It’s very frustrating and there are just so many steps. I’ve learned a lot about Facebook ads since this article, which I’ll be sharing soon. If the size of your audience happens to be too broad, you may want to narrow it in more by setting location, age, gender or interests. You need to give Facebook time to learn who to serve your ad to. Are Facebook ads for music artists? For example, in the middle of my single image campaign above, I shared a short DAW capture video to my page, and it got promising engagement. I wasn’t aware of any problems routing directly to Spotify using the track URL. Thanks! I haven’t tried promoting an event through Facebook ads, but I imagine the same principles apply. I haven’t seen those ReverbNation ads! Whenever I’ve tried sending people straight to a track on Facebook, I get results similar to yours. I vaguely remember “Listen Now” not always being available, in which case I had to opt for “Learn More”. Pretty sad…lolololol. Maybe I just needed to give it more time. Usually get around 1.5k views for 15 bucks to 20 bucks. 44 Music Blogs to Submit Your Songs for Exposure… But Is It Worth It. It was an enlightening conversation, and a devil’s advocate rebuttal to my approach. It becomes pointless if the link won’t work. Beyond that, maybe your targeting is off. If you do the latter, you’ll get more engaged people theoretically, but it can limit the potential of how many people you will reach. There’s no way to track plays as conversion events, but you can run conversion campaigns using a bridge page or ToneDen Smart Link, and pixel users along the way. How did your live performance ad compare with the artwork ones – is it worth doing the live or do you feel it works equally well without it? Does that make me an expert? Bonus tip: Square video takes up more real estate in news feeds! My single image ad was part of a traffic campaign, optimized for click links. When you join Business Manager, coworkers can't view your personal Facebook profile unless you approve their friend requests. Instead, deselect everything but Facebook feeds. Someone who watches your video for only 10 seconds is less likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Hello Brian, thanks for the very informative article. Vous souhaitez découvrir ou vous perfectionner à la batterie ? By knowing this, you can create a new campaign and put more money behind that ad set to build that custom audience more cost-efficiently. I don’t see anything that interests me, and I especially don’t want anything between me and the Facebook Ads interface. Thanks for the heads up. 850 likes on 10K reach is really impressive, and almost unheard of! Maybe 1-2M? 1) Click on ‘Create Audience’ and select ‘Custom Audience’ in the drop down menu. My cost per 75% view was way lower with the live one, but the audience wasn’t as focused. The Facebook Sound Collection is an audio library of sound effects and royalty free music that you can download for your videos. Great question. My guess is the browser won’t allow a website to launch an app for security reasons. Ben Landis at takes care of that for me! If you just want people to hear your song, go for video views. Please do keep us posted! You can chose to display a playable ad on well known websites or Facebook. The good news is you can use Facebook Ads to do this also. Maybe the tl;dr is “hire an expert.”. Remember that you want to be specific and not too broad when you’re targeting millions of people on a $5 budget. A thousand impressions is nothing. There’s a very good reason for that, and I’m sorry to say it’s not good news! Do You Really Want to Hire a Music PR Company? If you want to send them to Smart Link where they can listen or download on the service of their choice, go for traffic. Indepreneur recently instructed us to restrict targeting to US, UK, CAN, NZ, and AUS because of potential bots. When a click takes them to another service they don’t recognize, with cover art differing from the image in your ad, they’re rightfully confused. Thanks so much. Required fields are marked *. Can you spot the issue? I’m no expert in YouTube as I don’t have “real” videos to promote, but I’d at least try Google Ads. While we’re on the topic of boosting posts, I’d be remiss not to mention the default targeting option: I get way better results with the targeting I describe below. “Traffic” has the option for an url and so forth. It didn’t even dawn on me that your ad went directly to Spotify…for some reason I thought you were using a Smart Link…lolololol. I think I fixed it. Similar to the video views campaign, I select Impressions most of the time for ‘When You Get Charged’. The program I was using had terrible looking titles and it looked way better with them off. Let the likes and comments build up for at least 24 hours before running ads on it. You want to aim to build an audience of at least a few thousand so adjust accordingly. But again, if you search through the Facebook groups you’ll find examples where people have found success with other methods. (Disclaimer: Not a lawyer so don’t take this as legal advice.) I’ve found in my experience that this isn’t great and that creating a custom audience of Facebook fans who have engaged with your page in the last 365 days is far more effective. Facebook users love video. There are many ways to skin this particular cat! The others Don’t miss my latest post on the topic, Facebook Ads for Spotify Best Practices. I’m sure there’s more to it though! Thanks. I usually will label ad sets based on the audience I’m targeting. Make sure it’s high quality and relevant to the action you want them to take. 3) Select the videos you want to use and the percent of the video watched. Most Facebook ads guides essentially just tell you to try different things and see what works. Good job!! You cannot add music or sounds to Facebook posts with Sound Collection. I’ve been planning to write about my fan finder campaigns, but I haven’t yet. Question #2: adding my music to a video ad I created in ads manager using their template. This is a great article and helped me a lot. I see them used too often more than the feed when it comes to “Listen Now” ads. Let the likes and comments build up for at least 24 hours before running ads on it. How I’m Promoting My Spotify Playlist with Instagram Stories Ads. Name it something you can easily identify later if you need to look back at the data. I run and am always looking for a better way to use FB ads to attract more traffic to the site. My current personal approach is to advertise worldwide for Spotify (i.e. Alright, enough naysaying! Even when you include Spotify as an interest target, you lose most of the audience along the way. CAN Facebook Ads even WORK for Music? Then make sure not to promote it! Fortunately the video still works: The ad was part of a video views campaign targeted to US men 18-34, interested in Stranger Things AND Drive (the 2011 movie) AND Spotify, with placements in Facebook feeds only. that I found myself humming your song “In Motion” over and over. From my understanding, Facebook is more so focused on preventing the use of copyrighted master recordings of songs from being used illegally (what so many do) and not necessarily the musical composition, what you’re using in a cover song. The landscape is constantly changing, so it could be viable now, but when I wrote the article the CPC was too high relative to feed placements. This option saves you money, especially if the ad isn’t performing well. I checked out some YouTube tutorials on this and the page they were working from looked different than mine. It was saying in my stats that it was doing “above average” but eventually that column kinda vanished. In order to re-use the post in another ad, you need the post ID. In the section subtitled ‘Multiple Ads, Nope’ you write: “start from a page post. That said, trying to follow your steps above for success. How to create Facebook ads: a step-by-step guide to advertising on Facebook – from Hubspot I could not find it. I didn’t know pages could manage other pages. Make it personal, make it real, and put your best song out there. If your video is 15 seconds or less and your objective is video views, you can select in-stream videos. You could send people to the song, your profile, a playlist, or to a smart link. I am a little stumped what to do now as I don’t feel comfortable with filming myself just singing (in forest or car!!!!) An insane amount of information about Facebook users — all of them — is at your fingertips, for free, via Audience Insights. It could even be an older video, it doesn’t matter because it’s always new to someone who’s never seen it. As far as videos go, this one doesn’t have a lot going for it. Band Profile helps you share tracks, list upcoming gigs, sell music and grow your fan base. She suggested casting a wide net, building audiences from video views, website visitors, Instagram engagers, page likes, lookalike audiences, mailing list subscribers, and so on. You ran a campaign with multiple ad sets and you want to know which ad set will most likely give you more 50% and up watchers. AD Music, Anneyron, Rhone-Alpes, France. I agree I should not have cancelled but it just seemed to be doing nothing. That social proof goes a long way when a stranger sees your name for the first time! From that point on, make sure that all your ads point to the same post. It’s way too early to cancel! 1. For your warm audience, it could be your engaged Facebook page fans, email list or website visitors. I’ve never purchased likes, and as far as I know they are 100% legit, but they are definitely stale. (FB is not always the most intuitive or user-friendly site, IMHO. I come back to your site time and time again. In this case, engagement is based on how long a person watches a video. Select ‘Facebook Pages’ then ‘People who like your page’ then select your Facebook page. Still, not a bad deal IMHO! lolololol…thanks for your help!! Next you need to choose who will see your ads. Now that you have your custom audience based on video views, create a new campaign using the ‘Traffic’ objective. 672 Visits , I’m flattered that you read it Jordy! I’ve tried creating lookalike audiences from my mailing list subscribers, Bandcamp purchasers, and Patreon patrons. Did you know you can import a list of contacts into Ads Manager, and have it create a custom audience similar the people in your list? However, there should be no issue with using cover songs that you’ve recorded in your Facebook Ads, at least from the few covers I’ve used in ads in the past. Like yourself, I do not play live so I was wondering if you found a workable solution to not doing that type of ad (singing in a forest or car thing) and if so, if it worked well for the Fan Finder method specifically (as opposed to Fans on Demand which doesn’t require this type of vid)? Maybe, after the latest updates, the big question eventually is.. which is the most effective way to invest small budgets to increase our plays? And it appears that of people who do hear it, virtually all click through and (it seems like follow and stream) and I get a strong bump of streams on Spotify relative to them (see below). I have finally managed to chip away at the Fan Finder course only to be horrified to find that the required vid needs to be a 3 minute performance in a common/realistic setting. Another type of cold audience you could be using is a ‘lookalike audience‘ based on a custom audience like engaged Facebook page fans. As for Quick vs Guided, fyi, you’ll typically see a button for one or the other upper right screen in ads manager when you go to set up an ad. It’s a platform optimized for music and event marketing. So I ran it as an ad with a “listen now” button linking to the same URL as my single image ad. It’s a Smart Link that directs users to the music service of their choice. You will have the option to add a ‘call-to-action’ button to show in your video ad. Which makes me wonder if the people clicking on your ads aren’t getting what they expecting. Target fans in the right locations. And what’s extremely funny is that i’m looking for the best way to use Facebook Ads to promote my music and see my own name in the tips!!!! Sounds straight outta Genesis to me! Confusing! However, if your goal is to get people to watch the video, the button could be a distraction. Facebook, no matter what industry you are in, works best with the most engaging content. Great article Brian. I did look at Beeple loops but they definitely work better with electronic music and while my song defies classification in some ways it is definitely not electronic. 143 likes. You can always edit the post from your page if you need to. I’m constantly throwing new options at Facebook to see if I can beat my reigning champion. Use my affiliate link with code PARTNER10 to save 10% off your first subscription of a website or domain. It’s just not engaging to the demographic I picked (18 – 35). Seems like I’d have to run this ad almost constantly to actually see any kind of bump in my Spotify stats!! Am I just acquiring bots from FB? Nope. Electronic stuff, maybe not as much. Same goes for the video. Audience Insights also offers location info, but it’s very limited and potentially redundant if you’re going to be targeting by the selected interest anyway. I would create at least 2 ad sets, one for each type of audience: Your cold audience would be the demographic of people who are more likely to resonate with your music, so you’ll be targeting your audience based on location, age, gender and interests. Have you looked into ToneDen? I’ll check it out this week and watch it. I’ve even combined tactics, creating a “super fans” list from high-engagement mailing list subscribers who purchased my music on Bandcamp, and creating a lookalike audience from that. Testing short videos now (with links to spotify), not sure how they may perform. I just tried it and it takes me directly to the song page. i got only 500 plays and most of them was by selfpromotion in groups, Check out my page “basseq” i released the album Serum. After my most recent ads spending spree, I was invited by Facebook to a call with a Facebook Marketing Expert. Creator Studio lets creators and publishers manage posts, insights and messages from all of your Facebook Pages in one place. Examples of different custom audiences you can create. Design your own custom Facebook ad using Adobe Spark Post editable templates. Over time you’ll build up an impressive amount of engagement that screams CHECK ME OUT! New candidates will automatically be added, and those who age out will automatically be removed. As luck would have it, I spoke with just such a person! What about instagram stories? Even $5 can go a long way. It’s a good way to take a cold audience and create a warm audience. Don’t do automatic placements. Maybe you don’t have a warm audience or you want to keep it simple, you can create one ad set based on a cold audience. That might be okay for brand awareness (or “exposure” as we like to say in the music biz), but they won’t get you clicks. This sounds like a great idea, but from my understanding that would only be possible with boosting, and when using ads manager you have to start the ad from scratch each time? Is it this link to Audience engagment instantly broken and expensive opportunity lost. For example, you can add a link to a platform that the song can be streamed or purchased. BUT, it’s expensive. I have tried in the past to send people to the Spotify player by using a link in a post, then I tried to boost the post with no luck. They’re also 36% less likely to have gone to grad school. I end up redoing it countless times. I won’t cover that in this blog, but the quick way to access a warm audience (your Facebook fans) would be in ‘Connections’ in the ‘Audience” box. But certainly there was far more engagement with this ad then the other one. I begin to understand why so much money is spent on ads cuz it’s hard to engage with consumers…lololol. I’ve posted my ad stats and creative below. You can put ads on similar channels or even specific videos. Helpful info thanks. Got questions about marketing your music? It’s important to note that not every page you type into Ads Manager is targetable, and there’s no obvious reason why. If you have your audience targeting down, then it makes more sense to be charged by impressions because it’ll be more cost-effective. I can also confirm that Your Page ➤ Insights ➤ See All Posts is still there for me! Constantly tweaking, they are, those busy little elves, which is typically for the better, but also maddening. Thanks so much. The course seemed quite insistent that this kind of vid is the way it has to be done so I didn’t want to steer off course and jeopardise my chances of results. That seems pretty grim that out of 333 link clicks…only 3 people previewed the song…lolololol. YES! I’ll let you know how it goes. Covering songs is perfectly legal in the U.S., as long as you follow a few rules like not changing lyrics, and pay the proper mechanical licenses if you distribute physically or digitally. It looks like you’re asking them to watch a video, and they’re expecting that when they click the play button in the image, it’ll start playing. As far as the ad itself, I do get an “meh..OK” 2% CTR from Facebook, but still, that’s not the main problem. Legal disclaimer This promotion is valid worldwide for 24 hours on Friday 29th of November, 00:00 AM, until Saturday, 30th of November at 00:00 AM, local time, and applies to the following: all tracks and Track Packs in the Licensing Catalog ( Thanks!!! Also on some type of ads I’m not allowed at all to use the spotify link directly (I get a red warning). Im no music expert, but you need to get behind a camera and put your video out that way. For my next campaign, I can create a custom audience of people who watched this video, from 3 seconds worth all the way to 95%: Now that you’ve read my controversial formula of dos and don’ts, I’m guessing you’re feeling pretty overwhelmed. Fun facts. Great post! Thanks so much man, yeah that makes sense then. Now, maybe they were using Guided Creation, rather than Quick Creation. Choose your goal (“Clicks to Website” might be a good place to start), watch the videos, and take it from there. That’s a lot to digest! The link works for me perfectly…but once it goes into the ad even though it is blue like it’s a link it becomes unclickable. Great stuff, as always, Brian, on/in an ever-evolving, shifting landscape. I am gonna look deeper into your suggestions because I probably set something wrong. All were ultimately unsatisfactory. . Next you need to decide where your ads should show. To create the video, I downloaded a Creative Commons animation from the amazing beeple, and superimposed the lyrics in iMovie. I’m hoping my upcoming lookalike will perform better than those in the past. 91% male. First, broken down into categories: And then pages (most of them bands, not surprisingly): I suggest using multiple ad groups to target interests separately. That addresses my questions quite well. It’s overwhelming, with gobs of (very small) text in every nook and cranny, and multiple calls-to-action. You gave me a lot of food for thought! I’m not selling anything. The best way to grow your Spotify following is through Instagram Stories as I describe here and here. Thanks a lot One thing I am struggling with is that have found that sending people (in ads, in general) directly to Spotify is frought with problems. Where is the area you mentioned “Facebook Post with Comments”? But long and the short of it is I’d rather pay for an ad that’s engaging people on some level then my other one which was completely dead in the water. I also think I messed up on the audience insights and need to refine it a bit more. But you still want to reach new audiences globally with your music. Any chance you could give some incite into running a twitter ‘follow’ campaign? Couldn’t agree more, but some of us are camera shy! I’m currently spending $6 a day on two campaigns: one to my playlist and one to my profile. you can promote a youtube video with google ads. By default, Automatic Placements is selected. Unfortunately, as soon as you promote it, the player disappears: My suggestion is to create a post with a Spotify link and pin it to the top of your page. Instead of giving you specific strategies, they teach you how to conduct your own experiments, because what works for them might not work for you. For me, not your sanity ;). Most of the time, you will want to select Facebook Feed and Suggested Video only. Thanks. Examples 53,728 Reach However now I can start worrying about how the add is performing!! Terms of Use - Privacy. With the SoundCloud app for Facebook, you can add a player to your Facebook page where people can listen to your tracks and share them with their Facebook friends. 274 streams on Spotify this week (usually @40-50 per week). Develop a Budget (start small and scale up) Don’t be afraid to invest, but also know that you can … If you're using music from other sources when posting to Facebook, make sure you're not infringing on others' copyright. Check the following boxes: For example, let’s say you want to build a custom audience of people who have watched at least 50% of your videos. As of today, I’ve spent $5888.35 on Facebook ads. Ive always wanted to do digital marketing for a bad ass musician. Sign up to track 82 nationally aired TV ad campaigns for Facebook , a Super Bowl advertiser. From there, scroll down and tap “Music.” On the “Music” screen, tap the plus sign (+) to add … It used to be that boosting posts was for amateurs, and pros used Ads Manager. You can find that buried in the URL of a published post, or by going to Page Posts in Business Manager. but facebook promotion is faked anyway. True? Coworkers can only see your name, work email address and the Pages and ad … You can always edit the post from your page if you need to. As long as you’re not under intense time pressure, I’d test what gets through and what doesn’t. I don’t think it’s bots. Just like your Facebook ad copy needs to be relevant to your target audience. First off, 80-90% CTR on emails? Or 10,000 prospects. Join the Indie Growth Coaching Community (Limited Time Enrollment!) to all Spotify countries), and to US-only for other cold traffic, as I’m focusing on merch sales, and shipping costs outside of US/Canada are ridiculous. That’s unheard of! Hello Brian, huge fan here.I actually work as a web advertiser so I would say I know my way around facebook ads. Be sure to name it something that makes it easier for you to use later. Another big benefit of advertising music on Facebook is that you can get as specific as you want with your targeting — which means that you’re not wasting your precious dollars on showing ads to people who aren’t likely to be interested. So lots of worry over nothing. From now on I’ll be sure to take my own advice! Once in your fan funnel, it can be easier to sell your music and merch to your fans. The other 99% left for some other reason. I’m overjoyed to get 25% CTR. I’m gonna try doing it over again which I seem to do every time I create a FB ad. The landing page should take the person exactly where the image and text promises with as little steps as possible. I’ve got a really old article about using Vagex to buy views, but I haven’t done that since, and wouldn’t: FB & IG ads made super easy and you can target using Spotify interests data. Plenty of other musicians have asked the same thing! As it wasn’t posted to my page, it didn’t accrue much engagement, which likely limited its performance. Every month, 1.25 billion of them view videos just on Facebook Watch, Facebook’s streaming video service. In other words, negligible. After all, your call to action is “watch more.”. Personally I wouldn’t spend a lot of ad money trying to get people over to Spotify unless it were part of a larger campaign, because the ROI just isn’t there. 50% of synthwave fans are 25-34, with an equal number above and below that range. Maybe 20-40 would be a good place to start. Thanks. I’ll walk into a room and catch myself singing it! So, yes, while I should get better at producing audio, only 5 people even played the preview track. Looking back over the article, clearly it was available with a traffic objective. The launch is separate from the Sound Collection feature Facebook announced in December that only lets users add sound effects or no-name music to their videos. Looking at the campaign level, my best outbound click rate is 3.29% for 945 clicks with 4242 3-second views, almost 29K impressions, but I don’t suppose that helps you very much. Once in your fan funnel, it can be easier to sell your music and merch to your fans. Band Profile turns the Facebook page for your band into a complete promotional portal. I wanted to find out if you have any insight on promoting events via facebook ads or do we just apply the same principles you address in this article like having a informative video about said event then create a Champaign that is optimized for video views to create awareness and then doing the same thing but instead of views we opt for a “learn more” option that takes you to a ticket sales link. The fact that it outperforms all other post types is uncontroversial. Unless you really don’t want fans to see your ad, start from a page post. Thanks Brian, and happy new year. I will check it out again in the preview when it schedules. (“Listen Now”). By selecting these columns, which most don’t show by default, you can see how these ad sets performed based on the criteria you are looking for. I have been experimenting with using FB Ads on my music videos and this shed some additional light on it. I’m also running my original ad but I changed the parameters and it is already doing better., Here’s ad stats for last 7 days: My second one was in fact a live performance video! Make sure that you’re setting it for at least 3 days. It was super informative and an amazing read. You know that Facebook Ads shouldn't be an anxiety inducing task, but you feel overwhelmed and constantly "out of the loop" on Facebook Ads. Plenty of people are in the same boat as us, and they’ve come up with some creative alternatives! From that point on, make sure that all your ads point to the same post. Promoting music on Facebook, and Instagram through Facebook Ads, is a bottomless and constantly changing topic. Learn more about copyright. For the most part, you’ll just need to input your budget, daily or lifetime. I’m still working on writing and producing good music. You bet! Speaking of Guided vs Quick Creation, do you have a preference? I don’t know what you mean by “facebook promotion is faked anyway.” 500 streams from 10K reach would be impressive, but the fact is you don’t know where those streams came from – one of the big issues with Spotify promotion. If you want to test your ad copy out ahead of time, you can experiment on your personal profile or another network. Obviously swap out Pumpkins for a better fit, or better yet, try multiple ads targeting fans of different bands. I used lookalikes of people who have watched my videos and perfoms very well! Is that why you use instead of building your own landing page (to save money on service). Great and detailed article. Fwiw I think keeping people on the site will prove to be the bigger challenge.

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