The Liturgy of the Hours is a collection of Psalms, Canticles (think of Mary’s Magnificat), Bible readings, hymns, prayers and even readings from the saints. There was a time not so long ago, that calling a man your brother could get you hung along side him. This small booklet is designed to help you learn to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Similarly, the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, no. In individual recitation, the hours can simply be read—that is, “said”—silently. set of prayers the church has been praying for thousands of years Amazing! My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Watch later. If you want to grow in the knowledge of your faith and grow in prayer, this is an AWESOME way to do it. But things have changed! YouTube: Psalm 95 - A Great Way To Start Your Day Catholic Breakfast. [CDATA[ aax_getad_mpb({ "slot_uuid":"3711106e-47ab-47c9-a457-2e01d4a04f78" }); // ]]> Fight Distractions! Once you have all of the ribbons in place, you can start praying every day and go through it one page at a time. Loading... Autoplay. Fr. Yet, so many of these people certainly aren’t joyful or even happy. The Author. What is the Divine Office? The Liturgy of the Hours can also be found online at In a minute, I’ll explain where to find the Liturgy of the Hours, so you can pray it. Liturgy of the Hours Vol. We are well on our journey through the Liturgy of the Hours. Religious (sisters, brothers, monks and nuns) pray the full Liturgy of the Hours, much of it while gathered together, while priests and bishops are only called to pray a few of them throughout the day. The fourth ribbon should be located at the current day for “Night Prayer.” Which is much easier to understand, as it only has a single cycle that is repeated each week. After several years of praying, it is like riding a bike. We often do it with half the group on one side of the altar and half on the other trading verses. For example, on St. Thomas More’s feast day (he’s a martyr), we read a letter he wrote to his daughter while he was imprisoned and didn’t know if he would be killed for not adhering to the religion of the state. And if you miss one, no big deal. They typically take between 5 to 10 minutes to pray aloneor could take as long as 20 or 30 minutes … In order to figure out what week it is, go to and click on their calendar. This is one of my favorites, because one of my charisms is “learning,” and this one is FULL of learning. Since COVID I have found that the liturgy of the hours is a great tool for deepening my faith. We live in a challenging culture right now, which has disconnected itself from God, making each person his own God with the perceived ability to chart his own happiness and determine what’s right and wrong for himself. You don’t have to pray the “hours” at the exact time, but somewhere near the intended time is good. The Liturgy of the Hours is the “universal prayer” of the Church that takes place at multiple times throughout the day, including 6 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon, 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. and midnight. The second ribbon will be located in the front of the breviary in a section called the “Proper of Seasons.” This section of the breviary has all the prayers according to the “seasons” of the Church: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter & Ordinary Time. It’s $10 for one year, but wonderful and it makes it super easy to pray. If you have any trouble, I am more than happy to help as well. To begin setting the ribbons, take one of them and open to page 686 where the “ Ordinary” and “ Invitatory ” are located. I recommend reading Vatican II for yourself, as well, so you know where we’re called to take Catholicism into the future. Required fields are marked *. In 1974, people were dying because their hearts were enlarged in the grace to declare someone their brother. Your email address will not be published. The Liturgy of the Hours is a collection of Psalms, Canticles (think of Mary’s Magnificat), Bible readings, hymns, prayers and even readings from the saints. I think you’ll find, like me, that you miss it when you don’t pray it and that the fruits of this prayer are tremendous! No wonder it brings about a closeness to God! Tap to unmute. This joy manifests itself as a deep internal peace through trust in God and surety that He is leading us along the right path. Although she had arranged various colored ribbons … At first it can be quite confusing, but after several weeks of praying it goes much smoother. God, come to my assistance. that when you pray it, either alone or with others, you're actually praying The Liturgy of the Church by exercising the common priesthood of the baptized (1 Peter 2:9). USCCB has to say about the Liturgy of the Hours, A Tribute to My Friend and Priest, the Late Father Christopher Roberts, Everything You Wanted to Know about RCIA & How to Join the Catholic Church, 6 Free Daily Reflections to Make the Most of Your Advent, One Convert’s Call for Catholics to Unify Instead of Divide in This Time of Trial. and complicated (there’s a lot of page turning that has to happen). In contrast with the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours is relatively free in its specification of how things should be done. Office of Readings usually between 7-9 p.m. Nevertheless, “digesting” all this information can be difficult for someone without a liturgical background, and this fact alone can prevent many persons from learning a beautiful form of Catholic prayer. It’s Time to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours; Yes, I’m Calling You! Except that there is a presidence for the Cantor, above a Lay person. Did you know there is one set of prayers that the Church recommends ALL Catholics pray, every day? I highly recommend giving it a listen! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Praying the Liturgy of the Hours has been made easy thanks to many online resources. Lastly, night prayer takes place before I go to bed. The Liturgy of the Hours is the structure of prayer that nearly all Christian monasteries follow. A step-by-step guide on how to stay focused during prayer. I heard a great quote from a talk given at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame about St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), noting she “gave up happiness to seek joy.” I love that…. Share. I rarely miss that one! It’s called “, How (and Why) to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours, It is “the hymn which is sung in the realms above throughout every age” and that you are joining Jesus in “the divine singing together of a song of praise.” (Read my take on, why praise should be a part of your prayer, Midday prayer at noon when I take my dog for a walk. Many people will change things to make the Office their own. It’s called “How (and Why) to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours,” and it’s part of their awesome Burrowshire Podcast. Before we go any further, a note about Christian Prayer. However, after an initial introduction to praying the Liturgy of the Hours, it becomes quite easy and is like clockwork. This kind of common prayer gradually took shape in the form of an ordered round of Hours. One can sit and read straight through the office, as the goal is simply to spend time in prayer with the scriptures. But, for example, you could pray “Morning Prayer” (called Lauds) whenever you get up in the morning or after attending daily mass in the morning and “Evening Prayer” (called Vespers) after dinner or a few hours before going to bed. They explain how the millennial and Gen Z generation, especially, though I’m part of Gen X and feel we are a part of that, as well, will be the ones to put the teachings of Vatican II in place in the world. I went through several phases during the quarantine period and I’m sure I’m not alone. Religious (sisters, brothers, monks and nuns) pray the full Liturgy of the Hours, much of it while gathered together, while priests and bishops are only called to pray a few of them throughout the day. Is that incredible to take a peek into a personal letter from a saint on his deathbed? Typically it has special antiphons and prayers for the hours prayed on Sundays throughout the year. If you are praying the Invitatory on your own, you will say the correct antiphon once, pray Psalm 95 and then recite the same antiphon at the end. This is important to remember and will be repeated in Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, etc. In terms of where to find the Liturgy of the Hours so you can pray them, I advise using the Universalis app. Of course, God is working good through all of this, but I think we must take up our cross and join the battle, and the best way to do so is through prayer and fasting (but we’ll save the topic of fasting for another post!). After you have read the “Ordinary,” you can leave your first ribbon where it says “Invitatory.” This is composed of an antiphon and Psalm 95 and is typically prayed before Morning Prayer (or the Office of Readings). One of the biggest things I’ve discovered during this period is, But things have changed! This tells us, that when we pray the Liturgy of the Hours and we can sing the Intercessions, we should. When they succeed at this, the prayer becomes their own and not the prayer of the Church. Fr. I personally feel evil at work in a deep and profound way with grave attacks on the Church, on the family, on our ability to gather as Christians to receive the Eucharist, to pray and just to connect, an essential part of the Church. One facet of the Liturgy of the Hours that I did NOT understand is what’s called the “, I heard a great quote from a talk given at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame about St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa), noting she, In fact prayer can effect much more than actions, according to some of the great teachers of our Church. I suggest reading through the entire “Ordinary” before going any further. The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office or the Work of God (Opus Dei), is the daily prayer of the Church, marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer. Report Save. I’ve tried to pray the Liturgy of the Hours in the past, since converting in 2013, but it just didn’t “stick.” They felt dry and I felt like I was just “reading the words,” which is how another friend described to me her experience of praying the Liturgy of the Hours. At my troop's Federation of North American Explorers meetings, the leaders and the boys pray the Liturgy of the Hours together sometimes for our prayer at the end of meetings. Prayer directed to God must be linked with Christ, the Lord of all, the one Mediator [47] through whom alone we have access to God. How to Pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Is this the expected format when doing "call and response" in the Liturgy of the Hours for Evening Prayer? Praying the Liturgy of the Hours is a beautiful custom, one in which you are united to the entire Church and to priests, religious and lay people from around the world. I was an 18-year-old college freshman, and my friend Samantha invited me to pray morning prayer with her. The Second Vatican Council also exhorted the Christian laity to take up the practice, and as a result, many lay people have begun reciting portions of the Liturgy of the Hours. Since the Hours are liturgical prayer, the ideal way to pray them is together with other people. Many benefits are discovered by people who pray the Liturgy of the Hours: increased devotion to God’s Word in Scripture and the Mass, a daily link to Church seasons and feasts, and a sense that one is never alone in prayer — but united with the whole Church in heaven and on earth. 108 states: 'Those who pray the psalms in the liturgy of the hours do so not so much in their own name as in the name of the entire Body of Christ." If you ever get confused on which “Psalter” you are supposed to be in, go back to the “Proper of Seasons” and the correct Sunday will tell you. “Night Prayer” (. ) One facet of the Liturgy of the Hours that I did NOT understand is what’s called the “Office of Readings.” You can pray this set at ANY time of day. “Nothing can come but what God wills. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Psalm Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared a quiet place for us in your Father’s eternal home. So while there may be … Have you ever wanted to learn to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, but weren't sure where to begin? Thanks for your support! [48] He unites to himself the whole human community [49] in such a way that there is an intimate bond between the prayer of Christ and the prayer of all humanity. Starting with, it helps to centre yourself when it’s hard to keep track of time slipping away when you are isolated. Before we start… Don’t try to learn all the LOH in a day. 2. If you want to learn more about the Liturgy of the Hours in a very easy-to-read approachable manner, I highly recommend reading “, The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours. H ow to Pray the Divine Office in Latin. Not fully awake, I made my way down to the residence hall lobby and tried to follow Samantha as we moved through Lauds. Philip Kosloski "A beginner's guide to the Liturgy of the Hours." The Liturgy of the Hours is a collection of Psalms, Canticles (think of Mary’s Magnificat), Bible readings, hymns, prayers and even readings from the saints. And don’t worry, if you’re praying alone, no need to sing the hymns (how would you know the melody anyway?). Christian Prayer: Ordinary: 694 Proper of Seasons: 304 Psalter: Wednesday, Week II, 818. You can also opt for the book versions of the Divine Office, but they are VERY expensive (like more than $100 for the 4-volume set!) Universalis also has a free one-month trial via their app “Catholic Calendar,” so you can see if you really want to delve into this or not. Fr. To begin setting the ribbons, take one of them and open to page 686 where the “Ordinary” and “Invitatory” are located. The practice among religious communities varies according to their rules and constitutions. In the book, “, What first inspired me to start praying the Liturgy of the Hours again — and with regularity —  was a brilliant podcast from Brandon Vogt and Father Blake Britton. Carr begins a short series for the laity on how to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. — Lord, make haste to help me. In Vatican II, lay people are also called to pray this most holy of liturgies that most closely connects the Church and is second only to the praying of the mass. 100. Shopping. I’m most likely to miss the Office of Readings, as it’s not attached to anything specific and that tends to be an unpredictable time of day for me, but I’ve set an alarm on my phone for 9 p.m. to remind myself if I have not prayed it yet. When praying alone, each intercession offers direction for our personal prayer, bringing before the Lord our specific needs and the needs of those who are known to us. One of the biggest things I’ve discovered during this period is praying the Liturgy of the Hours, and as I’ve watched fervent Catholics around me, I’m not alone. Blake and Brandon talk about this transformative discipline, and how to overcome obstacles that beginners usually face. This is an informal summary of the General Instruction on the Liturgy of the Hours. As with everything, with repetition, you get used to it. Vatican II says that praying the Liturgy of the Hours is arranged such that “the whole cycle of day and night can be consecrated through the praise of God.” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, Chapter 4: 84) and that “the purpose of the [Divine Office] is to sanctify the day.”. Watch over our welfare….. Ant. The final intercession each evening is always for the departed. Then it’s followed by my FAVORITE part: a writing from a saint or Doctor of the Church. The different hours of prayer are listed out on the toolbar on the left side of the page. Let me show you why I believe we’re called to this universal prayer of the Church right now, and perhaps if you’ve had that same “dry” experience, let me offer some tips for how to pray the Liturgy of the Hours so it can become more meaningful…. Praying the Liturgy of the Hours is a beautiful custom, one in which you are united to the entire Church and to priests, religious and lay people from around the world. In an age where everything is available at the touch of our finger, it is healthy to learn the “art” of praying the divine office. 4 years ago. He explains for people like Nell who might get totally lost in it, how to pray liturgy of the hours! The full text can be found in most breviaries (at the start of Vol. The trick here is to go to bed before I can barely keep my eyes open, when I’m more likely to skip praying night prayer. (4:100). Vatican II specifically calls the laity (non-priests and religious) to greater participation in the liturgy and life of the Church, including the Liturgy of the Hours. "Whoever willingly recites the Liturgy of the Hours and endeavors to celebrate the praises of the Creator of the universe with dedication, can at least recite the psalmody of the hour that has been omitted without the hymn and conclude with only a short reading and the prayer." I personally feel extremely called to pray the Liturgy of the Hours right now, and since I’ve been praying them now for a few months, I feel closer to God than ever. Anthony gives an in-depth walk-through of the book of Christian Prayer. I see much more clearly how he is guiding me and I see his directions for me everywhere. You will see that it reads, “Monday, Week IV” and is where we want to be. Today it is located on March 7th, the Memorial of Perpetua and Felicity. This third ribbon is located in the middle of the breviary and for our purposes is located on page 937. The community character of prayer 4 III The Liturgy of the Hours 5 The consecration of the course of the day 5 ... tor, through whom alone we have access to God. That means after praying a Psalm, you will have to flip the page backwards to recite the correct antiphon. This is the Divine Office and the book that contains it is called the Roman Breviary (usually printed in 2 or 3 volumes). The fifth ribbon can be placed in the “Proper of Saints,” which contains the special prayers and antiphons for specific saint days. If you want to learn more about the Liturgy of the Hours in a very easy-to-read approachable manner, I highly recommend reading “The Everyday Catholic’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours” by Daria Sockey. Vatican II sometimes is associated with the impression of “modernizing” the Church too much, but I recently read the documents, and it’s an incredibly easy read that in no way comes across that way to me. It's only awkward at first. The “ Ordinary ” is the basic “instruction manual” for the Liturgy of the Hours and acts as a reference point if you ever get stuck. is designed for you to pray it just before going to sleep. Physical Breviary vs. iBreviary: How is a Person to Pray? I love that part in Compline, which wasn't changed that much. –> Fight Distractions! When you pray the Liturgy of the Hours, you are praying with Catholics ALL OVER THE WORLD, including bishops, cardinals and Pope Francis. In addition to the hymn, prayers and psalms, the Office of Readings gives you a MUCH longer Bible reading and follows a sequence, so you are reading parts of Job all together or the story of King David or the judges all together, etc. Praying with a physical breviary can be challenging especially if no one is there to show you how. I found I did not like their translation and praying with Universalis made all the difference. When praying the Liturgy of the Hours alone, you should say/pray everything. In fact, it is the prayer … Copy link. Learn how your comment data is processed. This kind of common prayer gradually took shape in the form of an ordered round of Hours. Info. Evening Prayer for Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent. You may also want to take a look at what the USCCB has to say about the Liturgy of the Hours. For today, it is located on page 1041. The Digital Breviary: A Guide to Praying the Divine Office in a Digital World, 5 Reasons to Pray the Divine Office Daily, How to Pray Like Jesus: The Ultimate Checklist. There is no wrong way to pray the Divine Office. All the words printed in the color red are your instructions and all the words printed in black are the prayers you actually pray. Christ so unites the whole human family to himself that there is an intimate and necessary relationship between the prayer of Christ and the prayer of the whole human race. evening, the intercessions focus on the needs of the world. You will see that it says, “Fourth Week of Lent” and “Monday, Morning Prayer” at the top of the page. 7. share. There’s also plenty from St. Augustine, so wise in explaining our faith, as well as St. Gregory the Great, St. Bonaventure and again, readings from saints on their feast days. Laudate is a free app that has the Liturgy of the Hours as an option, but they don’t have the official translation that religious pray. Aleteia (June 8, 2017). There is a lot of information to understand about this important Liturgy, so that we can fully participate in it. You're signed out. Instructions for Praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Well if we are praying the Liturgy of the Hours alone, then most of this will not matter to us. Fr. Here we see how the common phrase “Say the Black, Do the Red” comes in handy. Reprinted with permission. The Liturgy of the Hours: What it is and how to pray it. They included…. Note that the Liturgy of the Hours has been designed to be sung in community; however, the words recited, said, and sung can be interchanged, and so it is allowable to “recite” the hours by “saying” them without singing. Acknowledgement. The “Ordinary” also has prayers that are repeated each day such as the “Magnificat” and “Benedictus.” You pray these at Evening and Morning Prayer and are typically memorized in the monastery. Tap to unmute. “Night Prayer” (Compline) is designed for you to pray it just before going to sleep. Carr is a Catholic communicator in various media, the pastor of Hol... Fr. We know that we will only find our true joy in God, and it’s a joy that transcends through trials and tribulations whereas happiness is often aiming for an absence of suffering, which we know we cannot escape in this life. Chapter III-I. For me, it greatly deepened my faith and helped me reorder my priorities and discover what I want to be doing daily as a faithful Catholic. For the responsory, you would repeat "Into your hands Lord, I commend my spirit." The texts, psalms, and prayers are the important things, and after that, many variations are allowed … The Liturgy of the Hours is a set of prayers and Scripture Passages that the entire world wide Catholic Church prayers at different hours of the day. As its name states “The Liturgy of the Hours” is a liturgy (and not a private devotion), too. For example, Week II, Evening Prayer, Friday, 2nd Psalm: p918 ad: ad: You will have to remember the Doxology after EVERY Psalm and Canticle As most things that you truly want to add into your life, it must become a habit. It also has some other nice features, as well, in addition to the Liturgy of the Hours, that encourages you to stay in tune with the Catholic Church’s Liturgical Calendar (like saints feast days, etc.). Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God” (16:25). Psalms and Their Connection With Christian Prayer. What first inspired me to start praying the Liturgy of the Hours again — and with regularity —  was a brilliant podcast from Brandon Vogt and Father Blake Britton. Alternatively, you can order your own wall liturgical calendar that says what day it is. Just read them like a poem. ... Praying the Office in private, either alone or with a small group such as your family should be done in whatever manner works best for you. The Hours are a meditative dialogue on the mystery of Christ, using scripture and prayer. * * * Follow-up: Obligation of the Liturgy of the Hours [12-6-2011] Until you have them memorized, you can always turn to the “Ordinary” to find them. How to get started with these prayers Doctor of the Hours is the structure of that! The Memorial of Perpetua and Felicity aax_getad_mpb ( { `` slot_uuid '': 3711106e-47ab-47c9-a457-2e01d4a04f78. Pope and your local parish priest you need to be free and will you... 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