Even with Merrill Lynch, the individuals at issue are no longer employed there. Not the shorts. The market is showing a lot of signs of froth, “irrational exuberance” and volatility spikes By John Jagerson and Wade Hansen , Editors, Strategic Trader Jan … If he violates the intended purpose of their use by first issuing them for general corporate operations, he will be quickly punished by market forces. So yes, that is indeed irrational exuberance, at least for that one company. "Irrational exuberance can be applied to the entire market, but when we're talking about bubbles, it's usually a particular asset class or sub-asset class. The phrase was coined by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in 1996. What explains these huge intra-day price movements. I do not feel like bayonetting any more of Wall Street’s wounded today. And, i continued to avoid buying MVIS until after the RS in 2012. But they all share similarities to the meme stock bubble — following the pattern of precipitous rises, sudden falls, and the “irrational exuberance” of small investors. We're from O-hi-O and don't give a damn for the whole state of Xichigan! I have no sympathy for the shorts. if you are not adding on quality stocks which are reasonably valued now then you will miss out on good profits. by Alex Remington | March 21, 2013 November 20, 2020 | entertainment, sports. So where does that money go? I hadn't made that connection Co3... too many tears in my eyes to read the board clearly for a week or 2 back then perhaps---missed that point and im sure it was pointed out on this board. If the shorts are genuinely uncovering fraud in companies, that’s fine, but we know some companies like WolvePack are spitting out freak scam articles like the one on MVIS followed with manipulation to bring down the price as what we have seen earlier. Lose! Unfortunately, the irrational exuberance in technology has led to an even bigger problem, intellectual dishonesty, something that every engineer and computer scientist must guard against. I was only driving it. Second only to the dot com bubble in 1999-2000. They think the economy is invincible when we are clearly entering a massive recession? i would saw the massive manipulation of the market is whats keeping it afloat right now. By the way, i started following MVIS in about 1998-1999. Now that the Reddit rumble is out of the way, it seems investors are getting back to focusing on the key market strategy of recent months: the reflation trade. When tech stocks tanked in 2000 and when the housing bubble burst in 2007, stocks went into bear markets. And buy I did. Period. The stock went up to as high as $1.82 from .25. Irrational exuberance refers to extreme behavior enthusiasm, often compared to the stock market and investor behavior. Almost any post related to stocks is welcome on /r/stocks. In addition, over the past month and a half, if you look at the days when naked short interest was as much as 66% of the day’s trading, the stock ended higher on the day and share price continued higher in the days to come. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a collapse of economic growth. But the fact is y'all have done a horrible job in the past in the macro of proving you can be rational adults when we allow a thread to go there. The Reddit short squeezers showed that a group of investors can crush big … We can only hope for a high end outcome but, nobody really knows what that number is. Share on Pinterest. is the market experiencing irrational exuberance right now? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Yes, today’s valuation is higher than even 1929. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Until the NRE with MSFT in April 2017, there was no proof that LBS was ever going to be used ubiquitously. I appreciate your ability to describe the mentality I have when I have tried to speculate less than favorable outcomes for consideration. The same sentiments were expressed about PM, just saying. I know from past experience that, when I question the perception of what most here think about the short interest, I will be labeled a short. Share on Twitter. Bringing this conduct to light has caused useful changes in the way the SEC regulates close-out requirements for stock trading. ET By. However wrong it seems to be, they took advantage of a company that had no fundamentals and was running out of a means to finance their future. A market is overvalued when more stocks are overvalued then undervalued, but no matter which the market always gets some companies wrong. JMHO. For example: the shorts did not cause the stock to go to .15. And, the interesting thing is that if they fail, management that is, the shorts won’t be the only sellers. Now that the Reddit rumble is out of the way, it seems investors are getting back to focusing on the key market strategy of recent months: the reflation trade. They and many others were expecting a RS as the only logical way to raise significant amounts of money. Hell, some here even speculated bankruptacy. These money benefitted SEC/government obviously, hence there will not be any urgency to rid of all these scums. It should never have been $0.15. Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance,’ but market bull Ed Yardeni suggests it’s different this time; Fashion brands see sales rebounding—eventually. The phrase was interpreted as a warning that the stock market might be overvalued. I was going to buy 100, 000 shares but chickened out.) The fact that often after these scums of wall street are found guilty of manipulation, they are just fined peanuts by SEC and non of these money goes back to the investors that had been misled into selling due to FUDs, faked articles, manipulations. For now, I remain confident he will not do that. 2. Does March Madness lead to irrational exuberance in the NBA draft? On May, 15 it ended at .84. late4Deaner...yes, and we will know soon if it is warranted. But in November 2014, the California Appellate Court reinstated the case against Merrill Pro on the ground that questions of fact remained as to the claims requiring a trial, and at the same time ruled that many of the case documents Overstock.com obtained in discovery could now be (and have been) made public. Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance,’ but market bull Ed Yardeni suggests it’s different this time; Fashion brands see sales rebounding—eventually. Reddit rebellion is a sign of 'irrational exuberance,' but market bull Ed Yardeni suggests it's different this time 5 likes • 16 shares CNBC - Stephanie Landsman • 54d As the Reddit rebellion tries to make a comeback, one long-time market bull is seeing euphoria at dot-com bubble levels. You literally can't spend money like you used to do due to Covid-19. We all wish it had been different. Of course, i could be wrong. Did you? Of course those who embark on these schemes probably search for weak and poorly run companies and perhaps MVIS fit that description in the past while we were waiting for those pesky green lasers, etc... but had they not been so manipulated and their business and pps advanced in a proper fashion they wouldn't have been so weak or poorly managed. I have since traded it multiple times between $1.00 and $3.50. I'm honestly shocked an entity from that state up North actually bought the greatness that is mvis in the first place. In short, Overstock believes the effort has helped reform the US Capital markets and lessened the opportunities for illegal stock manipulation. Res Ipsa Loquitur.”, IMO MVIS most likely has been the victim of this type of manipulation-naked shorting. Share on Reddit. The suit, first filed in 2007, alleged that certain prime brokerage firms had engaged in illegal market manipulation (“naked short selling,” or selling phantom shares of stock) in a deliberate effort to manipulate Overstock.com’s share prices. By the way, if the shorts are in control and only make the stock go down, why did the stock go from .15 to the recent high of $3.45. Irrational Exuberance is also the name of a 2000 book authored by economist Robert Shiller. February 7, 2021 by admin 0 Comments. It had a crazy valuation of $68 with no fundamentals and no chance for revenue near term. Overstock.com feels the fight was well worth the effort. People told me the same thing you are now. It was hard going against the grain but i held my ground. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Incredible what one little bear market rally has done to crybaby bagholders lmao. "Irrational exuberance can be applied to the entire market, but when we're talking about bubbles, it's usually a particular asset class or sub-asset class. But, it was more bleak than I can remember in the 20 years that I have followed the company. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Good luck. Also, I don’t get why there is so much time spent on monitoring what the shorts are doing. Furthermore, to his belief that irrational exuberance is a factor responsible for the financial crisis of 2007/2008, Foster and Magdoff (2009) explains that people have been aggressively bidding on homes, since the year 2000, and this is based on the fear that the prices of the homes under consideration may rise beyond their ability. The shorts and manipulators did not do that. "Institutions such as the State of Michigan decided they were no longer going to hold MVIS and dumped their shares". Initially markets sold off around the world but quickly recovered and closed the year near the highs at about DOW 6500. The fact is they are a necessary evil in stock trading. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Good luck with your strategy. Why Does Irrational Exuberance Matter? Between April 30 and May 15, 2020 the short interest nearly doubled from roughly 7,500,000 shares to near 15,000,000 shares. The shorts will not determine the outcome of MVIS’s current efforts. But in the end Xichigan does as they do best. In fact, on every price spike since February 2020 short interest ended higher but the price ended higher as well. Share on Facebook. "My point is not to be a “short,” but to attempt a conversation based on realistic expectation". I have never been short MVIS. I am not infatuated with the short players but I think this stock is definitely manipulated on a daily basis. The USA in particular is awash in cash, no spending and stimulus money. It goes into the stock market, pays down debt, upgrades the house, everyone here where we live seems to be doing something to their homes etc. The question is why did long term, smart people, drop MVIS like the proverbial hot potato? Telegram. If you believed, I did, that it should not have been that low then you buy as they gave us a great opportunity to get cheap shares. With these exuberant valuations, all time cash hoards and stock price highs MVIS should attract some of that froth or something is wrong. They may have taken advantage of the disastrous situation that befell the company in Feb-Mch 2020, but they did not cause it. … But the Co. and us share holders have paid the price for this. "search for weak and poorly run companies and perhaps MVIS fit that description in the past while we were waiting for those pesky green lasers, etc... but had they not been so manipulated and their business and pps advanced in a proper fashion they wouldn't have been so weak or poorly managed". Tesla, for one, and the IPO of Snowflake come to mind as examples.There are multiple others across techland. It's self-demonstrating, whether (the big) you like it or not. I am long MVIS. I just hope the lofty valuation remains long enough for MVIS to take advantage of it. B. My point is not to be a “short,” but to attempt a conversation based on realistic expectations. As professionals, it goes without saying it is our responsibility to … And, even that was kept a secret for more than two years. When, not if, reasonable interest rates return then we will see a more traditional evaluation, but not until then. I would never think anyone from Xichigan 'would know better'. Such behavior reminds some of Allan Greenspan’s warning about “irrational exuberance” — just before the 1999/2000 tech stock plunge. Again, i wish you the very best luck. ... Irrational Exuberance. Even though it upheld the dismissal of Goldman from the California case, the California Appellate Court wrote that Overstock.com’s experts had opined that “Goldman knew the [stock] trades were shams and created a ‘phony’ supply of Overstock shares…. Management will. That, and that alone, cratered the PPS. I never came to that conclusion. While not one of the most shorted stocks in the U.S., the Reddit crowd might still find CGX stock an attractive proposition at 11.80 CAD a share. Short interest has been involved in all stocks I have followed over many years of investing. As far as valuation: A. alexyoohoo...again, the so called "manipulators" can only take what's given to them. It reminds me of the old cliche' "if wishes were horses beggars would ride". In sum, there is substantial evidence Goldman Brokerage was, itself, a beneficial purchaser of one species of the exotic trades in which [co-participants] engaged to circumvent [SEC regulation].” However, the court decided that on jurisdictional grounds the case against Goldman could not go forward. On the other hand, some experts on … I am not looking for a market crash short term. For example: in December 1996 Alan Greenspan uttered the term “Irrational Exuberance” as something of a warning. That option would have saved the company but also would have prevented most from making any serious money. So yes, that is indeed irrational exuberance, at least for that one company. Irrational exuberance is a state of mania. Proper value for this is at least $3 billion based on other public lidar companies. Among them is Reddit’s WallStreetBets. Extended? How Does Irrational Exuberance Work? Indeed, the dot-com bubble and the hypothetical crypto bubble share many striking commonalities, from powerful waves of irrational exuberance fueling their explosive growth to grandiose disruptive promise of their underlying technologies to trend lines describing the dynamics of their capitalization. Depends how you look at it. 16 million unemployed, even if the markets reopen again in the next two months its going to take a long time to get these people working again. Thanks, Oscar...well put. Management was in control of all the above. I was in the investment business in the late 1990s- 2000 timeframe (DOT COM bubble). I know, "Damn, those Nazi mods!". Of course, I don't mean "you" personally. Different guidelines, in the Greenspan scheme, govern whether Americans have slipped over into irrational exuberance, or … I have learned some lessons from previous overvalued periods. But, even that will likely provide some upside from here. February 7, 2021 by admin 0 Comments. Given the recent volatile action of GameStop stock, I wonder: Is irrational exuberance back? Especially, naked shorts. The short interest is even higher today at over 18 million shares, However, the share price is up another 3 fold from .84 over the same period. And, deservedly so. Furthermore, to his belief that irrational exuberance is a factor responsible for the financial crisis of 2007/2008, Foster and Magdoff (2009) explains that people have been aggressively bidding on homes, since the year 2000, and this is based on the fear that the prices of the homes under consideration may rise beyond their ability. They made a mistake and consequently were out millions. I hope the manipulators gets screwed. Nearly a four fold increase in the face of a doubling short interest over the same period. Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance,’ but market bull Ed Yardeni suggests it’s different this time. I think they simply lost faith in MVIS and its management when the $100M order went disappearing into the sunset and no revenues were in sight except the 2017 contract. What if it were purely rational, and not a case of irrational exuberance as the Maestro would say? US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan coined the phrase “irrational exuberance” to refer to inflated equity markets that might have lost touch with reality. In the stock market, it's when investors are so confident that the price of an asset will keep going up, they lose sight of its underlying value. Pinterest. When tech stocks tanked in 2000 and when the housing bubble burst in 2007, stocks went into bear markets. The way to minimize their game is for management to deliver. Ed Yardeni: Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance’ As the Reddit rebellion tries to make a comeback, one long-time market bull is seeing euphoria at … ReddIt. Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance,’ but market bull Ed Yardeni suggests it’s different this time. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Did they (the shorts) run the outstanding share balance to the limit, empty the company’s cash position, fail to deliver any new business and force the company to face a reverse split. Such behavior reminds some of Allan Greenspan’s warning about “irrational exuberance” — just before the 1999/2000 tech stock plunge. However, anything less than “MVIS to the moon” seems to be met with disdain, downvotes, and name-calling. Just "you" in aggregate. You would have thought State of Michigan having stayed the course for so long would have known better, not so. Ed Yardeni: Reddit rebellion is a sign of 'irrational exuberance' 1 like • 8 shares CNBC • 32d Yardeni Research's Ed Yardeni finds market enthusiasm resembles the dot-com bubble, but believes it's too early to … But, I think he is on a short leash when it comes to the use of those recently granted shares. Luckily SS and the BOD recognized that and acted promptly and appropriately. Reddit rebellion is a sign of ‘irrational exuberance:’ Ed Yardeni February 8, 2021 admin Finance News 0 As the Reddit rebellion tries to make a comeback, one long-time market bull is seeing euphoria at dot-com bubble levels. Because we fought long and hard to get so many of the documents public, the true story of this decade-long battle can and should be told by an objective journalist. According to Yale’s Robert J. Shiller, author of the book Irrational Exuberance, which expands on the theme of Greenspan’s comments, the term is now used to describe “a heightened state of speculative fervor.". And, the stock continued higher from there. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. In fact, I express my dislike for naked shorting in my post. Is this the time to be fearful with so much greed out there? Merrill Pro has admitted no liability in the settlement. Bubbles can impact broader indices, but they tend to be centralized." Over many years and millions of dollars of discovery generating millions of documents, Overstock.com chased the conduct of several of these firms, settled with many, and eventually winnowed its case down to two principal defendants: Goldman Sachs and Merrill Pro. Asset bubbles of the past didn’t have YouTube, Reddit, and Robinhood to get them started. GameStop, the brick-and-mortar video game seller that many presumed was destined to the dustbin of retailers, started to attract enormous interest from individual investors on Reddit — a … And more thing ..We are in early bull market.. and next 3-4 years going to be amazing ! Maybe you'll get a chance to see how the other half lives before they eat you alive. these are not good signs for long term health of the economy just short term band aids for the problem. But that is what it was. Typically, it means that investors are excited and driving up stock prices regardless of the fundamentals that would support those increases. In February, MVIS was facing, after multiple years of dilution, very few shares to issue to raise money at .15, a low cash position and a two year plan (Perry Mulligan's/Sharma's) verticals that failed to bring in revenue. I am also long MVIS. I had clients calling every day practically begging me to give the ok on buying crazy valuations like Snowflake has today. So yes, that is indeed irrational exuberance, at least for that one company. I'd love to see an effete, little middle-class disappointment like yourself try out Section 8 housing and the lifestyle of the working poor. This term is more famous for its impact rather than for its definition. Many of us will be sellers as well. Money is being thrown at companies with little regard for sane valuations. it does not appear that the tutes knew that the BoD was about to sell the company, parts or total. What exactly is a bear market rally and why does it happen? The book analyzes the broader stock market boom that lasted from 1982 through the … It seems like everyone is acting very greedy. Share on Facebook. "Geo-political risk" is a fine phrase, and not just because it strokes one of your Nazi Mods. How can … Europe’s murky outlook could snag growth; Millions of Americans could miss out on free tax help due to Covid no signs of unemployment decreasing either. Europe’s murky outlook could snag growth; Millions of Americans could miss out on free tax help due to Covid Share on Twitter. And, if there is anything less than a full buyout, it will present a whole different set of decisions. MVIS finally realized that they alone could not get it done. In fact, it’s the opposite. So you are back with same thought on general market. Madness lead to irrational exuberance, at least for that one company stocks i followed. Is warranted buying most over inflated tech stocks tanked in 2000 and when the housing bubble burst in 2007 stocks! In short, Overstock believes the effort are actually quite a few i! Fudsters and scums are exterminated about 1998-1999 if, reasonable interest rates return then we will a... Due course n't mean `` you '' personally, but no matter which the market from the fed )... Why does it happen knew that the stock went up to 4.2 or trillion. 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