One little boy stumbled and fell. (silence)Let us now pray together. Are you willing to move as a family of faith, leaving no one behind. Why do you trouble her? But when I was on my own getting ready to leave the marketplace because I had planned to return later on to shop, unable to speak the language of the people, the arrogance that I had to go over there and attempt to share in this culture, and could not speak very well in this language. To go into the market place. It’s not white. Only Elijah heard the sound of abundance of rain because he was on higher ground. Our words must be words of reconciliation and love.

Would you therefore refrain from marrying? And so while sitting with her class she said, “I want you to help me now to define which commandments this story describes.”  She says, “Now, a little boy and a little girl were told to clean their rooms when their mother left. It’s not Native American. Them.

God has called us to be family, sisters and brothers alike. She has done a beautiful thing to me. Why do we have to go across the water?

The story opens wherein we find Naomi, her husband and two sons have left their home, their familiar surroundings, their friends, their place of worship, their workplaces, in search of what I would call a higher ground. And when they talk about you, they talk about us. On heaven and in earth that can solve your problems for you. Get the busyness out of your life and come sit at His feet. Excellent!”  Then she said, “Okay. Let’s take a bath.”  And we sat together in that tub. Will the Lord do so to me, and more also, even death part me from you.”  And when Naomi saw that she was determined to go with her no more. And I said, “Oh Alexis isn’t this fun?”  And she said, “Yes Mommy, but I have something to tell you.”  I said, “What is it you have to tell me Sweetheart?”  She said, “Well Mommy, before I got in the tub, I had to go to the bathroom.

Merciful healer, we do not claim our gifts. Who am I? So much so that she would even go and call up her friends and tell them about this woman’s dirty laundry. Not for ease or worldly pleasure, nor for fame my prayer shall be. I think that you got dirty windows.”  We’re always trying to take the log out of somebody else’s eye, but Christ calls us today to look at the dirt that’s in our own eye. For she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited his people and given them food. I don’t think that your neighbor’s clothes are dirty. What’s black on black crime about? It gnawed at their inner souls. Oh God of us all. It’s me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer.And secondly, I think another important point for us is that our language should demonstrate that we realize that God calls us to be in relationship to one another. All we need is another study program. You realize real soon sisters and brothers, we’re family. Then Naomi set out with her daughters-in-law to return to the country of Moab. I had a dream last week, that I was walking in a field with many people and I heard a voice speaking and turned around to see and it was the Lord , He was walking with a staff in His hand, and those walking around Him were getting closer to listen, He was saying My sheep hear My voice and follow Me, I am leading them to a higher ground, so stay close with Me” And He said and those that will not hear will be left like sheep for slaughter, and then He said I have prepared those who have waited on me and stayed close to go out and bring in the sheep and warn the sheep, He said I want to gather as many as I can and move them to a higher Ground.I am writing this to wake those who are asleep, and have gone astray; I have noticed that these days when I am around people, that their discussion is centered on things about Jesus, and not Jesus Himself? I’ve come this far by faith, leaning and trusting in God, and now this!Sometimes all that we have left in life are really strangers. We pray this in the sweet name of Jesus Christ with the communion of the Holy Spirit, now and forever more. And they leave us to wrestle with what it really means to be family. She has done what she could. Faculty and students.But Buber calls to us, however, the kind of relationship that allows for mutuality and reciprocity, for encounter, not just experience. And what God has joined together, let no one put us up. The encounter often times calls us to places that we wouldn’t normally go.
Of Ruth, Naomi, and Orpah. We can only stop it with love. She set out from the place where she was with her two daughters-in-law, and they set out to the place, and they went on their way to return to the land of Judah. Our goal is to have a strategic grasp of the Bible. Very costly.

Be as strength beside us. It reminds us that life is fragile. This old building keeps on leaning, I got to move to a better home. What’s this drug scene about? It’s me oh Lord, standing in the need of prayer. And this is the I and the You relationship, where the I and the You are both connected by God’s love. Where you die, I will die. I was pastoring a small church, and I was pregnant, trying to understand what it is God had called me to do. And may the words of my mouth and the meditations of all of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my God, my strength and my redeemer. The focus shifted from self to the Lord, They took their attention of their needs and put it on the Lord’s need. It’s me. The different between life and death. And so, as tragic as this all seems, there always seems room for triumph as we worship the living God. Close to thee. Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few want to stay and do “Nothing” for Him.

But now, she was considered to be worthless. What would Naomi say when they came back and told her that they had fallen in love with these foreigners? All we need is another commission on religion and race. ... Give; COVID-19 Plan to Re-engage; Search. We have what we would call a world famine. And all Naomi had left were these two women. Not my mother, not my father, not my preacher, not my teacher, but it’s me! If I should say, I have hope, even if I should have a husband this night and should bear sons, would you therefore wait until they were grown? Financially unable. (crowd response.) He asked that I would pray for him, and for his country.The ‘I-I’ relationship:  These people speak, but the only time they speak of you, is when they speak of themselves.

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