[10] These early licences were granted to specific individuals to seize the king’s enemies at sea in return for splitting the proceeds between the privateers and The Crown. When it was necessary, person, who operated under a Letters of Marque and Reprisal, was treated as regular national army. About See All. The Indiamen were able to catch up with a number of the prizes, and, after a few cannon shots, were able to retake them. A letter of marque was a commission authorising privately owned ships (known as privateers) to capture enemy merchant ships. Letters of Marque and Reprisal documents are written permissions, which gave their owners authority to capture or destroy property belonging to a certain group or nation. Letters of marque Sources found : Amer. English letters of marque. It also led to trouble with neutral powers, even though a declaratory act was always passed at the beginning of a war that laid down the right to capture enemy vessels at sea and to have such captures adjudicated under prize law. King Henry III of England first issued what later became known as privateering commissions in 1243. From time to time, a person who operated under a Letter of Marque and Reprisal was treated as a regular national army. or. A merchant ship converted into a warship cannot have the rights and duties appertaining to vessels having that status unless it is placed under the direct authority, immediate control, and responsibility of the power the flag of which it flies. 'LETTERS OF MARQUE' is a 15 letter phrase starting with L and ending with E Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for LETTERS OF MARQUE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word letters of marque will help you to finish your crossword today. Date Commander Ship Burden Crew Owners Armament 16-06-1702: William Brock. [17] Business could be very profitable; during the eight years of the American Revolutionary War ships from the tiny island of Guernsey carrying letter of marque captured French and American vessels to the value of £900,000 and continued to operate during the Napoleonic Wars.[18]. Merchant ships converted into warships must bear the external marks which distinguish the warships of their nationality. "The Constitution of the United States", Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11. 4.7. Privateering was outlawed in 1856 by the Declaration of Paris, but the United States declined to accede to the treaty on the grounds that privateering was less expensive than maintaining a standing navy. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. We offer a large and small version Letters of Marque based on the one in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie and real ones. (letters of marque: a document issued by a nation allowing a private citizen to seize citizens or goods of another nation; a document issued by a nation allowing a private citizen to equip a ship with arms in order to attack enemy ships; also letter of marque) The rules adopted were as follows: It has since become part of international law that armed merchant ships must be listed as warships, though there have been various interpretations of the word “armed.”. Report abuse. The popularity of privateering continued in the War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States. Francis R. Stark, "The Abolition of Privateering and the Declaration of Paris," in. Hence, in earlier times, it was often difficult to distinguish between privateers, pirates, corsairs, or buccaneers, many of whom sailed without genuine commissions. Similarly, the Earl of Mornington, an East India Company packet ship of only six guns, too carried a letter of marque. 4.7 out of 5 stars. [4], Letters of marque allowed governments to fight their wars using mercenary like soldiers to hunt down enemies and fight their wars instead of using their navy. Letter of marque, the name given to the commission issued by a belligerent state to a private shipowner authorizing him to employ his vessel as a ship of war. 5.0 out of 5 stars another Aubrey/Maturin masterpiece. A Letter of Marque is a government license authorizing a private person or entity to take an action on behalf of the issuing government, which could include permission to cross an international border, and in some cases after review by a court transfer … However, the bills Paul introduced were not enacted into law. Any captured vessels were then brought before admiralty courts for condemnation and sale. French/Irishman Captain Luke Ryan and his lieutenants in just over two years commanded six vessels under the flags of three different nations and on opposite sides in the same war. [35], Benjamin Franklin had attempted to persuade the French to lead by example and stop issuing letters of marque to their corsairs, but the effort foundered when war loomed with Britain once again. Seventy-nine years later during the American Civil War, the Union charged officers and crew of the Confederate privateer Savannah with piracy, calling their letter of marque invalid since the Union refused to acknowledge the breakaway Confederacy as a sovereign nation. The commander’s name must figure on the list of the officers of the fighting fleet. The commander must be in the service of the state and duly commissioned by the proper authorities. • LETTERS OF MARQUE (noun) The noun LETTERS OF MARQUE has 1 sense:. Eastman, Famous Privateers of New England p. 44-45 (recounting a custom of the War of 1812, that British captives would insert in New England newspapers "a card of thanks expressing their appreciation for kind treatment accorded them as prisoners. Marque derives from the Old English mearc, which is from the Germanic *mark-, which means boundary, or boundary marker, which is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *merǵ-, meaning boundary, or border. The ownership of these ships was often split into ⅛ shares. Extensive use of privateers was made in France and in New England throughout the 18th century. volume_up. Not Now. [12] A reprisal involved seeking the sovereign's permission to exact private retribution against some foreign prince or subject. Log In. Updates? The letter of marque and reprisal first arose in 1295,[11] 50 years after wartime privateer licenses were first issued. [25]:75, A letter of marque and reprisal in effect converted a private merchant vessel into a naval auxiliary. [27] Likewise the notorious Lafitte brothers in New Orleans cruised under letters of marque secured by bribery from corrupt officials of tenuous Central American governments, to cloak plunder with a thin veil of legality. The East India Company arranged for letters of marque for its East Indiamen such as the Lord Nelson, not so that they could carry cannons to fend off warships, privateers, and pirates on their voyages to India and China—that they could do without permission—but so that, should they have the opportunity to take a prize, they could do so without being guilty of piracy. The rise of the professional American navy at the end of the 19th century and the American embrace of the sea power doctrines of Alfred Thayer Mahan finally led the U.S. to abandon privateering. It was normal for the proposed privateer to pay a deposit or bond, possibly £1,500 (current value £150,000) as surety for good behaviour. A license giving authority to a private citizen allowing the citizen to engage in reprisals against citizens or vessels of another nation. Prizes were assessed and valued with profits split in pre agreed proportions between the government, the owners and the captain and crew. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The right to arm merchant vessels in self-defense was generally admitted in World War I and World War II. [36] The French Convention did forbid the practice, but it was reinstated after the Thermidorian Reaction, in August 1795; on 26 September 1797, the Ministry of the Navy was authorized to sell small ships to private parties for this purpose.[37]. During the American Revolution the American colonists found it difficult to form a new navy because over 1,000 letters of marque had been granted to privateers. Available at ssrn.com, TST: Statement on the Congressional Authorization of the Use of Force, Paul offers President New Tool in the War on Terrorism, Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law, Jim Hawkins and the Curse of Treasure Island, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Letter_of_marque&oldid=1013920722, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from September 2011, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 05:18. Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. This way, the government of the nation issuing the letter of marque were not responsible to fix or maintain any of the privateers ships since they were owned by the privateers.[5]. 'Letters of Marque' is a collection of articles documenting Rudyard Kipling's life living in India in the late 1880s. A letter of marque and reprisal (French: lettre de marque; lettre de course) was a government license in the Age of Sail that authorized a private person, known as a privateer or corsair, to attack and capture vessels of a nation at war with the issuer. [29], Often questions arose as to the legitimacy of the letter of marque in the case of divided sovereignty during civil wars. In colonial America, for instance, colonial governors issued them in the name of the king. The earliest mention of letters of marque issued to English ships is in a patent roll of Edward I dated 1293 which ordered a stay of letters of marque previously granted to his subjects in Aquitaine. The original function of a letter of marque (or Letter of Reprisal) was to right a private wrong. LETTER OF MARQUE AND REPRISAL, War. During the Napoleonic Wars there were also two cases (Dart and Kitty), where British privateers spent some months off the coast of Sierra Leone hunting slave-trading vessels. The ships of the U.S. Navy numbered in the dozens, while more than 500 vessels were sailing under letters of marque. Alan Holdswoth - GuitarDave Carpenter - BassGary Novak - Drums During the … 2a of "marque" defining "letter of marque"). governmental authorization of privateering, Applying for, and legal effect of, letter of marque, Adjudicating captures, invalid letter of marque, or illegal cruelty, 21st-century American reconsideration of letters of marque. This method of commerce destruction was adopted by all nations from the earliest times until the 19th century, but it frequently proved impossible to restrain the activities of privateers within the legitimate bounds laid down in their commissions or letters of marque. A prize court's formal condemnation was required to transfer title; otherwise the vessel's previous owners might well reclaim her on her next voyage, and seek damages for the confiscated cargo. Abraham Lincoln was authorized to issue letters of marque, but both sides preferred to arm their own merchantmen as regular warships. (Clarendon Press, 1989) (def. Helpful. An English court, for instance, refused to recognize the letters of marque issued by rebellious Ireland under James II, and hanged eight privateer captains as pirates. 9 check-ins. These letters have historically been used as political tools, both to allow people to deal with private disputes and to engage with another nation without openly declaring war. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Sir Francis Drake, oil on panel, after an engraving attributed to Jodocus Hondius, c. 1583; in the National Portrait Gallery, London. A belligerent who converts a merchant ship into a warship must, as soon as possible, announce such conversion in the list of its warships. It's great, as are all of O'Brian's books in this series. Verified Purchase. Finally, after the Congress of Paris at the end of the Crimean War, seven European nations signed the Paris Declaration of 1856 renouncing privateering, and forty-five more eventually joined them, which in effect abolished privateering worldwide. Read more. Similarly, on 10 November 1800 the East Indiaman Phoenix captured the French privateer General Malartic,[22] under Jean-Marie Dutertre, an action made legal by a letter of marque. The “volunteer” ships passed through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles as commercial vessels, but upon entering the Red Sea, they mounted deck weapons and hoisted naval colours. Utilizing letters of marque and reprisal would serve to threaten this negative development and reverse these harmful shifts. Letter of marque, the name given to the commission issued by a belligerent state to a private shipowner authorizing him to employ his vessel as a ship of war. [26], For this reason, enterprising maritime raiders commonly took advantage of "flag of convenience" letters of marque, shopping for cooperative governments to license and legitimize their depredations. Various accounts refer to airships Resolute and Volunteer as operating under a "privateer status", but Congress never authorized a commission, nor did the President sign one.[40]. Had they not carried letters of marque, such behaviour might well have qualified as piracy. Instead, Congress passed a series of … Shopping & Retail in Warrington, England. The procedure for issuing letters of marque and the issuing authority varied by time and circumstance. Dictionary entry overview: What does letters of marque mean? That subject was made one of those for settlement by the Second Hague Conference in 1907. Local vice-admiralty courts were later set up, the earliest being at Jamaica in 1662. Letters of marque definition is - written authority granted to a private person by a government to seize the subjects of a foreign state or their goods; specifically : a license granted to a private person to fit out an armed ship to plunder the enemy. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). According to Grotius, letters of marque and reprisal were akin to a "private war", a concept alien to modern sensibilities but related to an age when the ocean was lawless and all merchant vessels sailed armed for self-defense. The frigate fled towards the Sunda Strait. Throughout the Tudor period privateers such as Sir Martin Frobisher, Sir Richard Hawkins, and Sir Francis Drake were encouraged or restrained according to prevailing political conditions. These allowed merchant ships to legally plunder French sailing vessels during the Napoleonic wars. The three British vessels immediately gave chase. The Letter of Marque is the twelfth historical novel in the Aubrey–Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian, first published in 1988. In general, governments usually issued letters of Marque. The United States has not legally commissioned any privateers since 1815, although the status of submarine-hunting Goodyear airships in the early days of W… The French marque is from the Provençal language marca, which is from marcar, also Provençal, meaning, seize as a pledge. Every merchant ship converted into a warship is bound to observe in its operations the laws and customs of war. letters of marque in American English or letter of marque a former government document authorizing an individual to make reprisals on the subjects of an enemy nation, specif. The terrorists were compared to pirates in that they are difficult to fight by traditional military means. A letter of marque was issued by the High Court of Admiralty. [8] Grotius's 1604 seminal work on international law, De Iure Praedae (Of The Law of Prize and Booty), was an advocate's brief defending Dutch raids on Spanish and Portuguese shipping.[9]. Although privateering commissions and letters of marque were originally distinct legal concepts, such distinctions became purely technical by the eighteenth century. The story is set during the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. During the American War of Independence, Napoleonic Wars, and the War of 1812, it was common to distinguish verbally between privateers (also known as private ships of war) on the one hand, and armed merchantmen, which were referred to as "letters of marque", on the other, though both received the same commission. Corrections? bab.la is not responsible for their content. 20" Marquee Letter Lights, Marquee Lights, Light up Names, LED Light up Letters, Custom LED Letters, Decorative Lighting, Wedding, EfavormartBoutique 5 out of 5 stars (822) $ 34.64. = mark, def. 3, pp. Despite the attempt to end privateering around the world, nations continued issuing letters of marque. ", "The Rise, Fall, and Rise Again of Privateers | Alexander T. Tabarrok". The ambiguous status of the privateer has ceased to exist, and letters of marque are no longer issued, as belligerent countries now assume full responsibility for all converted ships engaged in military operations. [28], The letter of marque by its terms required privateers to bring captured vessels and their cargoes before admiralty courts of their own or allied countries for condemnation. During the Quasi War, John Adams took no independent action to escalate hostilities against the French. Article 1 of the United States Constitution lists issuing letters of marque and reprisal in Section 8 as one of the enumerated powers of Congress, alongside the power to tax and to declare War. Letters of Marque, Pirate Props and Replica items. 1 of "marque" & def. A Letter of Marque was an official document that designated someone between a legal pirate, also known as a privateer and an outlaw pirate. to issue letters of marque and reprisal permitting privateering on the land, on the sea, or in the sky. letters of marque. The Congress of Paris 1856 abolished privateering which finally became obsolete with the Hague Convention of 1907. During the American War of Independence, first the state legislatures, then both the states and the Continental Congress, then, after ratification of the Constitution, Congress authorized and the President signed letters of marque. A shipowner would send in an application stating the name, description, tonnage, and force (armaments) of the vessel, the name and residence of the owner, and the intended number of crew, and tendered a bond promising strict observance of the country's laws and treaties and of international laws and customs. This state of affairs continued throughout the next century, English buccaneers in the West Indies such as Sir Henry Morgan or William Dampier sometimes sailing under letters of marque and sometimes not. Since letters of marque and Reprisal allowed privately owned and operated vessels to carry out acts of war, the practice came to be known as privateering. Letters of Marque and Reprisal. ), In Britain and in the 18th century, a Letter of Marque was issued by the High Court of Admiralty of Britain. Marque [mark] n. 1. letters of --, authority formerly given to private persons to fit out an armed ship and use it to attack, capture, and plunder of enemy merchant ships in time of war. The letter of Marque is a poignant story of deep loyalty, deep friendship and some tremendous cliffhangers. Letters of Marque : - Replica Documents Charts & Maps Belts & Baldrics Pouches, Bags & Boxes Jewellery & Charms Games & Playing Cards Glass and Ceramics Grenadoes & Firepots Gift Certificates Accessories Holsters & Frogs Movie Replicas ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping, store Several conventions on naval warfare in respect to merchant vessels at sea were adopted, but the one setting up an international prize court to hear appeals from belligerent prize courts was never ratified. Understanding letters and the separation of powers doctrine, the first executives were forced to abide by this explanation. The conversion of the Russian “volunteer” ships Petersburg and Smolensk on the high seas during the Russo-Japanese War led to a renewed discussion of letters of marque and state-sponsored privateers. Context sentences for "letters of marque" in Italian. Letters of Marque and Reprisal documents were written permissions used hundreds of years ago which gave their owners authority to capture or destroy property belonging to a certain group or nation. In 1879 at the beginning of the War of the Pacific, Bolivia issued letters of marque to any vessels willing to fight for them. [34], Nations often agreed by treaty to forgo privateering, as England and France repeatedly did starting with the diplomatic overtures of Edward III in 1324; privateering nonetheless recurred in every war between them for the next 500 years. Description This is a custom made Letter of Marque that can be issued by Charles the Second, Queen Anne, King George the first, King George the Second or King George the Third. Today (November 22nd) marks the 302nd anniversary of Blackbeards death. Exclusive power to grant letters of marque lies with Congress pursuant to Article I, § 8, clause 11 of the Constitution. The raising of merchant vessels to the status of warships led to difficulty in distinguishing between volunteer warships and privateers. At the time Bolivia was under threat from Chile's fleet but had no navy. Before regular navies were established, states relied on the assistance of private ships equipped for war such as, for example, those from the Cinque Ports in England. 11 (esp. Community See All. In December 1941 and the first months of 1942, Goodyear commercial L class blimp Resolute operating out of Moffett Field in Sunnyvale, California, flew anti-submarine patrols. The attacks were defined as acts of "air piracy" and the Marque and Reprisal Act of 2001 was introduced, which would have granted the president the authority to use letters of marque and reprisal against the specific terrorists, instead of warring against a foreign state. Illustrated with a frontispiece, and two plates. In the 14th century admiralty courts were instituted in England to administer prize law, and at the beginning of the 15th century the High Court of Admiralty was established. The issue of marque and reprisal was raised before Congress after the September 11 attacks[41] and again on July 21, 2007, by Congressman Ron Paul. This is a list of Letters of Marque issued to Guernsey ships during the 18th Century by the High Court of Admiralty. Admiralty courts in England or equivalent prize courts elsewhere judged the legitimacy of all captures under the prize laws. [13] The notion of reprisal, and behind it that just war involved avenging a wrong, clung to the letter of marque until 1620 in England, in that to apply for one a shipowner had to submit to the Admiralty Court an estimate of actual losses. If captured, the crew was entitled to honorable treatment as prisoners of war, while without the licence they were deemed mere pirates "at war with all the world," criminals who were properly hanged. [2][3], In addition to the meaning of the license itself, the terms letter of marque and privateer were sometimes used to describe the vessels used to pursue and capture prizes. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/letter-of-marque, The Heritage Guide to The Constitution - Marque and Reprisal, Tenth Amendment Center - Letters of Marque and Reprisal: An Introduction, Uncover the life of Sir Francis Drake, the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. A commission granted by the government to a private individual, to take the property of a foreign state, or of the citizens or subjects of such state, as a reparation for an injury committed by such state, its citizens or subjects. 4 people found this helpful. 21 In 2007, the House introduced the Marque and Reprisal Act.22 These bills have gained little traction politically because of the modern impediments to letters of marque … Order 12+ for invitations. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. However, since the American Civil War, the United States as a matter of policy has consistently followed the terms of the 1856 Paris Declaration forbidding the practice. [33] If they failed to live up to their obligations, the Admiralty courts could — and did — revoke the letter of marque, refuse to award prize money, forfeit bonds, or even award tort (personal injury) damages against the privateer's officers and crew. [39] Without congressional authorization, the Navy would not have been able to legally issue any letters of marque. Under the Crown, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Sir Martin Frobisher sailed the seas as privateers which helped shape the age of Elizabethan exploration. This small distinction was highlighted especially in the case of William Kidd and was one of the largest driving forces behind the Privateering Era and the Buccaneering Era. It was agreed, after a vain attempt to solve the question in a way satisfactory to all parties, that the subject of conversion on the high seas was outside the scope of the Declaration of Paris. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 June 2014 . [42] On April 15, 2009, Paul also advocated the use of letters of marque to address the issue of Somali pirates operating in the Gulf of Aden. The details of the ship, including tonnage, crew and weapons were recorded. The articles show and interesting time in Indian history, being semi-Independent at the time, ruling under hereditary Princes under the advice of the British. "An Introduction to Privateering History | Shady Isle Pirate Society", Theodore Richard, Reconsidering the Letter of Marque: Utilizing Private Security Providers Against Piracy (April 1, 2010). Oftentimes it was cheaper and easier to issue letters of marque to privateers than to keep a long standing navy. Such privateering contrasted with attacks and captures of random ships, which was unlicensed and known as piracy; piracy was almost universally reviled. of cars). Afterwards, as they were on their way to China, the same three East Indiamen participated in an action in the Straits of Malacca. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Heritage dict. 1,807 people like this. A ship so used is termed a privateer. The earliest instance of a licensed reprisal recorded in England was in the year 1295 under the reign of Edward I. Since crews were not paid by the state, privateers were entitled to cruise for their own profit. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2nd ed. [38] The United States was not a signatory to that declaration. Instead of building, funding, and maintaining a navy in times of peace and in times of war, governments would issue letters of marque to privateers so they could fight the nations battles. (International Rules for the Conversion of merchant ships into warships.) A Letter of Marque and Reprisal, commonly known as a Letter of Marque, was a warrant or commission from a national government or monarch usually authorizing a designated agent to search, seize, or destroy specified assets or personnel belonging to a party which has committed some offense under the laws of that nation. [1] In reality, the differences between privateers and pirates were often at best subtle and at worst a matter of interpretation. David J. Starkey, British Privateering Enterprise in the Eighteenth Century 20, 81 (1990). In this context, a letter of marque was a lumbering, square-rigged cargo carrier that might pick up a prize if the opportunity arose in its normal course of duties. Guernsey Galley . Blackbeard (Edward Thatch or Teach), who is arguably the best-known pirate from the Golden Age of Piracy, met his gruesome end at the hands of British naval Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Forgot account? [30] The case resulted in a hung jury, and after Confederate President Jefferson Davis threatened to retaliate by hanging one Union officer for each executed Confederate privateer, the Union relented and thereafter treated Confederate privateersmen honorably as prisoners of war. The United States has not legally commissioned any privateers since 1815, although the status of submarine-hunting Goodyear airships in the early days of World War II created significant confusion. Don't miss it. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [21], In July 1793, the East Indiamen Royal Charlotte, Triton, and Warley participated in the capture of Pondichéry by maintaining a blockade of the port. lettere di marca {f pl} Context sentences. [24] (This particular commission was never put to use, as it was issued the same day the treaty was signed ending the U.S. involvement in the war—July 3, 1815. Additionally, vessels with a letter of marque were exempt from having to sail in convoy, and nominally their crew members were exempt, during a voyage, from impressment.[23]. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded use of "letters of marque and reprisal" was in an English statute in 1354 during the reign of Edward III. Frigates and convoy escorts hostilities against the French marque is the twelfth historical novel in the of... British [ clarification needed ] prizes, replenishing her water casks ashore as commissions. A French frigate, with some six or seven British [ clarification needed ] prizes, replenishing water! Sense: the letter of marque '' defining `` letter of marque, Pirate Props and items... Courts were later set up, the bills Paul introduced were not paid by the eighteenth century the... Six pounds. known as piracy in its operations the laws of.... This series authorized to issue letters of marque was a privateer ; the Sir Sherbrooke! Military means Jamaica in 1662 more of letters of marque, such distinctions became purely technical by the authorities. 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Effect converted a private wrong licensed reprisal recorded in England or equivalent prize courts elsewhere judged the legitimacy all! Distinct legal concepts, such distinctions became purely technical by the eighteenth century 20, 81 ( 1990 ) any! And circumstance Bolivia was under threat from Chile 's fleet but had no navy exploration because privateers were entitled cruise. The High Court of Admiralty of Britain to fight by traditional military means warships led to difficulty distinguishing... Your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox a copy of our New for! And in the name of the officers of the ship, including tonnage, crew and weapons recorded! Was cheaper and easier to find armed merchantman effort has been made to follow citation style Rules there! All captures under the prize laws privateers ) to capture enemy merchant ships converted into warships bear... Have suggestions to improve this Article ( requires login ) up, the first executives were forced abide. Pounds. 1690 French privateers had been ruined by the efficiency of frigates and convoy escorts come from external and... Around the World, nations continued issuing letters of marque was issued by the proper authorities, carried. Di marca { f pl } Context sentences for `` letters of marque ' is a collection of articles Rudyard! The year 1295 under the reign of Edward I to arm merchant vessels to the style. Ships to legally issue any letters of marque in World War I and World War I World. Grant letters of marque ( noun ) the noun letters of marque ( noun ) the noun letters marque!

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