Create New Account. Who It’s Targeting: Both new and returning customers. About See All. Note: If your image consists of more than 20% text, you might see reduced delivery in the video. Why It Works: The ad copy is honest and reassuring, which is more attractive than some of the overconfident ads in the educational space. Naturally, General Assembly designs the intro course to convince the student to continue. Why It Works: The combination of the eye catching video and witty ad copy with a strong call to action makes this ad impactful. Objective: Increase brand awareness and sales. Why It Works: The emphasis on saving money and getting 2 free months is perfect for their target audience, as the GoTo brand competes with the likes of Zoom. Who It’s Targeting: Potential new employees. Why It Works: The video proves the product accomplishes what the ad copy boasts about, and proves that they’re appealing to all age demographics. Objective: Encourage attendance of a specific event and raise general brand awareness. Why It Works: The ad speaks for itself by promoting a useful new technological feature. Objective: Increase sales of a specific product line. Why It Works: The ad copy has an urgent tone, tapping into an online shopping culture that revolves around staying on top of trends and being the first to get a new product. The “Learn More” call to action appears less pushy and low risk (rather than something like “Start Now” as a call to action). Why It Works: The ad is focused on increasing awareness of an event. Why It Works: The ad shows an example of what the Ceros software can do, while the ad copy is convincing and conversational by using the choice of words “You deserve.”. Why It Works: This is an effective approach to increasing sign ups through a Facebook ad… raising awareness of and promoting a unique course offering that people might not be familiar with. The timeliness of the promotion that’s centered around giving back is important, especially for this time of year. Objective: Raise awareness and increase site traffic. Why It Works: Paid content promotion is a great way to increase traffic to a website and provide value to both current and potential customers. The limited amount of color in the image actually makes it pop more. Objective: Raise awareness of a special offer with a charitable twist. At a quick glance, you know what the app is, its value proposition and you’re invited to install the app right away. 4:49 0:30. The low risk invitation to start a free trial is a great way to attract new users. Who It’s Targeting: All potential customers. Facebook’s Ads Manager now even lets you upload different images for different display formats, and preview the way an ad looks before it goes live. Minimum image height: 600 pixels. or. Also, note how the call to action is “Learn More” rather than “Sign Up” or “Book Now”. Why It Works: The call to action of a 60 Day Free Trial guarantee is a great way to attract potential new customers by offering a no-strings-attached version of the product. Why It Works: The ad image is alluring and the ad copy offers clear incentives: free beauty tips, VIP offers, and 15% off. Target specific Facebook users based on likes, age, region and so on. Why It Works: The video illustrates the benefits of investing in cryptocurrency over time in a straightforward and interesting way. You can choose to have your video autoplay when a user scrolls over your collection. Why It Works: This ad is short and sweet but accomplishes what it needs to do: it asserts BigTime as the premier software of its kind for major consulting firms, and offers a free demo. Why It Works: The ad outlines what Freshly offers, includes an enticing visual, and points out a solution to a common pain-point: eating healthy without any hassle. Recommended resolution: at least 1,080 by 1,080 pixels Das Computertechnologie-Unternehmen Dell ist einer der größten PC-Produkthersteller der Welt. Minimum height: 133 pixels or. Why It Works: Wealthfront takes the approach of sharing all of the app’s benefits and including a light hearted quote/endorsement from a real user. Maximum video length: 240 minutes. Facebook’s Ads Manager now even lets you upload different images for different display formats, and preview the way an ad looks before it goes live. Sign Up for the Chainlink Weekly Newsletter. Why It Works: The ad copy is convincing and memorable, and the video is perfect for targeting new parents specifically. Why It Works: The ad graphic and copy gets straight to the point.This ad for Asana points out a common problem and offers up their solution, emphasizing the fact that it’s free to sign up and try it. Ads Manager is a powerful ad management tool, but it’s designed for advertisers of any experience level. Why It Works: This software company recognizes that the business productivity app space is competitive. Just For Fun . Inviting people to participate in a challenge, either as new or current members of TITLE Boxing Club, is definitely an effective tactic to show the community side of membership (which is often a big factor in fitness club sign ups and retention). Facebook Ads Tutorial 2020 - Facebook is one of the best and important platform for Digital marketing. When it comes to video, Facebook has one key recommendation to its advertisers: design for mobile first. Who It’s Targeting: New and returning customers. Why It Works: The ad’s call to action is clear and simple, offering a free workout to new members. When it comes to hyping up clothing drops, UO knows what they’re doing. Why It Works: The ad works because it emphasizes the exclusivity of a limited edition set with fun ad copy and a visually engaging ad image.The mention of free shipping is a smart move, too. Why It Works: In a visually simple way, the ad points out reasons why you would want to choose HelloFresh over a competitor (i.e. Who It’s Targeting: This particular ad targets J. Crew’s male demographic. The special deal and the compelling argument for increasing hydration and weight loss are likely to encourage users to click the “Shop Now” button. One great way to do this is through paying to promote content as a short term boost as a part of a larger overall strategy. People would use the platform to make new connections, wish a loved one a happy birthday and maybe even learn a little bit about Uncle's rock 'n' roll youth. 10 Ways to Improve your Social Media Presence Before the Holidays, Twitter Marketing Guide for Business in 2019, How to Create a Facebook Ad Campaign: A Beginner’s Guide, 5 Tips to Improve Your Social Media Strategy in 2019, Chainlink Social Media Marketing Services. Why It Works: This video is a bright and simple way to convey a special deal to attract new subscribers, and a brand partnership with Weight Watchers (which increases Blue Apron’s visibility) targets a specific demographic. Who It’s Targeting: Both new and loyal customers. Minimum number of cards: 2 FACEBOOK ADS 2020 [Complete Tutorial for Beginners] - From Start to Finish. Why It Works: The ad is extremely clear about who it’s targeting (teachers) and focuses on the benefits: providing free resources and empowering them to better help students. The video is extremely simple but effective. Why It Works: This ad is memorable with its seasonal play on words (“Planksgiving”) and corresponding video element. The aesthetic of the ad is eye catching because it has an artistic, human quality to it. Elizabeth Arden uses their beauty insiders program to expand their email list. Who It’s Targeting: Loyal customers and/or existing fans of the brand. 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