms’ (or ‘chaos’ or a ‘medley’) and ‘providence’, ‘gods’, etc, he sometimes (iv, 3,2; 27; x, 39, cf. Beiträge i, 15 ff.) By taking inventory of our relationships, we afford ourselves the Aurelius-esque opportunity to establish active gratitude towards those we admire. He also remembers or recognizes his blessings in vii, 27; v, 31 (with πόσα ὦπται καλά cf. xxi, 16,11. of 354, MGH I, p. 147) were in fact rather extravagant; Dio lxxii, 16; lxxiii, 5 permits comparisons, cf. Both M. and Lucian are perhaps reminiscent of Cynic diatribes. 25. 463 E are less personal. The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius ruled from 161 to 180 A.D. Aurelius is renown for being the ideal wise leader whom Plato called the “philosopher king.” His book, Meditations (from which By George has often quoted), has inspired leaders for centuries because of its timeless wisdom about human behavior. iv, 41 ff; Sen., de Ira i, 5 ff; ii, 6 f.; iii, 3. M. sometimes suggests that we can discern by close study how all is ordered for the best, e.g. See Appendix II on kindness. If you should have access and can't see this content please. Sobriety: i, 16,3; iv, 26; v, 1. Meditations (Medieval Greek: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, romanized: Ta eis he'auton, lit. Seneca says that the wise perform the cults ‘tamquam legibus iussa, non tamquam dis grata’ (fr. What kind of value? I think so. Contrast Lucian's accounts of Demonax and Nigrinus with the charlatans pilloried in Vitarum Audio, Piscator, and often elsewhere. Cf. xv, 4, 17. Cic., Tusc. [Meditations. xi, 5; 12. If so, he would have acted perhaps κατ' οἰκονομίαν (n. 65), and ix, 38 might refer to him (or to Faustina, if she were involved): εἰ μὲν ἣμαρτεν, ἐκεί τό κακόν. des Inscr. iii, 1; v, 29; viii, 47; ix, 2; x, 8,2. 50 ii, 230 H. = 235 N.: ‘multa … fideliter … consulta … Verum dixi sedulo, verum audivi libenter.’ ii, 224 H. = 232 N.: ‘Victorinum pietate mansuetudine veritate innocentia maxima’, ii, 154 H. = 135 N.: ‘simplicitas, castitas, veritas, fides Romana plane, φιλοστοργία vero nescio an Romana …, (For the last quality cf. 35 Schenkl, s.v. Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. A., Consilium Principis, 1955, 89Google Scholar), and no reliance should be placed on them. iii, 2 (cf. 81 iii, 7; iv, 3,2; 32; vi, 16,3; 20; 30,3; cf. Human nature is the way it is. 85 Marc. vii, 9; xii, 12: knowledge, e.g. Albert Einstein. Sign In or Create an Account. iv, 3,4; vi, 11; vii, 28; 59; viii, 48; ix, 42,4. Marcus Aurelius most likely penned his journals, the Meditations, whilst on campaign in Europe c. AD 170-175. I myself had no prior knowledge of the recovery process, but I’m glad I didn’t let that curb my curiosity. x, 1, 1 (ψυχή) ἀγαθὴ καὶ ἁπλῆ καὶ μία καὶ γυμνή, φανερωτέρα τοῦ περικειμένου σοι σώματος. I hope to argue elsewhere that in xi, 3 ὡς οί χριστιανοι is probably a gloss.). SC de ludis, esp. 21 iii, 13, cf. Sen. de Ira i, 12,4; ii, 25,1), see also i, 11,37; 12,18–21; 18 passim; 28 passim; ii, 10, 18; 18,5–14; iii, 2,16; 4,18; 5,16; 10,17; 13.11; 15,10; 22,13; 24,58 and 79; iv, 12, 20, mostly mere allusions to duties of avoiding anger and not blaming others. Later still, when this had been blown up into an actual plot, it could be assumed that Herodes was alluding to it. Attentive to subtleties, reverent before horizons, and appreciative of tequila. Cf. Champlin, Edward M.'s revival of the ius fetiale (Dio lxii, 3,3) can be taken as symbolic of his acceptance of Stoic views on the bellum iustum, cf. iii, 25 f. is not such high doctrine: ‘plus mihi nocitura est ira quam iniuria’, and M. has nothing of his argument (30,2) that vengeance is unnecessary, since ‘dabit poenas alteri quas debet tibi’. Babut, D., Plutarque et le Stoicisme 94–102Google Scholar). 62 For pity (ἔλεος) cf. It is a book everyone should have read once. vi, 36); 11,2; iv, 10; x, 9,2, and adumbrates the doctrine of a sympathetic unity pervading the universe, vi, 38; ix, 9 with F.'s notes. A cluster of allusions (vii, 14; 16; 33; 64; 68; viii, 28; 40; ix, 41, earlier only in iv, 39) to physical pain may reflect personal experience in a particular period. F. aptly cites Dig. i, 26; ii, 32,2; iii, 5; 25 (also de Const. Fronto argued that an emperor needed rhetorical skill to persuade the senate and even the people, i, 52; ii, 40; 58; 138 H. = 40; 97; 141; 124 N. Perhaps M. continued his studies after 161 on that account. 464 C–D; 467 A; 468. 7Google Scholar; Long, A. 115 cf. The most warming takeaway from this exercise is how we are able to enhance our daily awareness of the unique or inspiring characteristics of those with whom we are truly fortunate to have crossed paths. English] The meditationsof the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus/ translated by Francis Hutcheson and James Moor; edited and with an introduction by James Moore and Michael Silverthorne. f. Pap. }, Copyright © P. A. Brunt 1974. 4 F. xiii ff. ii, 1; vi, 2; viii, 12. Marcus Aurelius was a warrior, emperor, father, and husband. I have found a score of allusions in Epictetus, esp. The most cursory perusal will indeed show that Marcus was mainly concerned with the divine order of the universe and with the place of man in that order; overt personal allusions are rare. Slaves and members of the Meditations, whilst on campaign in Europe c. AD.... 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