1985–1989: After his bachelor's degree, Black moved to the Bay Area and worked as a software engineer at GTE Government Systems and Advanced Decision Systems (ADS) developing expert systems on the Xerox and Symbolics Lisp machines. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), (128):873-890, April 2020 (article), pdf In International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), November 2020 (inproceedings), pdf Project Page Ma, Q., Yang, J., Ranjan, A., Pujades, S., Pons-Moll, G., Tang, S., Black, M. J. Michael acts on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, corporate re-organisations and other corporate advisory and transactional work for a range of listed and unlisted corporate clients. Their neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed regularly up to 12-31 months CA. Newcastle, New South Wales. Please read the copyright statement and contact me for commerical licensing. Recently, it has been shown that adversarial attacks easily fool deep neural networks to misclassify objects. We analysed how body mass index of the bodies was associated with positive or negative valence of the adjectives in the different groups. Mountain View, CA DOI We recorded brain activity with fMRI while participants viewed faces and bodies that varied in sex, weight, and image size. 2011–present: In 2011, Black became a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society and one of the founding directors of the new MPI for Intelligent Systems. [BibTex]. Our perceptual study shows that PLACE significantly improves the state-of-the-art method, approaching the realism of real [BibTex]. [BibTex]. University of British Columbia, Department of Computer Science, 2018. The team was the first to use Kalman filtering [15][16][17] and particle filtering [18] to decode motor cortical ensemble activity. The estimation of 3D face shape from a single image must be robust to variations in lighting, head pose, expression, facial hair, makeup, and occlusions. Specifically, given a set of basis points on a scene mesh, we leverage a conditional variational autoencoder to synthesize the minimum distances from the basis points to the human body surface. Distinguished Amazon Scholar, 11/17 - present, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Faculty of Science, Department of Computer Science See Photos. [BibTex] [22] This work was awarded the Koenderink Koenderink Prize for Fundamental Contributions in Computer Vision at ECCV 2000. ", Research Scientist, IMATI-CNR, Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies, Milan Italy. link (url) Our novel method integrates all these problems in a common framework and simultaneously reasons about the segmentation of the scene into moving objects and the static background, the camera motion, depth of the static scene structure, and the optical flow of moving objects. Yale University, (9/89-8/92) Corporate boards: Body Labs Inc. (2013-2017). Each step involves a cycle designed to be learnable without annotated training data, and the chain of cycles delivers the final solution. Mahmood, N., Ghorbani, N., Troje, N. F., Pons-Moll, G., Black, M. J. code Ahmad, A., Price, E., Tallamraju, R., Saini, N., Lawless, G., Ludwig, R., Martinovic, I., Bülthoff, H. H., Black, M. J. MOJO preserves the full temporal resolution of the input motion, and sampling from the latent frequencies explicitly introduces high-frequency components into the generated motion. General Movement Assessment from videos of computed 3D infant body models is equally effective compared to conventional RGB Video rating video (short) He is on the research consortium's Executive Board and serves as its spokesperson. http://cs.brown.edu/~ls/Software/index.html. The method works for arbitrary marker-sets, while recovering soft-tissue dynamics and realistic hand motion. There was a stronger influence of visual perspective on the estimates for males, but this effect was dependent on the amount of control over the shape of the virtual body, indicating that the results might be caused by where in the body the weight changes expressed themselves. [BibTex]. '', Marr Prize, Honorable Mention, Int. Ranjan, A., Janai, J., Geiger, A., Black, M. J. Our goal is to make this mathematically precise and computationally tractable. See Photos. Schroeder, S., Hesse, N., Weinberger, R., Tacke, U., Gerstl, L., Hilgendorff, A., Heinen, F., Arens, M., Bodensteiner, C., Dijkstra, L. J., Pujades, S., Black, M., Hadders-Algra, M. DOI video Ph.D., Computer Science, 1992. Human motion is fundamental to understanding behavior. Michael↟Black Forest↟Germany shared a photo on Instagram: “Sunset view. SMIL provides a new tool for analyzing infant shape and movement and is a step towards an automated system for GMA. Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision, pages: 5442-5451, IEEE, October 2019 (conference), code Second, we leverage this to create the Mimic-The-Pose (MTP) dataset of images, collected via Amazon Mechanical Turk, containing people mimicking the 3DCP poses with self- contact. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021 (inproceedings). I receive more email than I can read, let alone respond to. Behrens, S. C., Meneguzzo, P., Favaro, A., Teufel, M., Skoda, E., Lindner, M., Walder, L., Quiros-Ramirez, A., Zipfel, S., Mohler, B., Black, M., Giel, K. E. on-line However, it did not ensure optimal view-point configurations of the MAVs to minimize the uncertainty in the person's cooperatively tracked 3D position estimate. New York, NY, USA Project Page Both males and females underestimated their weight by 10-20% in the virtual body, but the estimates of the other body dimensions were relatively accurate and within a range of ±6%. In Proceedings International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pages: 2404-2413, IEEE, November 2019, ISSN: 2380-7504 (inproceedings), Video Thesis: Nonparametric Bayesian modeling of neural data. Best Paper Award, International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2015, with A. O. Ulusoy and A. Geiger,  for the paper "Towards Probabilistic Volumetric Reconstruction using Ray Potentials. Thesis: Virtual Human Bodies with Clothing and Hair: From Images to Animation,  Department of Computer Science, Brown University, December 2012, Deqing Sun, Senior Research Scientist, Google, pdf On prediction, persistence and structure. Agreement between both GMAs was assessed, and sensitivity and specificity of both methods to predict CP at ≥12 months CA. DOI These methods are optimization-based and thus slow, prone to local optima, and require 2D keypoints as input. These sparse surface markers also carry detailed information about human movement that is not present in the joints, increasing the naturalness of the predicted motions. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2021 (inproceedings). PDF He has held positions at the University of Toronto, Xerox PARC, and Brown University. In Proceedings IEEE Conf. suppl on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages: 12240-12249, June 2019 (inproceedings), Paper Alumni Research Award A key step towards understanding human behavior is the prediction of 3D human motion. To overcome these challenges, we integrate the recent SMAL animal model into a network-based regression pipeline, which we train end-to-end on synthetically generated images with pose, shape, and background variation. Hence, we extend the SMPL-X model to better capture the shape of children. pdf preprint In Germany, Black people are typically referred to as Afro-Germans (Afrodeutsche) or Black Germans (Schwarze Deutsche). We condition our generative model on pre-defined control parameters to encourage disentanglement in the generation process. Multi-camera imagery with ground truth 3D human pose. Competitive Collaboration works much like expectation-maximization, but with neural networks that act as both competitors to explain pixels that correspond to static or moving regions, and as collaborators through a moderator that assigns pixels to be either static or independently moving. In Shape in Medical Imaging, pages: 122,133, (Editors: Reuter, Martin and Wachinger, Christian and Lombaert, Hervé and Paniagua, Beatriz and Goksel, Orcun and Rekik, Islem), Springer International Publishing, October 2020 (inproceedings), Gitlab Code People touch their face 23 times an hour, they cross their arms and legs, put their hands on their hips, etc. We show that our approach is able to synthesize realistic and expressive 3D human bodies that naturally interact with 3D environment. DOI Project Page tent DCT space that generates motions from latent frequencies. We start by using classical Ranjan, A., Hoffmann, D. T., Tzionas, D., Tang, S., Romero, J., Black, M. J. pdf Thesis: Implicit models of moving and static surfaces, Division of Engineering, Brown University, May 2004. project Tallamraju, R., Saini, N., Bonetto, E., Pabst, M., Liu, Y. T., Black, M., Ahmad, A. link (url) Share, Kolotouros, N., Pavlakos, G., Black, M. J., Daniilidis, K. The robust formulation was hand crafted and used small spatial neighborhoods. Select Size : Size chart. Learning and Tracking the 3D Body Shape of Freely Moving Infants from RGB-D sequences This ability is particularly important for objects of social significance, such as human faces and bodies. The black German community was new in 1933; in most families the first generation born in Germany was just coming of age. [BibTex] In International Conference on Computer Vision, pages: 10093-10102, October 2019 (inproceedings), PDF Computer Vision and Image Understanding, CVIU, 63(1), pp. Michael Black received his B.Sc. Project Page Project Page [BibTex]. Share, Black, M., Rachlin, E., Heron, N., Loper, M., Weiss, A., Hu, K., Hinkle, T., Kristiansen, M. Thesis: Shape Models of the Human Body for Distributed Inference, Brown University, May 2015, Aggeliki Tsoli, Post doctoral researcher, FORTH Institute, Crete, Micheal Black . Overall, we have demonstrated the first fully autonomous flying motion capture system involving multiple robots for outdoor scenarios. Mountain View, CA We then train optical flow networks to estimate human flow fields from pairs of images. In that respect it was similar … Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) provide a theoretically-backed framework for deep generative Subjects: Twenty-nine high-risk infants were recruited and assessed at their clinical follow-up at 2-4 month corrected age (CA). a few vertebrae, the model can predict the shape of unseen vertebrae with a mean error under 3 mm. Thesis: Estimating image motion in layers: The Skin and Bones model. To address this, we define per-joint pose correctives and learn the subset of mesh vertices that are influenced by each joint movement. [13] They learned the potential functions of an MRF with large spatial cliques by modeling the field potentials as a product of experts. Conclusions: Our computed infant 3D full body model is an attractive starting point for automated GMA in infants at risk of CP. In Proceedings IEEE Conf. The characters were generated by reconstructing body shape and walking motion from optical motion capture data. code Ballack wore the number 13 shirt for every team he has played for, except from 1. The Middlebury Flow dataset provided the first comprehensive benchmark for the field. Video This was facilitated by several papers that connected robust penalty functions to classical "line processes" used in Markov Random Fields (MRFs) at the time. [BibTex]. Despite progress on single-image 3D pose and shape estimation, existing video-based state-of-the-art methodsfail to produce accurate and natural motion sequences due to a lack of ground-truth 3D motion data for training. Body Labs was acquired by Amazon in 2017. First, we account for the lack of training data by curating a dataset of SMPL-X fits on in-the-wild images. A reasonable, directly regressed estimate from the network can initialize the iterative optimization making the fitting faster and more accurate. PDF University of Maryland, Invention of the Year, 1995, "Tracking and Recognizing Facial Expressions,'' with Y. Yacoob. [BibTex] Black was a co-founder and investor. Given MoCap markers, we fit the full 3D body shape and pose, including the articulated face and hands, as well as the 3D object pose. He is a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Paper Product Description. This makes hand and face estimation hard when body images are downscaled for neural networks. Our data, model and code are available for research at https://expose.is.tue.mpg.de. To make motion capture truly unconstrained, we describe the first fully autonomous outdoor capture system based on flying vehicles. This gives detailed 3D meshes over time, from which we compute contact between the body and object. excluding hairstyles) could not be decoded from face- or body-responsive regions. Learning to model and reconstruct humans in clothing is challenging due to articulation, non-rigid deformation, and varying clothing types and topologies. A version of this work received the IEEE Outstanding Paper Award at CVPR 1991 [3] and the Helmholtz Prize at ICCV 2013 for work that has "stood the test of time". At the same time, deformable human body models like SMPL \cite{loper2015smpl} and its successors provide full control over pose and shape, but rely on classic computer graphics pipelines for rendering. DOI The interpenetration constraint penalizes intersection between the body model and the surrounding 3D scene. [BibTex]. Furthermore, based on the grasping field representation, we propose a deep network for the challenging task of 3D hand-object interaction reconstruction from a single RGB image. This introduced the use of Expectation Maximization (EM) to the field of computer vision. Given FLAME parameters for shape, pose, expressions, parameters for appearance, lighting, and an additional style vector, GIF outputs photo-realistic face images. In the film "Being Black and German" Pareigis travels across the country to interview black people about their experiences, including one of the oldest from the community, Theodor Wonja Michael, who had been part of a human zoo. We perform a perceptual study that shows significant improvement over the state of the art on this task. [BibTex]. Michael Black has a BSc in Biological Chemistry and a PhD. Their formulation can be viewed as a shallow convolutional neural network. [2] The method was used to compute optical flow for the painterly effects in What Dreams May Come and for registering 3D face scans in The Matrix Reloaded. Login for Price. Project Page Contact me for the password to download the software, stating that it is for research purposes. ExPose estimates expressive 3D humans more accurately than existing optimization methods at a small fraction of the computational cost. over the body shape are likely gender-specific. However, current approaches for creating biometrically plausible avatars that represent a particular individual require expertise and are time-consuming. Black awarded “test of time” prize at the 2020 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Scientists in Tübingen develop 3D head model that can be used to design better-fitting protective gear, Find out more about our cookies and how to disable them. Saini, N., Price, E., Tallamraju, R., Enficiaud, R., Ludwig, R., Martinović, I., Ahmad, A., Black, M. Code Body weight could also be decoded in face-responsive areas and in distributed body-responsive areas, and this decoding was also invariant to image size. "Black German" is the autobiography of Theodor Michael, the son of a Cameroonian Father and German Mother. In practice, this simply enforces a smooth latent space structure. link (url) Developed expert systems for multi-source data fusion and fault location. Our model, named CAPE, represents global shape and fine local structure, effectively extending the SMPL body model to clothing. In 2013 he co-founded Body Labs Inc., which was acquired by Amazon in 2017. [BibTex] Share, Hasson, Y., Varol, G., Tzionas, D., Kalevatykh, I., Black, M. J., Laptev, I., Schmid, C. Research in the recovery of optical flow, incremental estimation, temporal continuity, applications of robust statistics to optical flow, the relationship between robust statistics and line processes, the early detection of motion discontinuities, and the role of representation in computer vision. His work received Honorable Mention for the Marr Prize in 1999 and 2005. Michael Black received his B.Sc. Talk slides IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(4):4491-4498, IEEE, October 2019 (article), pdf from Stanford (1989), and his Ph.D. in computer science from Yale University (1992). on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages: 11807-11816, June 2019 (inproceedings), pdf To preserve wrinkle detail, our Mesh-VAE-GAN extends patchwise discriminators to 3D meshes. In this work, we propose to bridge the gap between classic geometry-based rendering and the latest generative networks operating in pixel space. [BibTex] While there are many different datasets available, they each use a different parameterization of the body, making it difficult to integrate them into a single meta dataset. A method for providing a three-dimensional body model which may be applied for an animation, based on a moving body, wherein the method comprises providing a parametric three-dimensional body model, which allows shape and pose variations; applying a standard set of body markers; optimizing the set of body markers by generating an additional set of body markers and applying the same for providing 3D coordinate marker signals for capturing shape and pose of the body and dynamics of soft tissue; and automatically providing an animation by processing the 3D coordinate marker signals in order to provide a personalized three-dimensional body model, based on estimated shape and an estimated pose of the body by means of predicted marker locations. Thesis: High-order Markov random fields for low-level vision. Our key insight is that these four fundamental vision problems are coupled through geometric constraints. These detect the person, optimize their position, and localize themselves approximately. project We achieve this by decoupling the goal of active tracking into a quadratic objective and non-convex constraints corresponding to angular configurations of the MAVs w.r.t. Area-based optical flow: robust affine regression. "Dataset Award" at the Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2016. for the paper "FAUST: Dataset and evaluation for 3D mesh registration," CVPR 2014. for the paper "Towards Probabilistic Volumetric Reconstruction using Ray Potentials. [BibTex] We use multiple micro-aerial-vehicles(MAVs), each equipped with a monocular RGB camera, an IMU, and a GPS receiver module. While presenting challenges, manipulations may also simplify the problem since the physics of contact restricts the space of valid hand-object configurations. Monocular Expressive Body Regression through Body-Driven Attention Max Planck Research School, Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Nadine Rüegg, MPI-ETH Center for Learning Systems, Co-supervised with Konrad Schindler, Eric Price, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Co-supervised with Aamir Ahmed, Yinghao Huang, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Joel Janai, (joint with Adreas Geiger), Bosch Additionally, we fine- tune methods on AGORA and show improved performance on both AGORA and 3DPW, confirming the realism of the dataset. He uniquely combines computer vision, graphics, and machine learning to solve problems in the clothing industry. 2020 Longuet-Higgins Prize [BibTex] Parisi, C., Hesse, N., Tacke, U., Rocamora, S. P., Blaschek, A., Hadders-Algra, M., Black, M. J., Heinen, F., Müller-Felber, W., Schroeder, A. S. pdf To address this, we learn a generative 3D mesh model of clothed people from 3D scans with varying pose and clothing. Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision DOI no task 2 small. AirCap – Aerial Outdoor Motion Capture Long video [BibTex] Thesis: Modeling the Human body in 3D: Data Registration and Human Shape Representation, Department of Computer Science, Brown University, May 2014, Oren Freifeld, Assistant Professor, Dept. poster Share, Taheri, O., Ghorbani, N., Black, M. J., Tzionas, D. Experimental evaluations of our methods on two challenging occlusion boundary benchmarks (CMU and VSB100) demonstrate that our detectors significantly outperform the current state-of-the-art. Acquisition of such data requires expensive equipment, calibration procedures, and is limited to cooperative subjects who can understand and follow instructions, such as adults. Project Page [BibTex]. Share, Ranjan, A., Hoffmann, D. T., Tzionas, D., Tang, S., Romero, J., Black, M. J. In Proceedings IEEE/CVF Conf. Ghosh*, P., Sajjadi*, M. S. M., Vergari, A., Black, M. J., Schölkopf, B. arXiv poster Share, Song, J., Andres, B., Black, M., Hilliges, O., Tang, S. from Stanford (1989), and his Ph.D. from Yale University (1992). DOI Most existing methods focus only on parts of the body. pdf poster This Euclidean formulation generally works better than predicting pose in terms of joint rotations. In contrast to commonly used global pose embeddings, our local pose conditioning significantly reduces long-range spurious correlations and improves generalization to unseen poses, especially when training data is limited. Project Page of Computer Science, Brown University, Obesity Surgery, Max-Planck-Ring 4, 2021 (article), paper Materials and Methods: We train a network that directly converts a sparse set of 3D mesh vertices into photorealistic images, alleviating the need for traditional rasterization mechanism. Thaler, A., Bieg, A., Mahmood, N., Black, M. J., Mohler, B. J., Troje, N. F. pdf His work has won several awards including the IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Paper Award (1991), Honorable Mention for the Marr Prize (1999 and 2005), and all three major test-of-time awards including the 2010 Koenderink Prize, the 2013 Helmholtz Prize, and the 2020 Longuet-Higgins Prize. The start-up focuses on licensing technology developed at MPI-IS and providing services. Code He is a Distinguished Amazon Scholar, an Honorarprofessor at the University of Tuebingen, and Adjunct Professor at Brown University. Developed motion estimation algorithms in the context of an autonomous Mars landing and nap-of-the-earth helicopter flight and studied the psychophysical implications of a temporal continuity assumption. PLACE: Proximity Learning of Articulation and Contact in 3D Environments [5] Black's work with Stefan Roth "On the spatial statistics of optical flow" received honorable mention for the Marr Prize at ICCV 2005.[6]. Hasson, Y., Varol, G., Tzionas, D., Kalevatykh, I., Black, M. J., Laptev, I., Schmid, C. pdf Honorarprofessor, 05/22/12 - present, Body Labs Inc. University of Toronto. We also observe that articulated transformations are invertible, resulting in geometric cycle-consistency in the posed and unposed shapes. DA-ratings of both videos predicted bilateral CP well: sensitivity 75% and 100%, specificity 88% and 92% for conventional and SMIL motion videos, respectively. suppl PDF DOI The code below provides a simple Matlab implementation of the Bayesian 3D person tracking system described in ECCV'00 and ICCV'01. Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Hulya Yalcin, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey DOI [BibTex], code However, manually segmenting images with accurate pixel precision is a tedious and time consuming task. In this paper, we study how to connect deep networks with graph decomposition into an end-to-end trainable framework. 75-104, Jan. 1996. Resolving 3D Human Pose Ambiguities with 3D Scene Constraints Kolotouros, N., Pavlakos, G., Black, M. J., Daniilidis, K. pdf code To retrieve a generative mechanism for sampling new data points, we propose to employ an efficient ex-post density estimation step that can be readily adopted both for the proposed deterministic autoencoders as well as to improve sample quality of existing VAEs. Video Cycle constraints are introduced into the CRF as high-order potentials. Going beyond state-of-the-art methods for human shape and pose estimation, our method learns a shape space for zebras during training. If you are a commercial enterprise and would like assistance in using optical flow in your application, please contact me at my consulting address black@opticalflow.com. What does motion tell us about the structure of the world and how can we compute this from video? Third, we show that the shape space of SMPL is not rich enough to capture the variation in the human population. Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Our attacks lead to noisy flow estimates that extend significantly beyond the region of the attack, in many cases even completely erasing the motion of objects in the scene. the estimation of scene structure and physical properties from video; the representation and detection of motion discontinuities; articulated and non-rigid shape representation; human and animal shape and motion capture; modeling the neural control of reaching and grasping; neural prostheses and cortical brain-machine interfaces; If you need something that is time sensitive (letter of reference, paper review, etc. In Proceedings IEEE Conf. Video DOI His current work focuses on modeling and estimating human shape and pose from images and video. DOI September 2019, U.S.~Patent 10,417,818 (misc), MoSh Project Specifically, our generative model is able to synthesize high-quality human grasps, given only on a 3D object point cloud. Additionally, hands and faces are much smaller than the body, occupying very few image pixels. Consequently, the hand, the object, and the contact area can be represented by implicit surfaces in a common space, in which the proximity between the hand and the object can be modelled explicitly. I apologize if you do not get a response. An overview of our work on 3D body shape, based on a series of talks during 2015. Foster, C., Zhao, M., Romero, J., Black, M. J., Mohler, B. J., Bartels, A., Bülthoff, I. suppl Thesis: From Pixels to Layers: Joint Motion Estimation and Segmentation,  Department of Computer Science, Brown University, July 2012, Alexandru Balan, Xbox Incubation Researcher, Microsoft Supplementary Material Once trained, our method takes a single image and outputs the parameters of FLAME, which can be readily animated. Code Active Perception based Formation Control for Multiple Aerial Vehicles For quantitative evaluation we capture a separate dataset with 180 RGB frames in which the ground-truth body pose is estimated using a motion-capture system. Jan. 1999. This sparse formulation results in more realistic deformations and significantly reduces the number of model parameters to 20% of SMPL.

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