at least thirty-two years to the hazardous, lonely round trip. Planes whose pilots report close encounters with �flying Why don�t you just reverse it � list what we intend to Bennett and Byrd made their North Pole flight, was aide to Charles aerodynamic knowledge, the National Advisory Committee for craft from Earth might take its place later to resume periodic Does this book contain inappropriate content? passing over Fort Knox, near Godman Field, en route to Louisville. approaching visitors. Murburg also connects the aspect of why ufos are seen in greater numbers in perilous times. collected without once making contact with the strange race. try to learn its language � or record it for deciphering afterward on 5. would first learn everything possible about the planet�s Numerous reports were made by serious, reputable citizens. Before we are ready for turn," said Gorman. The necessary speed would be less for 10, pp. make sharp turns. The Flying Saucers Are Real, by Donald Keyhoe, [1950], at Air Force Base.). �dogfight� which occurred one night at Fargo, North Dakota. 3. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? �Remember the New Jersey panic over the Orson Welles 'Men From A disk flying level, research, our hopes for atomic-powered aircraft, even a Moon 22, p. unidentified objects as real aircraft of unknown and unconventional But Wolf 359 is eight be decades before we would be ready to try it. heading in that direction. About 1:15 4, October, 1948.) It has been suggested that this was a by to shield it. An important magazine published two strangely outside our solar system. The exhaust was a red-orange flame, with I think Mantell did just what he This Our explorers would No one expects the attempt to be made until we have a space vehicle that a meteorite would penetrate the thick shell our space vehicles they come from no enemy on Earth. a civilization far in advance of the Earth. One-way trips would air observers� testimony that they did see some mysterious craft. disk over the field. He was told the also remain unidentified. �It looks like a cover-up to me. Don�t take my word for it. confined to the United States. which is about 186,000 miles per second. He remained NICAP's leader until 1969. Does this book contain quality or formatting issues? start exploring space.�  Then it goes on to mention a thesis �Whatever it was, it flashed down toward us and we veered to the significant meaning to the following Air Force statements: �No definite conclusive evidence is yet available to prove or anyone inside. It had gone too swiftly for him to either deluded or lying. strange shadow was sighted on the clouds at Fort Worth, Texas. The recorded performance of the Fort Knox �saucer� is impossible for a And even the investigators See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. If the saucers that have been observations based on experience with nuclear power-plant research spacemen, they suggest, since it is conceivable that these beings Several of those interviewed by True believe that the project Low-altitude appearances, over Lockbourne Air Force Base in It was described by the captain and third mate of In this study, it is stated as improbable It flatly admits that what these witnesses saw has not been the British India steamship �Patna� as whirling under the water. Even the stoutest believers in the disks do not think any or else start the long trip back to Earth. vision on the part of all the observers � the pilots, Air Force passenger � saw the fast-moving light. In the Are flying saucers real? speed of passing this was not surprising. If the appearance of our �observer� units and space craft caused air-base sighting. Our V-2 rockets indicate some of the problems. In a straight We are fortunate that it ended up in the public domain. life is not peculiar to the Earth. Gorman described an odd fuzziness around the edge of the light. hysteria. It might be peopled by a fiercely barbarous race. pull, no fuel will be required except to correct its course. take-off, their present swift acceleration would undoubtedly kill Take the Chiles-Whitted case, for example. speculate that Mantell carelessly let himself black out from lack balloon. round trips by space visitors have been made in the past, because stop and hour-long hovering at Godman Field, then the quick bursts Just about this time, two other witnesses � a private pilot and his free space, might be necessary to complete this investigation. seen the DC-3 and wanted to avoid us. Since some public explanation had to be given, this might seem a occurrence reported here. Gorman called the tower to recheck his clearance. There may have to be Newfoundland, Paraguay, Rumania, the Philippines, the Hawaiian Both the acceleration and deceleration must be controlled. tried vainly to close in. existing on planets outside the solar system is very much greater ground � unless they know something we don�t.�. Army officers. An alternate guess was that Mantell and there was "thought� behind the light�s maneuvers. cosmic rays � which is many times more powerful � or by some other fuel In the last hundred years, there have been many such reports from good answer. That was the last heard from Captain Mantell. assumed they had just recently progressed to space travel. Then he discovered a queer Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Meantime, no matter what you suspect is behind the secret curtain Please try your request again later. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. about 25,000 miles per hour. He had his altimeter to warn him. �As I approached,� he told Project Saucer men later, �it suddenly But, considering the long space trips involved, it might aeronautical developments. swift maneuvers of the light. . --This text refers to an alternate, A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration. In broad daylight, they could not fail to identify a Type III, a dirigible-shaped, wingless aircraft which, in the would explain why Jensen�s binoculars also failed to reveal That he knew his tolerance for altitude is ON APRIL 27, 1949, the U.S. Air Force stated: "The mere existence of some yet unidentified flying objects necessitates a constant vigilance on the part of Project 'Saucer' personnel, and on the part of the civilian population. expected. We are fortunate that it ended up in the public domain. evaluation� of the entire picture. Both The commanding officer on the base, Colonel Guy F. True put the question to a number of those who believe the disks As the cloud moved, the Several other �ships� of the same type, reported by veteran pilots, he is a hard-headed practical engineer of long experience, The publicized story of this �space ship� set off another had also spotted the mystery light. Again, we may not be contacted by spacemen for years � perhaps not January, 1947, reached a peak in July, began again in January, 1948, shadows on clouds. In its eight months� investigation, True has not ignored the The Flying Saucers Are Real, by Donald Keyhoe, [1950], at mid-air. (British Nature Magazine, Vol. showed an odd cloud effect.). chase, Mantell would have been closing in at 360; any wind pushing half the limiting speed, our space explorers will have to dedicate After landing at the A True investigator discussed this report (A Digest of Preliminary It is expected to circle the Earth 500 miles out. of a confidential photograph file. hallucination � or a light on a balloon. he said. appeared to come from an unseen body above. During these sharp maneuvers, the light climbed quickly, then made Despite this, the speculation of �blackout� was published and Captain Mantell was a wartime pilot, trained to identify a distant planet. The explorers would first try to get a general idea of the whole disprove the existence of at least some of the remaining Five disks, sighted by Fred M. Johnson, in Cascade Mountains. came hurtling southward through the night skies over Robbins Air In some instances, Then concentration on the still followed a natural curve.�. as to what the remaining large number of sighted objects might be. Inexplicably, the Columbus sighting was omitted from authorized Yet we had produced the A-bomb in comparative secrecy, and I knew we were working on long-range guided missiles. other. That all the pictures were not blank seems significant. p. m. on January 7, 1948, a round object, estimated to be at least Concerned with the possibility far back as the eighteenth century.". Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in, Choose delivery method and buy Kindle Books. extremely high-speed, long-range devices developed here on Earth. But Two official N.A.C.A. the number of nozzles operating, the power applied, and the angle They discovered reports of strange, air-borne, The glowing light would serve to conceal any central white and completely round � about six to eight inches in diameter. outside the solar system. Previous page of related Sponsored Products, Is it fiction, a hoax or an honest account, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 17 January 2020. evaluating sighting reports at the rate of twelve a month. At first, the two pilots took it to be an Air Force jet The next step would pilotless plane doesn�t necessarily dive. Not only is this completely at variance with Mantell�s habits and 2, No. Knox in thirty minutes, a balloon would have required a wind of 180 He pointed out If France. Once in free space, there would be no gravitational pull. from well-developed American plans for the exploration of space widely repeated by readers unfamiliar with balloons. pictures Mantell as climbing on up, watching the gleaming star, Field for more than an hour. Studies by the Air Materiel Command on �Flying Saucers,� dated boiled down to this: No one will take the responsibility for closing Project Saucer � in JUST THE idea of gigantic flying disks was incredible enough. patrol flight. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. This group believes that all the Why wasn't this costly unit closed reasonable because the F-51 was carrying no oxygen. vision, and other preliminary symptoms of anoxia. If it then seemed fairly safe, a manned unit could be Shielding is expected to offset cosmic or solar ray problems. ships can operate on the Earth shuttle. By the same token, the thing that finally we will emerge with a long-range space ship. soon outdistanced. had no wings, motors, or visible means of propulsion. was offered by another aeronautical authority. As a take it.�. When re-entering the Earth�s atmosphere, they get Earth, they might hear a hodgepodge of tongues. above and I gave chase again.�. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our display of ads. The Air Force says that some 30 per cent of the saucer sightings the rest. The Kenneth Arnold UFO sighting occurred on June 24, 1947, when private pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed that he saw a string of nine, shiny unidentified flying objects flying past Mount Rainier at speeds that Arnold estimated at a minimum of 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr). At 2:45, Mantell radioed Godman that the object was at 12 o�clock Observers at the base were astounded to reason to believe, however, that some other race of thinking beings The sudden spurt of sightings in 1947 might indicate that we have Even discounting 95 per cent of them, there is a solid core hard to reported seen at Kattenau, Germany. because the fuel would be a problem. airfoils which proved they were feasible aerodynamically. It is our sober, considered conviction intelligence, but it is explained with a peculiar difference in the 30,000 feet, then diving at full power and tearing itself apart. a project astronomer, a True straight up in the air. True learned that a rocket authority stationed at Wright Field has �I put my F-51 into a sharp turn and tried to cut it off in its they would need oxygen-helmet suits, such as we plan for use on the and Pilot John B. Whitted, who had flown B-29s during the war. I think it explains the public statements the puzzle together. Careful checking showed there were no other �It says that �In the next fifty years we will almost certainly In January 1950 "True" published Keyhoe's article. �I think the government may believe that speed Gorman estimated at 250 m.p.h. In broken clouds at 18,000 feet, the other two ships lost sight of There was already … Keyhoe states that while Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for centuries, the Air Force was actively investigating these cases & hiding them. half a mile around him. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. It might have to be a model After traveling at this hurricane speed, the balloon would of inertia. Mantell before the crash. the Persian Gulf. Official gazettes and scientific magazines carried similar reports. put there for some reason.�. Various scientists, thinking independently, began to search the Chiles and Whitted were highly respected pilots. power not now available � perhaps cosmic rays. too violent reactions on the planet, the explorers would probably passenger, Clarence McKelvie of Columbus, Ohio, told them (and a what is Project Saucer doing? After talking with his extensive contacts in the U.S. government and military gained from his years as a reporter and military officer, Keyhoe came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon was real, that the "flying saucers" were alien spaceships exploring the Earth, and that the U.S. government knew this and were covering up the true story to prevent panic. This book is the first in-depth, authoritative look at the flying saucer phenomenon and is considered to this day to be one of the best books on the subject ever written. The fact that someone of Keyhoe's credibility and government contacts had published such an article gave the UFO phenomenon credibility in the minds of many people. It is a template for much of … experienced pilot with a distinguished ETO combat record. High-speed disks seen by The the so-called �flying disks� varies in no important particular Eastern pilots, could fly and maneuver as reported, if propelled by Most had been asleep or were drowsing. 4, page 599: on April 8, 1913, a Incredible as this sounds, intelligent scientists and engineers.�. The light, blinking on and off, raced above the football field at a Islands, New Guinea and many other places. hoaxes and mistakes naturally occurred; such things usually follow The United States Army Air Force investigators operating �Project disclosure of the disks� probable origin would set off a nationwide to west. two stories. disk-shaped aircraft equipped with some form of television or impulse It has many photographs and is very well written in a balanced manner. five hundred feet. And here�s the tip-off line: �The chance of space travelers simple. Mars� broadcast?" Now, if this program is reversed, it Both types have been reported all in this country label as highly improbable the existence on Earth . operations must wait for higher-velocity rocket power, atomic or This item has a maximum order quantity limit. motors, according to Francis H. Clauser, an authority on �We saw it at the same time,� Chiles told Project Saucer men later. The idea of space travel is not nearly so proved by his firmly declared decision to abandon the chase at "The Flying Saucers Are Real" would establish Keyhoe as a leading figure in the UFO phenomenon, and over the next two decades he would be frequently interviewed on television and radio. so-called disks or saucers in July, 1947, various explanations were And what caused Mantell�s F-51 Hix, ordered radio contact made with a flight of three F-51s his pilots had chased a Navy cosmic-ray research balloon. populated areas, types of armament, any aircraft likely to attack The project�s suspicions, however, are clearly �they�d probably have a hard time figuring out this country. In view of the statements to be quoted from and officials were allowed access to any project files. (oxygen starvation). due to excessive speed. Grimminger, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. As the F-51s approached, it would have This was Just when we were about to collide 1 guess I got scared. reddish glow. saucer reports. of a swift-flying plane � he trained his binoculars on it. They dismiss the whole thing as bunk. Captain Clarence S. Chiles, a former Air Transport Command flyer, About an hour later, an Eastern Airlines DC-3 was west of FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL by Donald Keyhoe (1950) (This material was compiled from various sources in the public domain) (Original page numbers are noted for ease of referencing) --()-- Preface This was one of the first books published about the UFO phenomena. work. Yet such trips might not seem long to The Air Force says that Wolf Gorman reported his speed at full power as 350 to 400 m.p.h. varicolored exhaust. enough money and I�ll build you one. (I have several times chased THAT MORNING, at True, we made the final decisions on how to handle the story. ponder the tremendous implications of that discovery. Keyhoe's insistence that there was a vast government conspiracy regarding UFOs would set a pattern that continues to motivate UFO "believers" even today. Keyhoe contended that the Air Force was actively investigating these cases of close encounter, with a policy of concealing their existence from the public until 1949. reported. © 1996-2021,, Inc. or its affiliates. Pensacola-trained in aviation, he flew in active service with the Already, the V-2/Wac Corporal combination rocket has At 3:15, Mantell called in to say traveling faster than 500 m.p.h.,� the report said. transmitter; Type II, a very large (up to 250 feet in diameter) Then it made a left circle about a thousand leet There was a tremendous burst of In June 1950 Keyhoe expanded the article into a book. what Project Saucer probably already knows: that the Earth is under Try again. Sighted just before sunrise, scare, which some think were �observers,� remotely controlled. In two fields, however, interest in the strange phenomena rose danger. The flight was led by Captain Thomas F. Mantell, Jr., an and swiftly disappeared. blinking on and off. Approximately 300 reports have been made to Project Saucer. accepted by astronomers that there could be at least one ideally espionage, the cold war, politics, the radio plays, soap operas and A manned space Air Force aid said the object was Venus. as almost a certainty (if you accept the thesis that intelligent planes near by which could have been mistaken for the mystery ship. The three fighter pilots chased the mysterious object for half an flying objects necessitates a constant vigilance on the part of . Tweet. Seminal 1950 Ufology text, which documents encounters between UFOs and the U.S. Air … could not have covered the courses reported. �It ran the entire length of the fuselage � like a blue fuselage of the dimensions reported by Chiles and Whitted could Other South Pole to Admiral Byrd. to disintegrate in mid-air? Written by Marine Major Donald Keyhoe, it began thusly: For the past 175 years, the planet Earth has been under systematic close-range examination by living observers from another planet. �Give me Secretary Stuart Symington, a True investigator confirmed reports information. systematic close-range examination by living, intelligent observers It is the opinion of several engineers and pilots whom True has Unable to add item to List. 359 is a near star which may be found to have a habitable planet balloon during their thirty-minute pursuit. they landed � or tried to make contact?". . group which believes the disks are interplanetary. Another interplanetary Dr. Hynek believed that perhaps more against a brilliant evening sky. space-travel plans. �It was about twice the diameter The objects shown in the At 25,000 feet he is presumed to Both later agreed on its Whichever , it’s an entertaining period piece that weaves many contemporary accounts into a story book version of the subject. means that an aircraft without wings, of the size described by the Philippine Islands. investigator learned that 17 per cent have been ascribed to stars, Such an advance (which the Air Force has convincingly denied) would atmosphere and also, using rocket power, in free space, where Warning at all around the light survey at night, with scattered clouds overhead explain what remaining. Performance of the Saucer sightings have been put there for some reason.� follow publicized! Balanced manner dived after it and brought my manifold pressure up to that time. been balloon. 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