Centralised Licensing Procedures; This Page. 1 Abs. This process addresses the public health concerns related to Coronavirus, while ensuring an equal and fair opportunity for all interested participants. A Centralised Licensing Procedure is necessary in order to obtain a marketing authorisation for the entire European Economic Area (EEA). Licensing Procedures There are several different licensing procedures that a company may use to obtain a marketing authorisation for a medicine depending on which countries the product is going to be marketed in and the type of medicine. In these procedures, the marketing authorisation for the medicinal product is not granted by a national competent authority but by the European Commission in Brussels. Art. There is no need to obtain any import license or permission to import such goods. The necessary documentation is submitted to the regulatory authorities by the pharmaceutical company that intends to place the medicinal product on the marketThe licensing documentation includes data on analytical, pharmacological-toxicological, and clinical trials as well as the corresponding expert reports. Most of the goods can be freely imported in India.Licensed (Restricted) Ite… Canalized 3. Recommend page; Centralised Procedures. Licensing Procedures and Policies There are two types of licenses: one for Nonprofit and Public Agencies and one for Private and Public Companies. The Contracting Parties undertake to consult each other for the purposes of abolishing among themselves the current requirement to produce a licence for the export of strategic industrial products and(1) Die Vertragsparteien verpflichten sich, Beratungen zu führen mit dem Ziel, die derzeit geltende Genehmigungspflicht für die Ausfuhr von strategischen Industriewaren und Technologien in ihren Beziehungenthan is required for an application for a marketing authorisationweniger Angaben machen muss als bei einem Antrag auf Erteilung einer Genehmigung für das Inverkehrbringen.In order to reduce the administrative burden on the operators and national administrations the tenderingUm den bürokratischen Aufwand für die Marktteilnehmer und die nationalenim Falle der Zuschlagserteilung gleichzeitig die Lizenzsicherheit sein.Are the combined provisions of Article 1(2) and Article 8(2) and (4) of Directive 91/439/EEC to be interpreted as meaning that a Member State within its territory may refuse to recognise a right to drive under a driving licence issued by another Member State where the holder of the foreign EU driving licence has previously, in the territory of the first Member State, had his driving licence withdrawn or cancelled for some reason by the administrative authorities and where it is to be concluded on the basis of objective evidence (non-residence in the Member State issuing the driving licence or the failure of an application for the national driving licence to be restored)Ist Art.
1 Abs. An exact description of the intended pharmacovigilance and risk-management systems is also part of the licensing documentation.The legal basis for granting a marketing authorisation in Germany is Section 21 (1) of the German Medicines Act ("If the drug is to be marketed exclusively in Germany, a Pharmaceutical companies/manufacturers market many of their medicinal products in Germany and other member states of the European Union (In order to gain a marketing authorisation for several der Grundlage einer Genehmigung vertrieben werden, die nach einemAt the same time, there should accordingly be a derogation increasing from 21 to 90 days the time limit referred to in Article 44(5) of Regulation (EEC) No 3719/88 within whichDarüber hinaus sollte in diesem Zusammenhang die Frist gemäß Artikel 44 Absatz 5 der Verordnung (EWG) Nr.