... Euthanasia, a deliberate act intended to terminate a person's life at his or her own explicit request, has been a topic of intense debate in the 21st century, for example, in several parts of the world including Europe, the Middle East, and Australia (Aghababaei, Wasserman, & Hatami, 2014; Euthanasia is one of the issues that has been the subject of intense debate over time. the integrity and usefulness of the evidence and conclusions made In Serbia, it is illegal and punishable by law and subject to a prison sentence. To study the reported medical practice of euthanasia in Belgium since implementation of the euthanasia law. All leading religions from Christianity, over Buddhism, to Islam, are directly or indirectly against any kind of euthanasia. Introduction A. It is notable here that right to life does not include right to die. Keywords: cancer, cancer pain, pathology of pain, pain assessment, pain management, pain barriers, and nursing process. Patient-related barriers to reporting pain and using analgesics (e.g., fear of addiction) can detrimentally affect pain management for adolescents with cancer. The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study is to explore pediatricians’ and neonatologists’ attitudes and standpoints on end-of-life (EOL) decision-making in neonates. needed on the factors that predict euthanasia attitudes. The philosophy essay ideas must be related to current issues. Analysis of the anonymous database of all euthanasia cases reported to the Federal Control and Evaluation Committee Euthanasia. Finally, if you are to write and essay but have little knowledge or interest in the subject, do not forget that there are plenty of custom essay writers that will gladly do the job for you. The frequency of reported euthanasia cases has increased every year since legalization. Internal consistency estimates for the total scale ranged from 0.91 to 0.94 and for the subscales ranged from 0.54 to 0.96. autonomy and another that approaches euthanasia from the perspective of fears of Whether you are looking for philosophy of religion essay topics, fun philosophy paper topics, philosophy of science essay topics, my philosophy in life essay topics or philosophy argumentative essay topics, you can choose any of the following: mechanism to provide feedback for improvement and development. Attention Getter: Imagine this: You’re a single parent working a full-time minimum wage job, or multiple minimum wage jobs, and still are living paycheck to paycheck if you make enough to even provide for your family. Recreational Marijuana – Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legal? Pros and cons of ethnic adoptions ; Abortion should be legalized ; How pharmaceutical industries are disrupting our lives; Animal testing should be illegal; Cloning is not ethical ; Pros and cons of capital punishment ; Euthanasia should be legalized ; Torture is a helpful interrogation instrument There is a need in Pakistan for more debate about euthanasia. Late referral to PCTs after admission was defined as a referral to the PCT at ≥20 days after admission. instrumentation, data collection and data management, statistics, With our 180 persuasive essay topics, a student will realize which things to discuss in order to grab reader’s attention. The traditional model for predicting individuals’ attitudes There are stamps on items that say, “Cruelty Free,” to show to customers that they didn’t test this product on an animal. Other factors significantly associated with under-diagnosis of pain were coexisting delirium and case management by physicians with < 6 years of clinical experience. However, adolescent barriers have not been systematically investigated; furthermore, no instrument exists to measure these barriers. In this heated debate religious, political, ethical, legal and personal views are also included. Modern Greek society appears to be split regarding the legalization of euthanasia. The leading barrier was concern that social activities would be restricted if pain was reported. Joe Biden joins our resource. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Gun Control – Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted? and interpretation of findings. Under-diagnosis of pain by primary physicians was associated with late referral to PCTs. general public in the Finnish context. Interventions are needed to identify and help adolescents overcome these barriers. euthanasia. All rights reserved. The Greek Orthodox Church maintains a negative attitude. The aim of this study is to examine the association between late referral to a Palliative Care Team (PCT) after admission and the under-diagnosis of pain by primary physicians. To investigate on a nationwide level nurses' attitudes towards euthanasia and towards their role in euthanasia, and the possible relation with their socio-demographic and work-related characteristics. Immigration – the biggest problem of our century? The paper analyses the development, types and the legal and ethical debates concerning both the types of euthanasia. Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. among general Finnish public. Religion is the most powerful tool to keep society under control. This article lists all the key pros and cons of executing people who have committed serious criminal offenses—first, the arguments in favor, followed by the arguments against. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. While deciding on formulating a law prescribing these exceptional situations and enforcing the law, all aspects of euthanasia - medical, social, economic, ethical and legal - have to be taken into consideration. Euthanasia is one of the problems that have been much debated, especially for the hopeless patients, such as children with cancer in advance stage. Euthanasia is most often chosen as a last resort at the end of life by younger patients, patients with cancer, and seldom by nonterminal patients. We investigated triads composed of 213 adult cancer inpatients who had coexisting moderate or severe pain at the initial PCT consultation, 77 primary physicians, and 4 palliative care physicians. 31 essay samples found Positive and Negative Effects of Minimum Wage on People I. Ninety-two percent of nurses accepted euthanasia for terminally ill patients with extreme uncontrollable pain or other distress, 57% accepted using lethal drugs for patients who suffer unbearably and are not capable of making decisions. Andthe researcher would be pleased to discuss these recommendations with the Jordanian Medical Council (JMC), or to provide expanded information at request. Animal Testing should be Banned . Social Media – Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? However, there is a lack of information on current attitudes toward euthanasia Further research is There is no specific legal provision. Illegal Immigration – What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America. The right to die via euthanasia: An expository study of the Shari'Ah and laws in selected jurisdicti... [Euthanasia through history and religion], Eutanasia activa, una mirada a la situación internacional. Cancer related pain remains the big problem now facing cancer patients, their family and oncology nurse specialists because of poor understanding, identification, assessment, and management. Ninety percent of nurses thought nurses should be involved in euthanasia decision-making. Systematic periodic research is crucial for enhancing our understanding of end-of-life care in modern medicine, in which the pursuit of a good quality of dying is nowadays widely recognized as an important goal, in addition to the traditional goals such as curing diseases and prolonging life. Limits to the notion of informed consent are explored with reference to six examples: the right of women to reproductive autonomy; the autonomy of legally minor Jehovah's Witnesses; autonomy in cosmetic surgery; inappropriate treatment; autonomy and human medical research, and euthanasia and other end-of-life options. the factors of the traditional model and the attitudes toward euthanasia among the weaknesses of the study. Guidelines could help to make their role more transparent, taking into account the differences between health care settings. Euthanasia had its most vigorous impetus in the mid-20th century when it was being carried out deliberately in Nazi Germany. It has been a pertinent issue in human rights discourse as it also affects ethical issues pertaining to doctors. "ProCon.org." Testing on a living organism could be more accurate than a small percentage of alternatives. Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. explanatory models for consideration: one that emphasizes the value of individual In conclusion, the researcher presented the Jordanian Medical Council (JMC) with several recommendations for the improvement of euthanasia policy related to end stage cancer patients. Only 25.6% of students agreed that euthanasia should be legalized in Pakistan. A change has to be made to provide alternatives for those patients who are suffering from terminal cancer, such as palliative care. The purposes of this study were to examine the psychometric properties of the newly developed Adolescent Barriers Questionnaire (ABQ) and to describe adolescent barriers to pain management. The results also emphasize the need for (1) the creation of clear EOL–focused regulations and guidelines, (2) the establishment of special ethical committees to inform and assist healthcare providers’ efforts during EOL care, and (3) raised awareness and competencies regarding EOL and ethical decision-making among physicians taking care of newborns in Jordan’s intensive care units. The safety of the concurrence of these conditions, safeguarding of the acceptability of forms that are considered permissible and - mostly - the need to regulate the prohibited forms in exceptional cases, all force the legislators to promptly fill any legal vacuums. The recommendations proposed in this paper are prohibiting active euthanasia, enhancing and developing special palliative care units for children with cancer and allowing passive euthanasia and palliative care to work together within the limits of the law. However, a new evaluation of religiosity is needed due to the limited operationalization Below are the proper citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian). Accurate pain assessment by physicians may form the basis of effective care. Death Penalty – Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed? Scholar Assignments are your one stop shop for all your assignment help needs.We include a team of writers who are highly experienced and thoroughly vetted to ensure both their expertise and professional behavior. The recommendations proposed in this paper are prohibiting active euthanasia, enhancing and developing special palliative care units for children with cancer and allowing passive euthanasia and palliative care to work together within the limits of the law. Euthanasia is one of the issues that has been the subject of intense debate over time. They will come up with the good nursing research topics and even compose the whole paper for you if you want. Key words: quantitative, critique, methodology. Clearly, adolescents have barriers that can interfere with pain management. Among all these, those who desperately want to end their lives because they simply cannot go on in any way, are the ones who suffer. Students who opposed legalization (74.4%) cited impediments to future medical research as the most common reason, followed by the risk of misuse by physicians or family members. Older nurses believed more in palliative care preventing euthanasia requests and in putting the patient into a coma until death as an alternative to euthanasia. The checklists included coexisting pain documented independently by primary and palliative care physicians at the time of the initial PCT consultation. research methodology, including: hypothesis development, Who We Are. We suggest two different Impeachment Explainer . Background: sampling techniques, study design, testing procedures and I will admit, like Socrates and Aristotle and Plato and some other philosophers, that there are instances where the death penalty would seem appropriate. In 2005, eighty percent of the euthanasia cases were reported to the review committees. For a country like Chile, in which all types of euthanasia are forbidden by law, it is important to look forward to the international situation, in order to enrich public policy debate, based on the international empirical experience. 25 Controversial Compare & Contrast Essay Topics. According to the dominant view of Criminal Law jurists, some forms of euthanasia are considered permissible de lege lata, under certain conditions. The reason is because the right to life, which represents the most significant aspect of human rights, appears to be in conflict with the, INTRODUCTION Euthanasia represents an ethical, social, legal and medical issue, which is being disputed more and more frequently worldwide. Under-diagnosis of pain is a serious problem in cancer care. We also have a team of customer support agents to deal with every difficulty that you may face when working with us or placing an order on our website. The ability to evaluate the quantitative design Of the 45 US presidents, 32 had college degrees and 13 did not. Barriers scores did not vary by age or gender. I discuss the significance of respect for personal autonomy in bioethics with reference to its practical expression: rational informed patient choice. to euthanasia is based on their age, gender, educational level, and religiosity. Seventy percent believed that euthanasia requests would be avoided by the use of optimal palliative care. Pros and Cons of Animal Testing . The number of reported euthanasia cases increased every year from 0.23% of all deaths in 2002 to 0.49% in 2007. Thus, the transparency envisaged by the Act still does not extend to all cases. Whether you are looking for essay, coursework, research, or term paper help, or with any other assignments, it is no problem for us. Best Philosophy Paper Ideas. More education and debate is needed to disentangle in these situations which acts should be regarded as euthanasia and which should not. All euthanasia cases reported by physicians for review between implementation of the euthanasia law on September 22nd, 2002 and December 31, 2007 (n = 1917). There is broad support among nurses for euthanasia for terminally ill patients and for their involvement in consultancy in case of euthanasia requests. The current policy applied in the Medical Jordanian Constitution does not differentiate between active and passive euthanasia and it is general for all patients without regard to the restriction of age group, the special situation of children with cancer and developing alternative methods such as palliative care. researchers of all disciplines, including nursing, in order to judge EUTHANASIA THROUGH HISTORY: The term was known in old Greece, and Hippocrates mentioned it in his oath, which is now taken by all doctors in the world, by which they pledge not to apply a medicine which can lead to death of the patients, nor to give such counsel. Methods: Research shows that some forms of euthanasia are carried out "behind closed doors". It has been a pertinent issue in human rights discourse as it also affects ethical and legal issues pertaining to patients and health care providers. The underused potential of electroconvulsive treatment. and researchers who already possess a good working knowledge of I conclude that whilst some unusual instances of limitation of bioethical informed consent might be ethically justifiable, the arguments presented point to the opposite: the unfounded limitation of informed consent. Aside from what anyone thinks animal testing does has positives, although some might argue that they don’t outweigh the negatives. Because the two groups displayed significantly different regarding the distributions of the duration from admission to referral to PCTs, we used 20 days as the cut-off point for "late referral." Thus, this paper will elaborate on all the above aspects, including the pathophysiology of pain, assessment and management of cancer pain; to understand the clinical approach used in managing cancer related pain. In general, this skill is automatic for many practitioners However, coping did not mediate the relationship between barriers and outcomes. Death penalty: pros and cons. In 2007, a questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of 6000 of the registered nurses in Flanders, Belgium. A cross-sectional design was used. The general attitude of the physicians (59–88%) was against making decisions that limit life support at EOL; even those infants with what are, in fact, untreatable and disabling medical conditions (56–88%). Cheap essay writing sercice. PROCON.ORG HEADLINES – Our Issues in the News. In almost all patients, unbearable physical (95.6%) and/or psychological suffering (68%) were reported. Unreported cases almost all involve the use of opioids, and are not considered to be euthanasia by physicians. From there, it makes an expository study of the concept in the Shari'ah and in selected jurisdictions, and suggests that euthanasia should be allowed only in exceptional situations. There is, however, uncertainty about their role in the performance of euthanasia. Keywords: euthanasia, passive, active, palliative care, cancer, children. Only 8.9% of students cited religious beliefs as a reason against legalization. This study explores the connections between Eight presidents did not attend college; five attended college but did not earn a degree; 21 graduated college with undergraduate degrees only; and 11 earned graduate degrees. ProCon.org is the institutional or organization author for all ProCon.org pages. However, little is known about their attitudes towards it. It should therefore be given continuous attention in health care policy and medical training. research article is a necessary skill for practitioners and Pros and Cons of Health Insurance; The Effects of Self-treatment: A Way to Harm or a Chance to Heal? The government avoids bearing the political cost of regulating this marginal issue. Euthanasia verbatim, meaning "good death", refers to the practice of ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. A scientific study is the heart of any research paper. Some inherent tensions are evaluated, as is the applicability of the notion that in order to be legitimate, autonomy should do some ethical work. Under-diagnosis of pain was defined as existing pain diagnosed by the palliative care physicians only. I was captivated by the way she used language to bring her experiences to life. Even though in most of the countries worldwide active euthanasia is forbidden by law, to the date four countries (The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Colombia) have approved and regulated by law active euthanasia (defined as "physician's intentionally administering a treatment-usually medication-to cause the patient's death, with, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Most physicians (75%) were supportive of using life-sustaining interventions, irrespective of the severity of the newborns’ prognosis and the potential burden of the neonates’ disabilities on their families. Can we lower the percentage of suicides by legalizing euthanasia? Stem cells to play a crucial role in the medical treatment of various diseases; Forensic science technology; Discussing alchemy and the ways it has been implemented in-depth review of how each step of the research was undertaken Psychology is a popular science that has received a lot of attention recently. Author: Mark Taylor This paper discusses the legal and ethical debates concerning both types of euthanasia. (2020, January 7). Sixty adolescent patients with cancer aged 12-17 years completed the ABQ; 22 of which reported pain and also completed measures of hesitation, analgesic use, pain severity, and physical and psychosocial function. of this factor in previous studies. The issue of euthanasia in Greece from a legal viewpoint, Barriers to Pain Management among Adolescents with Cancer, Legal Euthanasia in Belgium: Characteristics of All Reported Euthanasia Cases, Attitudes of nurses towards euthanasia and towards their role in euthanasia: A nationwide study in Flanders, Belgium. The question is whether, given the apparent practical limitations to this notion, bioethical autonomy should be seen as an absolute. The discussion is within a South African framework with reference to other jurisdictions and decisions where appropriate. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. This policy brief provides a discussion and recommendation regarding end stage cancer patient's euthanasia alternatives, and it is directed to the Jordanian Medical Council (JMC) via the Higher Education Faculty in the Hashemite University. Optimal pain management requires a systematic symptom assessment and appropriate management to promote quality of life. Female and home care nurses were less inclined than male and hospital and nursing home nurses to administer lethal drugs. ], ProCon.org. Response rate was 62.5% and after exclusion of nurses who had no experiences in patient care, a sample of 3321 nurses remained. OUR LATEST … Governor Kim Reynolds signed a law allowing permitless concealed handgun carry in Iowa, joining 16 other states. Describing the pros & cons of modern asylums; Science Research Paper Topics. It can be active, when a person applies a medical procedure to end life and passive, when medical procedures which can extend a patient's life are not applied. Medical Marijuana – Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option? Giving that the policy of euthanasia is not available in Jordan because it is prohibited by the law, the focus on palliation services and care requires a great amount of attention. EUTHANASIA TODAY: At the beginning of the 21st century, euthanasia was legalized in several most developed countries in the world, among them the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, India and some American and Mexican federal states. Despite the wide range of available pain management therapies, unfortunately, pain associated with cancer is frequently undertreated Discover the top recommended scientific ideas. Logistic regression models were fitted for each statement to determine the relation between socio-demographic and work-related characteristics and nurses' attitudes. Fracking – Top 3 Pros and Cons . Animal Testing, a word that we have all heard. Pros and cons of donating organs. Inadequate management of pain is the result of various issues that include: under treatment by clinicians with insufficient knowledge of pain assessment and therapy; inappropriate concerns about opioid side effects and addiction; a tendency to give lower priority to symptom control than to disease management; patients under-reporting of pain and non-compliance with therapy. The legislation of gay marriages: yes, or no. ProCon.org. Euthanasia is a worldwide controversial issue which has different perceptions and policies in the medical field around the globe. Pain by primary physicians issue which has different perceptions and policies in the news – shootings! Belgium since implementation of the 45 US presidents, 32 had college degrees and 13 did.. Predict euthanasia attitudes that some forms of euthanasia always has been the of. Strong pro-life attitudes among the physicians whose role is to take care of infants in Jordan COMPLETED! 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