phrase musik definition

Die einzelnen Module und Sammelschwerpunkte sind jeweils für sich, teilweise aber auch mit Hilfe zentraler Sucheinstiege (Orte, Personen) durchsuchbar. The name of the scale is taken from the key note – therefore if you start on F then it is the scale of F Major. These websites may provide content, applications, streaming or tools that enable a direct listening experience or promoting musical awareness including musicians or record labels websites, sites that promote musical events, or those that teach music or about music, generally or technically. a phrase in music, … Phrases are labeled using lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.). A count (or count-in) is used before starting of a piece of music to show when to come in and how fast to play the piece. A Toccata is a musical piece, often for keyboard, organ or brass. It is very often to have more than one set of Pickups on an electric guitar. A March is a piece of music often written for marching soldiers (hence the name) or military bands. A Bow is a stick with many strands of horsehair stretched taut across it. It produces a ringing piano like sound. It follows therefore that a noun phrase functions as a noun in a sentence. Instruments such as double bass or bass guitars can produce low notes for musical accompaniment. A phrase is a musical thought that is typically four measures long and ends with a cadence that can be strong or weak. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 12The same term, used since the 1950s, also means “serious music,” from the Dutch phrase serieuze muzieke, in the European tradition (Notosudirdjo 2001). Thus, the definition tends to be vague and problematic as various interpretations of ... Abbreviated as, and the most celebrated Nachtmusik is Mozart’s. It can have four or five strings and is played with a bow, similar to a violin but is played while it stands vertically. The Tempo relates to the speed of a piece of music. The Tin Whistle is a wind instrument usually made of thin metal and is played by blowing and covering any of the six holes on the whistle. A Steel string guitar is an acoustic guitar which has all steel strings. Just like harmony is the main way to organize notes and pitchesvertically, the main way to organize them horizontally is melody. B. Marx) gilt außer der Gliederung durch Halb- und Ganzschlüsse auch die Symmetrie der Melodieteile, Korrespondenz zwischen Vorder- und Nachsatz, die in der Regel je vier Takte umfassen, als definierendes Merkmal der P.; zwei Takte bilden eine Phrase, zwei Phrasen Rock Music can be defined through history by its energy. Piano tab is usually a chord progression laid over a vocal outline, so that the chords can be played as the lyrics are being referenced. The smaller version of a Grand Piano is a Baby Grand. A note is a single tone or sound of a particular length and pitch. However, it is not as slowly as Largo. A Harp is a large stringed instrument where the strings are plucked by the person playing the Harp. phrase. An Interlude is a short piece of music which lies between two longer pieces. The term Baritone can also refer to an brass instrument of that name or an instrument which has a baritone range. A symphony orchestra is capable of playing symphonies; a chamber orchestra is smaller in size. A Minim is a musical note which has half the time value of a semibreve, or a whole note. The double bass is the largest stringed instrument of the symphonic orchestra. A Mandolin is a small stringed instrument with four pairs of strings, which are plucked with a plectrum. The Didgeridoo is a way for the aboriginal people to tell stories through song and the music of the Didgeridoo. A Carol is a song of religious celebration or a song of joy. It originated in the Americas as a type of black folk music. The musical instruction of Mezzo Forte, is an instruction for the performer to play an instrument only moderately loudly or to sing moderately loudly. nicht aber unbedingt die Meinung der Redaktion wieder. the term Percussion, is a general term for those instruments in which the sound is created by striking a surface by using a stick or hand. Music Definitions A-Z, Glossary of Musical Terms, Transposing : How to Transpose Music from one Key to Another, Piano Chord Map - Full List of Piano Chords. Nach einer alten und einfachen Definition besteht eine Phrase aus so viel Musik, wie in einem Atemzug gesungen werden kann. The word Adagio means that a piece of music is to be played slowly. A Baby Grand is a type of piano which is smaller than a concert size grand piano and is a horizontal framed piano being strung horizontally, as opposed to an upright piano. Die Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO) ist das zentrale kulturwissenschaftliche Portal zur Geschichte und Kultur Bayerns, Frankens und Schwabens. A Harmony or Harmony line is commonly used in music. Now play the first four bars, they sound more complete. The final cadence in a period is normally the strongest. Wind Instruments are divided into woodwind and brass instruments. The Definition of Melody. Its definition in relation to music is “a short passage or segment, often consisting of four measures or forming part of a larger unit.” In this article we’re going to focus MAINLY on musical phrasing. The Major Scale is a diatonic scale consisting of eight ascending notes, from the key note to its octave. A solo is a piece of music performed by one player. Arabesque is sometimes applied to instrumental music. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 30Er erzählt : „ Als ich zwanzig Jahre alt war , stieß ich auf eine Definition der Musik , die plötzlich Licht zu ... Wronski had written his own theories of philosophy and while reading his book I was struck by a phrase he coined to ... Clauses are the center of sentences and phrases strengthen the sentences to become meaningful. Phrases and Period Forms Phrase - a relatively independent musical thought terminated by a cadence. Digital is superior in this respect. "[9], John D. White defines a phrase as, "the smallest musical unit that conveys a more or less complete musical thought. Dynamics relate to varying levels of volume, loud and soft, in a piece of music. However, the absolute span of the phrase (the term in today's use is coined by the German theorist Hugo Riemann[15]) is as contestable as its pendant in language, where there can be even one-word-phrases (like "Stop!" A Cadence in music, is a certain progression (set) of chords which mark the end of a movement, or piece of music. Pizzicato is abbreviated as pizz. In general, diminished is only used to describe a diminished 5th or diminished 7th note. Finally the term Da capo al segno means repeat until the specified sign is reached. Da capo is usually abbreviated to D.C. and it is an instruction to repeat from the beginning. A Cello is a member of the Bass family of stringed instruments. Cornets are used mainly in brass and military bands. There is a reservoir of air in the bag, which permits notes to be played continuously. The damper pedal enables a pianist to play quieter, as well as dampening the tone of the note. A Hymn is traditionally a religious song of praise to God, or a Holy Saint. A Broken Chord is a chord which the notes are played one after the other, rather than at the same time. Just as a paragraph is a series of sentences, a major phrase is a series of mini-phrases. A Natural is a note which is neither flat nor sharp. is used often on music notation and it means that the sustain pedal should be depressed and used for the duration of the notes which has the Ped indication. Unlike clauses, phrases do not contain both a subject and a predicate (although they sometimes function as one or the other). Sounds are made if keys are pressed to force the air down the reeds for that note. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 83This means using the reverse side of a phrase coined in a poem by Sonnevi (1975): 'music cannot be explained away — it can't even be contradicted unless you use completely new music'.2 Thus using IOC means describing music by means of ... A Loop is any small segment of sound or music that is repeated on itself so it plays continuously in a melodic or rhythmic pattern. The saxophone has a single reed and has a distinctive sound. Finally the term. There are various categories of Rock including, Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, Pop-Rock, Soft-Rock, and Grunge Music. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 29Einige Definitionen mögen deshalb zur Verdeutlichung herangezogen werden : A. Sychra : „ Zum Unterschied von Motiv , Thema , Phrase , Periode , rhythmischem oder melodischem Modell usw. bedeutet Intonation eine konkrete klangliche Form ... The word Chanson comes from the French for song. A flautist is a person who plays the flute. Two strokes on the side drum, with the first beat consisting of a short note and the second being a long one. Meanings and definitions of words with pronunciations and translations. Short section of music of a musical composition into which the music, whether vocal or instrumental, seems naturally to fall. A Cadenza is a section of music which displays the skill of a player or singer. Phrases are created in music through an interaction of melody, harmony, and rhythm. Selten ist sie mit der Taktgliederung identisch. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. The singers register will have a limit but by singing Falsetto, a singer can achieve a higher range. The term Body, refers to the main part of a guitar. A Sonata is a piece of music written in three distinct sections. Phrase definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. These hammers are activated by keys, depressed by the performer’s fingers – the pressure and speed of which can vary, and therefore the volume. However, Rock or popular music, does use the term concert for solo performers playing before an audience. Rondo, Rondeau, in der Poesie ein kleines Gedicht, von französischer Herkunft, aus Doppelstrophen bestehend, von denen nach der zweiten Hälfte die erste wiederholt wird.Das einfache französische Rondeau hat eigentlich dreizehn Verse, welche nur zweierlei Reime haben und in drei Strophen abgeteilt sind. The right pedal on the piano is the Sustain Pedal. Musical phrasing is the manner in which a musician shapes a sequence of notes in a passage of music, in order to express an emotion or impression. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1122.1.1 Das Gesamtphänomen Musik Schon bei einer konservativen Sicht auf Musik, nämlich als einer Welt der Töne, ist eine präzise und umfassende Definition des Ausdrucks “Musik' kaum noch möglich. Wir haben in Abschnitt I.1.2.1 gesehen, ... The Interval is the difference in pitch between two notes. Clauses, phrases and sentences are very similar, but they do have different roles. The lower of the skins is in contact with strings (snares) which often have beads attached, which produce the distinctive rattling snare-drum effect. Carillon bells are usually located in a church tower. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 60Wulf Arlt , “ Der Traktatus figurarum - Ein Beitrag zur Musiklehre des ' ars subtilior , ' ” Schweizer Beiträge zur ... may be articulated ( i.e. , “ phrased ” ) so as to be perceived as constituting phrases ( see Phrase , Phrasing ] . Often abbreviated to dB. Abbreviated as f. The musical instruction of Fortissimo, is an instruction for the performer to play an instrument very loudly or to sing very loudly. Comparable to a sentence in language. MP3 Files may be recorded on CD-R or CD-RW media for playback in compatible DVD players, audio CD players, and CD-ROM drives. Hälfte des 18. Therefore, a piece of music written in E Major will usually start and end in that key. Dolce, is a musical instruction to a musician or singer to perform a musical passage in a gentle / sweet style. The word Carillon refers to the pealing of a set of bells. Counterpoint is when two or more melodies are combined, so that they form a harmonious tune in themselves. Period Forms - A period is the combination of 2-4 phrases and consequently involves 2-4 cadences. You use the expression ‘Face the Music’ to indicate that it is necessary to accept the negative consequences of previous actions. A small section of a composition comprising a musical thought. 59, No. To play music in a key other than the one in which it was written. Wind Instruments are those in which sound is produced by the player blowing into or across them. Ritardano is an instruction that the piece is becoming slower. The fingerboard is so called because the players fingers must press down on the strings in order to select the desired note. ; The guys attacked the pile of nachos, their fingers getting the last bit of cheese off the plate. A phrase is a grammatical term referring to a group of words that does not include a subject and verb. A damper pedal is the pedal on the piano which causes the piano hammer to hit only one string and not all three. The Beats per Minute refers to the tempo or speed of a song. Accidentals in music refer to notes that are not within a specific key signature and … Music Sites are websites dedicated to the distribution and presentation of music or musical information for reading, research or download. Therefore a slow waltz may be only 70 to 80 BPM. This is basically a Musical Glossary of music and definitions of musical terms. So an Arpeggio of C Major would simply be the notes C E G and C(high) played in sequence. It relaxes me. Clear definition and great examples of Mnemonic. A concert is a musical performance in front of an audience. The clarinet has been uses since the mid-18th century. Queen, Rock Band, comprised Freddie Mercury (lead vocals/piano), Brian May (lead guitar), Roger Taylor (drums), and John Deacon (bass guitar). Es vereint zahlreiche elektronische Angebote. The term Tone is also used to describe an interval of two combined semitones, a whole tone. The Decibel is a standard unit of measurement for the intensity of sound. Effects pedals (or effects boxes) include Overdrive, Wah-Wah, Reverb, Chorus and Flange. The term was popularized by William Rothstein's Phrase Rhythm in Tonal Music. Claves are a pair of wooden sticks which are used as percussion instruments. The term Bar, usually refers to the area between 2 vertical bar lines. The fret allows easier, more precise and more accurate fingering for correct note selection. When an instrument is played Pizzicato, the piece is to be played by plucking, and not bowing, the strings. Nachtmusik in German, means night music and the most celebrated Nachtmusik is Mozart’s Eine kleine Nachtmusik. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 56Stellvertretend für die sehr enge Definition von Kultur als kognitiver Kategorie soll hier eine Formulierung von Adorno genannt werden : „ Was überhaupt ohne Phrase Kultur konnte genannt werden , wollte als Ausdruck von Leiden und ... Über den genaueren Umfang und die Gliederung solcher Abschnitte sagt das Wort in dieser Zeit also nichts aus. Phrase is defined as to express in words. One that is perceived as "closed" (sounds as if it completes a musical thought) is a full cadence. In the Classical period, phrases are usually two, four or eight bars long. Herkunft. [7], Terms such as sentence and verse have been adopted into the vocabulary of music from linguistic syntax. Phrase. A Grand Piano is a large horizontal piano commonly used in orchestras. Im Buch gefundenof feelings, which the poem regards as intrinsic to music, into 'hörbare Landschaft' then suggests formal properties ... and conclusive-sounding phrase the poem seems to resign from all attempt at definition: 'Du Fremde: Musik' (l. 7). Let’s look at an old Beatles song “Let It Be” to better define what musical phrases are. The tragic death of Queen’s lead singer Freddie Mercury occurred on November 24th 1991. Pitch is a measure of how high or low a note is, relative to the tone of other notes. A Marimba is similar to the xylophone, but using wooden bars. A Banjo is a guitar-styled fretted instrument which usually has five metal strings and is plucked or played with fingers or a plectrum. The Sound hole is the hole in the front of an acoustic guitar from which the sound is projected. Classical music is normally written down precisely (using the standard musical notation) with every instrument and its part carefully specified on various staves. Synonyms for Phrase (music) in Free Thesaurus. Maracas are small percussion instruments from Latin American, usually containers filled with seeds or beads which rattle when shaken. A Mixer is an electronic audio device for mixing or blending separate sound sources together. Queen, Rock Band, comprised Freddie Mercury (lead vocals/piano), Brian May (lead guitar), Roger Taylor (drums), and John Deacon (bass guitar). Syncopation can be very effective and is commonly found in Jazz music. A Metronome can be used for setting speed when practicing a musical piece. An Oboe is a wood-wind instrument which has a double reed and conical tube. "[10] Edward Cone analyses the "typical musical phrase" as consisting of an "initial downbeat, a period of motion, and a point of arrival marked by a cadential downbeat". Radio | Mit Namen oder Initialen gekennzeichnete Beiträge geben die Meinung des Verfassers, The Clavichord is often referred to as a Clavier, and Clavier is French for the word Keyboard. Often Instrumentals are used as incidental music during a film or play. A Prelude is an instrumental or orchestral piece which introduces a larger musical piece. Note the length of the phrases in this example: a four-bar presentation phrase is followed by a six-bar continuation phrase. You may see this referred as the 3rd Movement or 6th Movement of a piece. An Arpeggio may often be played forwards then backwards. The most famous type of carol is a Christmas Carol. One that is perceived as "closed" (sounds as if it completes a musical thought) is a full cadence. Brass instruments are collectively called Brass or Brass section. Any Interval greater than an octave (eight diatonic notes) are called compound intervals. Phrases from the Bible - the single book that has given more sayings, idioms and proverbs to the English language than any other. Abbreviated as, The musical instruction of Mezzo Forte, is an instruction for the performer to play an instrument only moderately loudly or to sing moderately loudly. Soprano is the highest female voice and is also used to classify instruments such as Soprano Sax. Analog zur Verwendung in der Sprachwissenschaft, ist eine Phrase in den Künsten der Musik eine zusammengehörige, melodische, rythmische Einheit, die in einer größeren musikalischen Struktur auftritt.
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