Young Adult Fantasy Books. by Deborah Harkness. The final novel The Harbors of the Sun came out in 2017. The titular powder mages can metabolize gunpowder, and utilize it for magical work, leading to (literally) explosive results. In The Fifth Season, the first book in Broken Earth and the best book of this decade, the main character has to make a horrific, unbearably human choice. The overall series will span six books, with the last two slated for release by 2021. But given those things, I can see why a primer of the top fantasy books … Hulu has also picked up the rights to Throne of Glass. The series follows Ceda, a pit fighter who lives in a desert city of Sharakhai and under the tyrannical rule of 12 immortal kings. So it is likely that this will be another potential fantasy film series we might see in the future. Trans-, Trans*, Trans, Transgender, Transsexual, Android, or Starfish? Young adult books are booming, and the fantasy genre makes up a huge chunk. The decade also saw the publication of important works in particular sub-genres, such as vampire fiction, fairy tale retellings, time travel fiction and more. BEST FANTASY BOOKS OF THE DECADE: 2010's. This Roman inspired fantasy world pairs a slave girl and a soldier who team up to take down a brutal empire. This series started with The Cloud Roads in 2011 and spans five novels and two novellas. For its original setting and lyrical writing, we have ranked it as one of the top 10 fantasy series of the past decade. It is a simple overview of some of the key ways in which whiteness pervades fantasy, but nevertheless important. You knew it was coming. 1,669 books — 1,770 voters. Below are the top 5 fantasy books of the last decade based on sales volume and customer rankings. There must be at least at least three books in the series published. Shopping. SyFy has also purchased the rights for adaptation, so expect to hear more about these wayward children in years to come. The decade was great for books as well, with several huge epics finally reaching their conclusions (Wheel of Time). They will adapt the fourth novel in the series – Queen of Shadows. We looked back on the last decade and picked some of our favorite books. But with so many excellent stories to check out, there’s a chance you might have missed some of the best. While this companion will certainly need an update as the field expands, it remains a welcome addition to just about every scholar’s collection. This is another series that strays from the traditional Western fantasy worlds to delve into a fantastical Arabian culture. In this incredible book, Ekman offers some explanations why that might be, and teaches us how to read maps (real and imagined) for their ideological, narratological, and artistic values. She is the author of several excellent fantasy series, along with non-fiction books, comic books, and a stellar Twitter account. The setting VanderMeer creates feels fresh, even though it sounds familiar — a postapocalyptic wilderness where … It is quite an extraordinary book, the kind you wish you had written first but know you couldn’t have done better. The 100 Best Books of the Decade(2000) by Times. Every Heart A Doorway came out in 2016 to widespread acclaim, winning the Nebula and Hugo awards for best novella in 2017. Kvothe’s tale, reluctantly told by the old innkeeper himself, is as... 2. The Cambridge Companion to Fantasy LiteratureEdward James and Farah Mendlesohn (eds. The 21 Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Series Ever. Staff Picks: Best Books of the Decade. There are opposing factions of Martials and Scholars in a war between brains or brawn. The best 10 books that have come out in the past 10 years! 2,098 books — 2,340 voters. 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s. The Top Twenty Jennifer Egan, A Visit From the Goon Squad (2010) There are some moments from A Visit From the Goon Squad that I won’t forget.In one chapter, a former PR hotshot named Dolly is tasked with reviving the public image of an African dictator known as “The General” with the help of a B-list actress named Kitty Jackson. Rife with political intrigue and complex world-building, it is no surprise that Netflix is working on an adaptation of this series in an attempt to fill the fantasy void left by Game of Thrones. And Black London, cut off from the rest of the realms due to evil forces that have corrupted its magic. This steampunk fantasy series and all of its associated novels ranks as one of our top 10 fantasy series of the past decade. My only complaint: The Yiddish Policemen's Union. This is where she meets Elias, a soldier who wants nothing more to do with the Empire he serves. She is unashamed of the amount of fanfiction that still lingers online under her name. A curveball: not fantasy (the books cover the French monarchy in the 14th century), but a book for fans of fantasy. Jemisin new book and comic series is on the way as the author continues her reign as the queen of speculative fiction. Got all of that? Twelve Kings in Sharakhai is the first book in this ongoing series that takes place in a richly imagined world. Best Urban Fantasy. We’re closing in on the end of the 2010s, so it’s a great time to look back on the books of the last ten years. Change ), Graduate School and Other Crucibles: A Podcast Interview, Ten Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: Science Fiction Studies, Ten Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: Fantasy Studies, Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction, Unstable Masks: Whiteness and American Superhero Comics, Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling, The Master List of University Presses, Catalogs, and Twitter Links, the ten best non-fiction books of the decade, Ten Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: Science Fiction Studies – Sean Guynes, Ten (and then Some) Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: American Cultural Studies – Sean Guynes, Ten (and then Some) Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: Comics Studies – Sean Guynes, End of Month, End of Year, End of Decade Links | Gerry Canavan, Whiteness 101: An Abolitionist Reading List, PhD Applications and the Dreaded Statement of Purpose, Sexual Violence in Le Guin's The Dispossessed: Toward an Interpretation, Ten Best Books of the Decade, 2010-2019: Fantasy Studies, Graduate School and Other Crucibles: A Podcast Interview, Spring 2021 University Press Recommendations. Here are our picks for the top ten of each. Emily O'Donnell is a writer and photographer with roots in some of the earliest online fandoms. By Emily Hughes. The Stormlight Archive takes place on the planet Roshar, a land shaped by mighty highstorms that imbue people and objects with magic. Did we miss your favorite fantasy series? Subversive and compelling, the Wayward Children series currently lists four books in print. Red London, where the river Thames glows crimson with the power of all the magic in that realm. The main character of Laia loses her brother to the Martial enforcers, and goes undercover at a brutal military academy in an attempt to get him back. Together they must face the dark magics of the other realms, while discovering secrets about themselves and what they are capable of. This series will span 10 books eventually, but it is important to remember how quickly Sanderson can write. Click here to buy. The Best Reviewed Books of the Month March 31, 2021 by Book Marks. Below are the stories you shared with us that moved and shaped you in the last decade! The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison (Tor Books, 2014) I’ll cheat here slightly by saying this is my favorite fantasy book of the decade. Not only is The Way of Kings one of the top Fantasy books of the 2010-2019 decade, in my opinion, but it is quite possibly the best book I have read in 2019. I’ve been asked to compile a list of the best paranormal fantasy novels of the last decade (2003–2013): a virtually impossible task, considering how many iconic series and authors have risen to prominence during that period—Laurell K. Hamilton, Jim Butcher, Kim Harrison, Patricia Briggs, Richard Kadrey, Kat Richardson, Stacia Kane, Nicole Peeler, and Jaye Wells, to name just a few. In the past ten years, Sanderson has published at least 8 novels, along with a plethora of short stories, novellas, and a few graphic novels. 'Redemption in Indigo' by Karen Lord It's a mix of fiction and nonfiction. For that reason, The Stormlight Archive takes the number one spot on our list of top 10 fantasy series of the past decade. This book asks the question: what happens to the children who stumble into fantasy worlds and then return to Earth? The final piece of fantasy scholarship out in 2019, and thus of the decade, but undoubtedly one of the most significant studies of fantasy. It provide a critical history, using the examples of Tolkien, Lewis, Pullman, and Rowling — easily the quadrumvirate of children’s fantasy in the twentieth century for their widespread impact — alongside Susan Cooper and Nnedi Okorafor to explore the growing significance of fantasy in children’s fiction and the enduring relevance of it beyond our childhoods. The compelling and complex characters and worlds of Shades of Magic earns it a spot in the top 10 fantasy series of the past decade. I actually picked up the first book of the sequel trilogy without realizing it was part of a larger series, and thoroughly enjoyed it. —Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels are the best book series of the decade — The unreliable narrator is the biggest book trend of the decade — N.K. Welcome readers! There are currently three books in this series, with the fourth due for release in 2020. @saguynes Shades of Magic has an excellent cast of characters, and is one of the few fantasy series to seamlessly incorporate LGBTQ characters and relationships. Inspired by my colleague and friend Noah Berlatsky, who posted his list of the ten best non-fiction books of the decade, I put together a few lists of my selections of the ten best books of the decade.. The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to The Hunger GamesEbony Elizabeth ThomasNew York University Press, 2019. Inspired by my colleague and friend Noah Berlatsky, who posted his list of the ten best non-fiction books of the decade, I put together a few lists of my selections of the ten best books of the decade.. The Top 10 Fantasy Series Published In The Past Decade 1) The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson 2) The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin Image via Hachette Books N.K. This week's lists are SciFi/Fantasy and Thriller/Mystery. Votes: 653,259 | Gross: $317.58M. BEST FANTASY BOOKS OF THE DECADE: 2010's - YouTube. Fantasy authors are great at making things up, and it seems requisite that any new fantasy book/series include a map of the world in which it takes place. I can’t think of a work this decade that took more sheer delight in the power and inventiveness of the human mind. And so we have endeavored to seek out the best fantasy series of the past decade. )Cambridge University Press, 2012. A Modernist Fantasy: Modernism, Anarchism, and the Radical FantasticJames GiffordELS Editions, 2018. Bossypants launched a cultural phenomenon. Here are TIME’s picks for the 10 best fiction books of the 2010s, in order of publication year. Fantasy has exploded in the young adult category, and the past decade alone has seen some really incredible works. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (2007). The same can be said of Maria Tatar’s similarly landmark collection The Cambridge Companion to Fairy Tales. This unique fantasy world built by Martha Wells has shapeshifters, and tribal politics that mark it as something different than traditional high fantasy. Mendlesohn makes a second appearance on this list (unsurprising, really, to anyone in the field) with this book co-written with Michael Levy. Info. They seem to have for N. K. Jemisin, our writer of the decade and now a certified genius. ( Log Out /  A bit of horror, a bit of sci-fi, some action, lots of suspense, some mystery, a bit of intrigue all thrown together that works oh so well together. But this also means the return of the Void-Bringers – who sow chaos and destruction. This series follows an assassin named Celaena in a land without magic, and a despotic ruler on the throne. More to the point, it has an enormous presence on Goodreads. But, consideration will also be given to highly rated/ranked series that I haven’t gotten around to yet. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. We asked our readers to share their favorite science fiction or fantasy book that came out during the last ten years. At a time when SF studies is increasingly turning toward blackness and Afrofuturism, fantasy studies has remained relatively stagnant on race; Thomas is a first, important step in that direction. Building Stories by Chris Ware (2012). For its wild popularity and cultural phenomena that brought a new generation of fantasy readers into the fold, Throne of Glass gets a place on list of top 10 fantasy series of the decade. These are the kind of books that can function well on their own, but enrich the larger world that they exist within. The Best Fantasy Books of 2020, an Unfantastic Year. The Cambridge Companion to Fairy TalesMaria Tatar (ed. 1. 4. Most of these books have already made their transition to films and tv. The world-building is rich and evocative, and the world has a deeply complex history that informs the current narrative. Thomas looks at Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Vampire Diaries, and BBC’s Merlin adaptation, and tracks the fantastic imaginary across media from books/stories to film/TV. More to the point, it has an enormous presence on Goodreads. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (2010). I also do not differentiate between ‘teen’ fantasy and ‘adult’ fantasy because I find that female fantasy writers often get unfairly labeled as YA or Teen when their work is just as legitimate as the male ‘adult’ fantasy authors. Palmer-PatelRoutledge, 2019. How would Alice change after her experiences in Wonderland? Three books in the series are out already, and Sanderson constantly updates his progress bars on his website, to let his fans know how close the next book is to completion. These are the books that are easily digestible and have a mass appeal. You can read their thread on their twitter page. The first book in this series An Ember In The Ashes came out in 2015. The novel won the Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel, and took home the Nebula Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. Others had many candidates, and a few years I had to work to fill in with three books. We are continuing our "Best Books of the Decade" threads this week with a new category. Also read TIME’s list of the best nonfiction books of the decade. I can’t think of a work this decade that took more sheer delight in the power and inventiveness of the human mind. Every week there will be a new voting thread for a specific category. Discover what made it through on The Middle Shelf They requested our suggestions (five books per decade… Young adult books are booming, and the fantasy genre makes up a huge chunk. For its complex political intrigue and compelling characters, we have ranked Shadow and Bone as one of the top 10 fantasy series of the past decade. As you might know, Rachel at Never Enough Novels and I are co-hosting a linkup today of best books of the decade.. Other books languished due to writer’s block, with promised trilogies never completed, and epic sagas that still have not reached their conclusions. 2019 was a damn good and productive year for fantasy scholarship. The Time's list of the 100 Best Books of the 2000s. Last week we did "Best Graphic Novel of the Decade", which is still open for nominations and votes, and this week we are doing "Best Fantasy of the Decade".Process. If you want to read one of the best fantasy books published in the last decade, then this definitely has to go at the top of your list. The long-running fantasy series is a mainstay of genre fiction. What we have seen so far from The Stormlight Archive promises an epic fantasy series like no other. This list covers the ten best books in Fantasy Studies published between 2010 and 2019. Me Before You by JoJo Moyes Published: 2012 Be prepared for sob fest! Choosing between her books for this list was actually very difficult for me, because my personal favorite is the Inheritance trilogy that came out in 2010. She cut her genre teeth on the Wizard of Oz books at the tender age of 6 years old, and was reading epic adult fantasy novels by the age of 10. Comic Years is the go-to source on news, discussion, Children’s Fantasy Literature: An Introduction was Levy’s final book before his early death, and it is a testament to the impact that both he and Mendlesohn have had on the fields of fantasy and children’s literature studies more generally. Last week we did "Best Graphic Novel of the Decade", which is still open for nominations and votes, and this week we are doing "Best Fantasy of the Decade".Process. This list covers the ten best books in Fantasy Studies published between 2010 and 2019. A fantasy series set in a world where magic and technology actually work in tandem. Fantasy is such a diverse genre, and if there has been any trend this decade is is the amazing way that popular fantasy has moved away from LotR knockoffs. Artina Films has the rights for adaptation of Twelve Kings in Sharakhai into a television show. Sections Music Copy link. Best Books of the Decade: 1970s. The sheer number of new science-fiction and fantasy books … This was also a strong decade for children’s fantasy: the final four books of the Harry Potter series were released, and Artemis Fowl, The Lightning Thief and Eragon all became best-sellers. Every week there will be a new voting thread for a specific category. But given those things, I can see why a primer of the top fantasy books for this age category might be necessary. Director: Chris Columbus | Stars: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Richard Harris, Maggie Smith. Other lists cover: As If: Modern Enchantment and the Literary Prehistory of Virtual RealityMichael SalerOxford University Press, 2012. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There are magic-users who are vitally necessary, but also vehemently hated by the rest of humanity. Before the series was even published, the rights were purchased by Paramount pictures. ( Log Out /  These Seasons can last for generations and can dramatically reshape the world known as the Stillness. The best part of Chris Ware’s graphic novel is maybe the format: Instead of a traditional book, Building Stories comes as a box filled with pamphlets, hardcovers, newspapers, flip-books, and a folded-up board. The medievalist Patrick Moran’s book on fantasy canons, which applies recent work on canon and genre formation to the study of fantasy fiction as it is understood by scholars, bookstores, authors, marketers, and more, is a short but important contribution. An important contribution to our understanding of “virtual” reality, the primary intervention of which is to provide something like a genealogy of how virtual reality emerged from earlier, literary attempts (starting especially with the emergence of mass popular culture in the Victorian period) to create shared imaginary storyworlds. Only one series per author is allowed. Though this volume does not compare to the Mendlesohn/James companion as an introductory-level guide to the study of fairy tales, and reads much more like an curious, if interesting, general collection on fairy tales, it is nonetheless a landmark of the decade for fairy tale study, attesting to the continuing theoretical rigor of a field that has long been respected in the humanities generally and stood somewhat outside of fantasy and genre studies despite the obvious overlap. Alex Garland ’ s a chance you might know, Rachel at Never Enough novels and I are co-hosting linkup... Was an absolute titan of fantasy books of the decade, leading to ultimate! Blog, please add it to the Hunger GamesEbony Elizabeth ThomasNew York University Press, 2019 are. – who sow chaos and destruction jemisin, our writer of the decade and picked some of our,! Shape of fantasy: Investigating the Structure of American Heroic epic FantasyC finalist... 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