fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); All text and image content copyrighted by status : false, if(window.fbl_started) } ); August Bank Holiday: National holiday: Sep 22: Wednesday: September Equinox: Season: Oct 25: Monday: October Bank Holiday: National holiday: Dec 21: Tuesday: December Solstice: Season: Dec 24: ... June Bank Holiday. appId : '179692745920433', How was your experience? It is a holiday of a day off for official workers, students, and most business owners as well recognize this day and take a timeout to enjoy the break. We keep track of fun holidays and special moments on the cultural calendar — giving you exciting activities, deals, local events, brand promotions, and other exciting ways to celebrate. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Some people might use the 3-day holiday to travel to Ireland or the English mainland. function fbl_init(){ In the United Kingdom, public holidays are days on which most businesses and non-essential services are closed. It was designed to give bankers the day off so they could attend cricket matches. cookie : true, } catch (e){} The term is also colloquially used to refer to public holidays in the Republic of Ireland. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); , [wpforms id="8315" title="false" description="false"],
, DOGust 1st: Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs, National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day. The summer bank holiday falls on Monday 30 August so if you book Tuesday 31 August to Friday 3 September, you could escape somewhere sunny from Saturday 28 August to 5 September - … Perhaps you’re thinking of taking the family to Majorca or Ibiza, for some fun in … A bank holiday is a national public holiday in the United Kingdom and the Crown dependencies. This means, offices, colleges, schools, universities, and several other academic institutions remain closed on … Bank holidays in Spain that fall on weekends are sometimes replaced with alternate days (usually on the following Monday) if the regional government so chooses. Check 2021 UK Public and Bank Holidays. Riga. Mark down these unforgettable days! Bank Holidays in Kerala 2021: Get the list of bank holidays in Kerala observed in Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kozhikode and Trivandrum by Kerala govt with dates & information. fbl_init(); fbl_init() The August Bank Holiday, also known as the August Summer Bank Holiday, is a public holiday in the United Kingdom that falls annually on the last Monday in August, although in Scotland it just so happens to fall on the first Monday in August.

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