girls ……………… boys study together. Noun phrase: to win the trophy (it serves as the object of the verb hopes), 3. Take an umbrella ………………………. q. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the underlined word. He is an honest person. (c) resuscitate, 5. You can make the payment either by …………………….. or ……………….. . Not sure what to do. (d) hesitation Mr. Sanyal suddenly stood up, stretched himself, raised his lean right arm and with eyes wide open, began to recite a poem by Tagore – “Panraksha”. We are continually facing a perplexing situation when it comes to buying a water purifier. Media person 3: Which song do you like very much from this movie? Satyajit Ray The Attic Question 3. Answer: Aditya was totally a different person now and he expressed keen interest to visit his house where he lived twenty-nine years ago. The mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother had shaken her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector. Media 3: Is it user friendly? Question 9. c. Who were Aditya’s ancestors? 2. He goes straight to the Jeweller to determine the current rate of the medal in the market. Why? (i) You are Jansi/Avinash of Class X studying in GHSS, Chengalpet. The book that Tommy found in the attic of his house had yellow and crinkly pages. You believe that physical activities improve our health and reduce the risk of sickness. Answer: They used to study through tele-books. Noun phrase: such a picture (acts as the object of the verb phrase ‘have…seem’), 5. The price of silver was not more than five rupees then and now silver is thirty times costlier. From the jeweler’s shop Aditya went straight to Jogesh Kabiraj’s house where Mr. Sasanka Sanyal whom he met at Nagen uncle’s tea shop lived. Pricked by the same, he stood up, stretched himself and raised his lean right arm and with eyes dilated, began to recite a poem by Tagore – Panraksha titled in English, ‘Keeping of a Promise\ Having recited the poem, he left the place, making the gesture of Namaste with his hands, to nobody in particular. We request you to keep big Garbage bins at every road and also clear the garbage collected on a daily basis. We did not miss the train. Write a few lines about the owner of the shop. 1. Media 4: How about the warranty and service queries? This article is intended to create awareness among the Police officers about the various modalities available to prevent road accidents and also to inculcate a sense of responsibility toward spreading the message of road safety as a good citizen of our country. Answer: GL CEO: The Me (heal) aqua Installation is quite user friendly. (c) erected Prose : THE ATTIC. Answer: Find 99 questions and answers about working at ATTIC Correctional Services, Inc.. What were they? (d) antic Though Rani is allergic to dogs, she has six of them. Avoid using rhetoric, or non verbal expressions like ‘hmmm’ ‘ah’ etc. In Sasanka Sanyal’s room, there was absolutely nothing but just a charpoy to sit on. p. Why did Sanyal recite the poem in the tea shop earlier? 1. Attic Boards Question 1. Mr. Sanyal reacted sharply, stood up, stretched himself and, raised his lean right arm. He tried to recall memories of his 200 year old ancestral house, his school and the tea shop. … Did Sasanka realize his desire? Fill in the destination in To. Question 10. 4. speaks / Ruben / besides / German /languages / two What amazes me is you’ve taught them skills that will last a lifetime. The Question and Answer section for The Buddha in the Attic is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Sanyal said that Aditya could not bear the fact that Sanyal had got a prize. Media Person 1: Director sir. A. Aditya and the narrator were returning from the site of their new factory at Deodarganj. inches to 1500 sq. During her childhood, Nimmi used to suffer from convulsions. 1. ‘. Remember our filters can be used for 12 months without any complaints. Trick questions entertain and inform. However, he heaves a sigh of relief when he gets what he had been looking for. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Trick Questions with Answers. 2. What did Sanyal say about Aditya who had asked him for his prize? Answer: d. How was the landscape through which they travelled? Answers: F. Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. TM Model School, Dharmapuri. Answer: The first one has been done for you. The train halts at every junction. Aditya did his matriculation schooling at his native village Bramhapur where he was born and proceeded to continue his higher studies in Calcutta.
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